Did Biden Just Threaten American Citizens -- Again?

How did you folks miss

“If they want to take over the government”

If you decide to use violence in an endeavor like that… yes the full force of the US military and LE will descend on you.

You find this surprising?
That is if you believe the military will be 100% on one side in doing the deed.
A president could nullify removal by the 25th amendment, by sending seal team six after the Vice President. With no Vice President, there is no invocation of the 25th amendment.
Apparently you missed far more. There's no need to "take over" the government, seeing as how the American government is the "government of the people."

We own the government, the government doesn't own us. And when the government starts threatening the people, we have the constitutional right to terminate that government.

Do you find that surprising?

Neither 'owns' the other.

Only when the freely elected government is overthrown, like when a mob of losers stop the peaceful transition of government to the freely and legally elected officials, or when a former President, Vice-President and former head of the CIA assassinate the freely elected President, do the people have the responsibility to overthrow the false government.
Neither 'owns' the other.

Only when the freely elected government is overthrown, like when a mob of losers stop the peaceful transition of government to the freely and legally elected officials, or when a former President, Vice-President and former head of the CIA assassinate the freely elected President, do the people have the responsibility to overthrow the false government.
no one stopped anything, weird you say that.
That is total bullshit.

Find that in the Constitution. Oh wait. It’s not there.

What IS there is a description of the militia being used to put DOWN that sort of insurrection

You can't possibly be that stupid? It's right there in the preamble of the constitution:

Its first three words – “We The People” – affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens.

IN addition, the Declaration of Independence stated "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
You can't possibly be that stupid? It's right there in the preamble of the constitution:

Its first three words – “We The People” – affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens.

IN addition, the Declaration of Independence stated "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
And, the amendments make it legal to challenge the government.
Trump returned what he was asked to return. You remain an obtuse cuck. but because trump was president, he was allowed to have them.
Absolutely false.

Stop lying he dragged out that return for years and ultimately lied that all the classified (marked classified) docs had been returned.

They had to RAID his property in order to retrieve many of them
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It is your guy that is arguing that a POTUS has to have total immunity from the law in order to do their job. I am pretty sure you said you agreed with him.

Once again the left has blown up something Trump said, into something it's not. By "total immunity", he didn't mean the right to do anything he wants to. What he meant was that his acquittal by the Senate in his second impeachment trial makes him immune from prosecution.

The whole thing is just more scaremongering from the left. All they're trying to do is solidify their stupid idea that Trump incited an "insurrection".
How did you folks miss

“If they want to take over the government”

If you decide to use violence in an endeavor like that… yes the full force of the US military and LE will descend on you.

You find this surprising?
hey lesh....why did the capital police open the doors for these people and gave them a tour...shouldn't the place have been sealed long before they came.....hmmm

got so many questions i need answered

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