Dick Cheney pwns Obama at ceremony....


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
At Bush Library groundbreaking ceremony.......... Cheney, never one to pass on an opportunity to say it like it is, mocks Obama, "This is a shovel ready project!!"

George W. Bush: George W. Bush breaks ground on presidential center - WPMT


More people need to call out President Obama on this phoney double speak crap intended to dupe those who dont pay attention. So nice to hear somebody like a Dick Cheney......who always says it like it is.
I went to the Clinton Center last weekend... pretty damn dull. Looked like a trailer. Why do they build these things?
At Bush Library groundbreaking ceremony.......... Cheney, never one to pass on an opportunity to say it like it is, mocks Obama, "This is a shovel ready project!!"

George W. Bush: George W. Bush breaks ground on presidential center - WPMT


More people need to call out President Obama on this phoney double speak crap intended to dupe those who dont pay attention. So nice to hear somebody like a Dick Cheney......who always says it like it is.
Poor Cheney doesn't look like he'll be around much longer.
The stimulus worked you brick brained cavilers.

yeah.....but only in the minds of the internet OCD left. Nobody else.

Truth s0n............you're so far beyond gone its not real. We had an election two weeks ago ( tonight actually:lol:). The side that championed "stimulus" got their asses handed to them............in fact, Im still laughing about it. The only Dems that even utter the word "stimulus" these days hail from exceedingly far left congressional districts

The fact that Bush is all over the airwaves this week makes it all the more laughable..........like a second kick in the balls of the k00ks!!!

And the Cheney comment today? Fcukking priceless..........:fu::D:lmao::funnyface::boobies::fu::lmao::funnyface::D:boobies::fu:
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The stimulus worked you brick brained cavilers.

If by "worked" you mean "paid Obama's special interests back for the money they donated to his campaign" then I suppose you are right.

If you mean jump started the economy and provided jobs for out of work americans, then you are way off.

By the way, enjoying the inflation yet?
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The stimulus worked you brick brained cavilers.

yeh you stoopid pee brained poo pee heads.......and the President did a tremendous job making a deal with India where we picked up 50,00 jobs for our Citizens.....

The jobs kick in in two years,sorry.....but a tremendous victory for our little community organizer....right? right?:clap2::clap2::tongue:

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