Devin Nunes Caught Being Devin Nunes Again.....The Par-naaass Edition


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Devin Nunes now remembers talking to Giuliani associate Lev Parnas after previously saying he couldn't recall his name

I know you Trumpers worship your cult leader -- but after the Trump era is over -- can we please just admit that Devin Nunes is one of the worst most blatant partisan hacks in Congress? If you don't agree -- name me someone who has the track record this guy does??

Well after claiming not to know or to not recall having a conversation with Lev "Par-Naasss" (which is how you say his name when you are horribly trying to pretend you don't know someone) -- and even claiming it was Lev's wife who called him --- now he suddenly remembers talking to Lev right at the time Lev went public on the nightly news interview circuit...

"Devin Nunes has said he now remembers a phone call he had with Rudy Giuliani and his indicted associate Lev Parnas, a month after the House Intelligence Committee released call logs involving the trio. The California Rep. told Fox News on Wednesday night that he "just didn't know the name" when the data was first released, noting that his office was "dealing with people every day." He also recalled going back to check where he was when the phone call took place, describing the conversation as "very odd" and "random."

I have seen quite a few people refer to this Lev guy as some odd nut-ball type of character -- my question the fuck does he know everyone involved in this Ukrainian shake down?? Not only does he know Devin, but he has also had Skype meetings with Devin's staff aide Derek Harvey, he is a client of Giuliani's, he was text buddies with GOP mastermind Robert Hyde, met with Zelensky to get him to announce and investigation, met Poroshenko to get dirt on the Bidens, he knew Trump himself....

Hell... he knew everybody but who we needed him to know... Hunter if he had back and forth messages between him and the Bidens, he would be a conservative hero again.....maybe that evidence will come soon enough during the Impeachment trial...

By the way, Kenneth Starr will be one of the lawyers defending Trump during the impeachment trial...adorable...
It will make no difference. It will change no one's mind.

Democrats have no cred at this point. Parnas is just another ornament.
What is Michael Cohen doing now?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

What will Lev Parnas be doing in a few months?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

Any idea where this is going?
What is Michael Cohen doing now?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

What will Lev Parnas be doing in a few months?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

Any idea where this is going?
Did someone say waking up with c*cks in mouths?? Sign me up sailor!!!
What is Michael Cohen doing now?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

What will Lev Parnas be doing in a few months?

A. Hurting the Trump 2020 campaign
B. Vacationing in the Bahamas
C. Waking up every morning with convict c*ck in his mouth

Any idea where this is going?

Yes, 6 involved with tramp has been indicted, how about Rudolph. They are tramps mob men, no doubt about it.

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