Did Anyone See It?Nancy Pelosi Giving Credit To Obama For Current Economic Conditions?,Dementia?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
I think I saw this on Fox And Ferrets. Not Sure, but I guess it was yesterday when I saw a Pelosi press conference where she was pissed over Trump gloating over how great the economy is now, and that he was taking all of the credit, then spoke of how the economy was booming under Obama and that Trump only inherited the economic times we are in today.
Maybe she was attempting to be a comedian?
:iyfyus.jpg: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :poke: :puhleeze: :poop:
The fundamentals for an economic mini-boom were in place early 2016 ... the markets held back until they found out where the economic boom would be ... and that depended on who was elected President that November ... there would have been this boom either way ...

What The Donald is gloating over is he got Congress to cut taxes ... and this has made the boom better ... but Federal spending is still increasing so our National Debt is growing ... Hillary would have raised taxes, gutted the boom and escalated spending by several magnitudes and driven the National Debt into orbit ...

We need Congress to cut spending ... vote wisely this November ... I don't care who you give credit to ... all the blame rests with Congress ...
They absolutely cannot give him credit on the economy or they lose in November.

Their problem is that after years of obvious bullshit on a massive scale their credibility is nil.

Whether or not it is justified or not the guy in the White House gets credit when the economy is doing well and blame when it it isn't. This will be true come November as well, hence all the attempts at denial and distraction.
The economy was so good under Obama my 401k lost thousands. Once Trump was elected it started growing again until I cashed it out. The dimtards all say this never happened but it surely did.
Mostly even academics do not discuss the Usury Economics with basis in the Moses Atrocity--Deut 23: 19-20--explained centuries later in Matthew 25: 14-30, Catholic or KJV. The deity legend likely even originates of the Subjugating House of Pharaoh of Egypt. Acts 7 makes the allusion, without so-stating: That the Moses legend was about the skills and arts of Egypt.

Apply a fixed percentage to lower, middle, and upper incomes alike: The rich get more, everyone else gets successively less in any interest, dividend, profit-sharing or other distribution forms. Pay raise or COLA's are known to be fixed percentage raised.

People unable to keep up with price inflation do not purchase goods and services supportive of the incomes and raises for the rich. A remedy is proposed in Matt 20: 1-16. Equal amount wages are paid regardless of original income levels at the start of the day. Gerald Ford / Romney Republicans created the equal amount per child tax credit to off-set the regressive, fixed percentage payroll tax.

Reagan actually created the concept of federal deficit spending for the rich. The poor were not keeping up, so the spending went to the already prosperous defense contractors instead.

The 2nd Bush Administration cut taxes as a stimulus. The poor were no longer federal income tax liable. It didn't work. Then mortgage rates adjusted upward--even Alan Greenspan saw it coming. The paper held by the rich was worthless, worldwide.

Obama created the tril. dollar annual federal deficits, weird public works. Obama created the "Make Work Pay Refundable Equal Amount Tax Credit," for all income levels--income tax liable or not.

Great Depression Two was staved off under Obama, though the basis arithmetic remained intact. The Republicans took the Christian Alternative of Matthew 20 away from the USA. Obama's credit was repealed after only two years in place. Exit Christ from USA, starting a Nationalist Supremacist revolution--in agenda.

The Trump Tax cuts went back to the rich.

Manufacturing employed started to fall off only months ago, shown even in the 2/7/20 report.

Trump's economy is only prosperous due $1.0 tril federal deficits for the already prosperous, again!

It's falling off already. The Trump Economy cannot even pay the bills of the federal government: In Thriving Times(?)! That is not even Keynesian.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Nationalist Supremacist Party of Trump, Versus The Democrats and The Republicans, (Romney was a GOP candidate for President, now appalled): The Nationalist Supremacist Party of Trump actually doesn't work at all, like some of its people!)
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Mostly even academics do not discuss the Usury Economics with basis in the Moses Atrocity--Deut 23: 19-20--explained centuries later in Matthew 25: 14-30, Catholic or KJV. The deity legend likely even originates of the Subjugating House Pharaoh of Egypt. Acts 7 makes the allusion, with so-stating: That the Moses legend was about the skills and arts of Egypt.

Apply a fixed percentage to lower, middle, and upper incomes alike: The rich get more, everyone else successively less in any interest, dividend, profit-sharing or other distribution forms. Pay raise or COLA's are known to be fixed percentage raised.

People unable to keep up with price inflation do not purchase goods and services supportive of the incomes and raises for the rich. A remedy is proposed in Matt 20: 1-16. Equal amount raises regardless of original income levels at the start of the day. Gerald Ford / Romney Republicans created the equal amount per child tax credit to off-set the regressive, fixed percentage payroll tax.

Reagan actually created the concept of federal deficit spending for the rich. The poor were not keeping, so the spending went to the already prosperous defense contractors instead.

The 2nd Bush Administration cut taxes as a stimulus. The poor were no longer federal income tax liable. It didn't work. Then mortgage rates adjusted upward--even Alan Greenspan saw it coming. The paper held by the rich was worthless, worldwide.

Obama created the tril. dollar annual federal deficits, weird public works. Obama created the "Make Work Pay Refundable Equal Amount Tax Credit," for all income levels--income tax liable or not.

Great Depression Two was staved off under Obama, though the basis arithmetic remained intact. The Republicans took the Christian Alternative of Matthew 20 away from the USA. Obama's credit was repealed after only two years in place. Exit Christ from USA, starting a Nationalist Supremacist revolution--in agenda.

The Trump Tax cuts went back to the rich.

Manufacturing employed started to fall off only months ago, shown even in the 2/7/20 report.

Trump's economy is only prosperous due $1.0 tril federal deficits for the already prosperous, again!

It's falling off already. The Trump Economy cannot even pay the bills of the federal government: In Thriving Times(?)! That is not even Keynesian.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Nationalist Supremacist Party of Trump, Versus The Democrats and The Republicans, (Romney was a GOP candidate for President, now appalled): The Nationalist Supremacist Party of Trump actually doesn't work at all, like some of its people!)
The liars never stop do they? You clowns don't know shit about the economy other than what some talking head moron feeds you.
Miketx shows the ignorance of the law--centuries going back. Mohammed the Prophet mainly warned against wealth from usury. Adam Smith took no notice. Karl Marx took no notice, even proposing in Agenda 5, "Communist Manifesto," Centralization of Credit--U.S. Federal Reserve. Keynes and Friedman took no notice, both supportive of Usury instead.

No one takes notice even now: Unlike posted by Miketx.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Search the textbooks of the children for the answers(?)? Nothing there will be found! Maybe in the Free Venice Beachhead there was something, 1980's time-frame.)
Miketx shows the ignorance of the law--centuries going back. Mohammed the Prophet mainly warned against wealth from usury. Adam Smith took no notice. Karl Marx took no notice, even proposing in Agenda 5, "Communist Manifesto," Centralization of Credit--U.S. Federal Reserve. Keynes and Friedman took no notice, both supportive of Usury instead.

No one takes notice even now: Unlike posted by Miketx.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Search the textbooks of the children for the answers(?)? Nothing there will be found! Maybe in the Free Venice Beachhead there was something, 1980's time-frame.)
Classic regressive libstain babble.
Miketx of the more Nationalist Supremacist brand: Driving the notes, financial paper, mortgages dollars back to worthlessness again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly: Teaching and publication is not possible, without the doctoral degree--unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort!)
I think I saw this on Fox And Ferrets. Not Sure, but I guess it was yesterday when I saw a Pelosi press conference where she was pissed over Trump gloating over how great the economy is now, and that he was taking all of the credit, then spoke of how the economy was booming under Obama and that Trump only inherited the economic times we are in today.
Maybe she was attempting to be a comedian?
:iyfyus.jpg: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :poke: :puhleeze: :poop:

That was a lovely press conference. It reminded me of the old Olivia DeHaviland film "The Snake Pit".

The economy was so good under Obama my 401k lost thousands. Once Trump was elected it started growing again until I cashed it out. The dimtards all say this never happened but it surely did.
maybe nancy was in a coma in 2009 when the dems crashed the system, then 94 million people were out of work?
I think I saw this on Fox And Ferrets. Not Sure, but I guess it was yesterday when I saw a Pelosi press conference where she was pissed over Trump gloating over how great the economy is now, and that he was taking all of the credit, then spoke of how the economy was booming under Obama and that Trump only inherited the economic times we are in today.
Maybe she was attempting to be a comedian?
:iyfyus.jpg: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :poke: :puhleeze: :poop:

The fundamentals for an economic mini-boom were in place early 2016 ... the markets held back until they found out where the economic boom would be ... and that depended on who was elected President that November ... there would have been this boom either way ...

What The Donald is gloating over is he got Congress to cut taxes ... and this has made the boom better ... but Federal spending is still increasing so our National Debt is growing ... Hillary would have raised taxes, gutted the boom and escalated spending by several magnitudes and driven the National Debt into orbit ...

We need Congress to cut spending ... vote wisely this November ... I don't care who you give credit to ... all the blame rests with Congress ...

Do you all realize that they are trying to convince everyone that after 8 years of Obysmal policies, they magically took hold after Trump was elected, and walla…….you have prosperity?

How dumb are you!

In essence, they are telling all of you that----------------->Trump got in, changed a bunch of stuff that Leftists fight against, but he didn't mess with it enough to stop the MIGHTY Obysmals economic expansion, lol. In uncertain terms trying to gaslight you to the fact...…….I suppose, that if Trump hadn't changed anything that they fought against, that the expansion would have been BETTER!

OK, lets talk about this, lol!

Let us suppose they are correct for the sake of argument. (I know, it is hard, but let us delve into this a little)

Now then------------->if Joe BITEme doesn't win the nomination, they are basically throwing out EVERYTHING Obama/Trump. So they are asking you to IGNORE the Obama recovery, ignore what Trump didn't screw up FROM the Obama recovery that has given us the best economy in certainly the last 15 years, and go with the CUBA model, or the Russia model, or the AOC model that hasn't done anything but cause misery!

And this is THEIR argument!

Are ANY of you buying their economic BULLSH**?
The economy was so good under Obama my 401k lost thousands. Once Trump was elected it started growing again until I cashed it out. The dimtards all say this never happened but it surely did.

People like you probably shouldn't have 401(k) plans ... I did so well under the Obama administration I was able to retire 15 years earlier than I planned ...

The liars never stop do they? You clowns don't know shit about the economy other than what some talking head moron feeds you.

After admitting losing your ass you then say others are ignorant of how the economy works ... that's pretty funny ...

I remember the day well, July 1st, 2008, I said in my heart that this recession wasn't going away and I should restructure to take advantage ... couple of months later the shit hit the fan ... anyway, seemed like I was keeping my head above water through 2009 and when I cycled my books in early 2010 ...

Holy shit ...

Earnings were in the Stratosphere ... my quarterlies were criminally deficient ... Lord Almighty did I make money during the recession ... literally taking money out of miketx 401(k) plan and putting it in my pocket ... thank you ... "A [blank] and their [blank] are soon [blank]" ... the Middle Class wouldn't be Middle Class if they understood the economy ... just saying ...
The fundamentals for an economic mini-boom were in place early 2016 ... the markets held back until they found out where the economic boom would be ... and that depended on who was elected President that November ... there would have been this boom either way ...

What The Donald is gloating over is he got Congress to cut taxes ... and this has made the boom better ... but Federal spending is still increasing so our National Debt is growing ... Hillary would have raised taxes, gutted the boom and escalated spending by several magnitudes and driven the National Debt into orbit ...

We need Congress to cut spending ... vote wisely this November ... I don't care who you give credit to ... all the blame rests with Congress ...
If I'm not wrong the House writes the budget and the President either has to sign it or get the blame for shutting down the government. We need to vote in Conservative members of the House if we ever want to get the budget under control or give the President the power of line item veto.
Miketx shows the ignorance of the law--centuries going back. Mohammed the Prophet mainly warned against wealth from usury. Adam Smith took no notice. Karl Marx took no notice, even proposing in Agenda 5, "Communist Manifesto," Centralization of Credit--U.S. Federal Reserve. Keynes and Friedman took no notice, both supportive of Usury instead.

No one takes notice even now: Unlike posted by Miketx.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Search the textbooks of the children for the answers(?)? Nothing there will be found! Maybe in the Free Venice Beachhead there was something, 1980's time-frame.)
During Obama's reign, most of the jobs created were part time. Less then 40 hours. Wage increases did not keep up with inflation and increases in medical insurance because of Obamacare and the Obamacare tax penalty hurt a lot of people. Disastrous energy policies spike the price of gasoline to 5 dollars a gallon in many areas. Cash for clunkers hurt a lot of people as it caused the cost of new and used cars to increase. The infrastructure bill did nothing but be put into failing unions and retirees along with the GM bailout. That is just some of what Obama did.

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