Despite the Math, Bernie's Already Won.

That sounds like Saddam Hussein saying he is beating the shit out of us as his Republican Guard suffers one humiliating defeat after another. Pathetic shit!
That sounds like Saddam Hussein saying he is beating the shit out of us as his Republican Guard suffers one humiliating defeat after another. Pathetic shit!
Bernie v Trump!
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
How can you people support a guy, whose ideology has ruined every country it's touched? Have you seen the stories of Venezuela in the news? Name one thing going on there, that's 'good'?

The same douche bags worshiped Chavez......
This ain't Venezuela, Toto:

"Even men who were engaged in organizing debt-serf cultivation and debt-serf industrialism in the American cotton districts, in the old rubber plantations, and in the factories of India, China, and South Italy, appeared as generous supporters of and subscribers to the sacred cause of individual liberty. —H. G. Wells, The Shape of Things to

"Come ever before have so many Americans gone so deeply into debt so willingly. Housing prices have swollen to the point that we’ve taken to calling a mortgage—by far the largest debt most of us will ever incur—an 'investment.'

"Sure, the thinking goes, $100,000 borrowed today will cost more than $200,000 to pay back over the next thirty years, but land, which they are not making any more of, will appreciate even faster.

"In the odd logic of the real estate bubble, debt has come to equal wealth.

"And not only wealth but freedom—an even stranger paradox."
It's not a conspiracy that the bank accounts of America's wealthy went through the roof after WWII... This is /not/ a hard concept folks; almost every other industrial nation was leveled during WWII, America was it - of course the folks producing shit made bank. The wealthy invested that and grew it further because they're financially intelligent.

NONE of that has shit to do with the state of the global market today - today the US is competing with what 12 nations now? And we're losing, we don't make shit anymore all we do is spend money we don't have. Whining about what happened in the past is stupid and just an excuse to avoid dealing with the reality of today - and that reality is that we cannot support the shit Sander's wants. We can't even support Obama's ACA idea, the insurance providers are like "oh, yer not gonna bail out your program anymore? Well fuck off then." Pretty soon /no one/ will accept it.

But yea sure, lets watch Sander's magically make up the estimated $5 trillion dollar budget discrepancy he has by jacking the taxes on businesses then asking these same insurance providers to /lower/ their costs - which they've already said they won't do for ACA. I'm not even going to get into the colossal waste of money free college would be - we're talking about it supposedly helping out kids who can't even finish HS here, give me a break. (As an example, all five of my kids had free college (we paid) only two of them went, and one of them only took 4 years of their masters before jumping ship, the two completely blew it off because they found great jobs right off the bat, and the last kid (who's 16) is on the path to blowing it off because he's gonna be hooked up in an intern state job this summer...)
The US is the richest state in history, and it has never been richer.
Facts have no place in this 'discussion'. What were you thinking of?
My bad.
Sometimes I just can't help myself:

"After all, debt throughout most of history has been little more than a slight variation on slavery.

"Debtors were medieval peons or Indians bonded to Spanish plantations or the sharecropping children of slaves in the postbellum South.

"Few Americans today would volunteer for such an arrangement, and therefore would-be lords and barons have been forced to develop more sophisticated enticements. The solution they found is brilliant, and although it is complex, it can be reduced to a single word—rent.

"Not the rent that apartment dwellers pay the landlord but economic rent, which is the profit one earns simply by owning something.

"Economic rent can take the form of licensing fees for the radio spectrum, interest on a savings account, dividends from a stock, or the capital gain from selling a home or vacant lot.

"The distinguishing characteristic of economic rent is that earning it requires no effort whatsoever.

"Indeed, the regular rent tenants pay landlords becomes economic rent only after subtracting whatever amount the landlord actually spent to keep the place standing.

"Most members of the rentier class are very rich..."
  1. a person living on income from property or investments."
The US is the richest state in history, and it has never been richer.
Facts have no place in this 'discussion'. What were you thinking of?
My bad.
Sometimes I just can't help myself:

"After all, debt throughout most of history has been little more than a slight variation on slavery.

"Debtors were medieval peons or Indians bonded to Spanish plantations or the sharecropping children of slaves in the postbellum South.

"Few Americans today would volunteer for such an arrangement, and therefore would-be lords and barons have been forced to develop more sophisticated enticements. The solution they found is brilliant, and although it is complex, it can be reduced to a single word—rent.

"Not the rent that apartment dwellers pay the landlord but economic rent, which is the profit one earns simply by owning something.

"Economic rent can take the form of licensing fees for the radio spectrum, interest on a savings account, dividends from a stock, or the capital gain from selling a home or vacant lot.

"The distinguishing characteristic of economic rent is that earning it requires no effort whatsoever.

"Indeed, the regular rent tenants pay landlords becomes economic rent only after subtracting whatever amount the landlord actually spent to keep the place standing.

"Most members of the rentier class are very rich..."
  1. a person living on income from property or investments."

I'm confused by what your goal is then. Are you saying you want no one to own anything? Have you been to societies that operate on that system?

Do you know why anyone anywhere, invests money to anything? Because they own it. If they didn't own it, they wouldn't invest any money into it.

Take Haiti.... after the Earthquake in 2010, billions of dollars poured into Haiti. This is Haiti TODAY five years later.


Billions of dollars poured in, and still even to this very day, huge sections of Haiti are still rubble.

Why? Because the protections on squatters, and lack of clearly defined property rights, makes it nearly impossible to build.

Your home is damaged in the quake. You move out for safety reasons. Before you can tear down the building to rebuild your home, squatters move in, and now you are stuck. You can't force them out, and can't rebuild with them there.

So they desert the property, and it remains in ruins.

What does that sound like? New Yorks rent controls.


In a city plagued with homelessness, empty abandoned apartment buildings sit in the middle of the city.

Why? Rent controls make it unprofitable to own. So the owners deserted them, and now no one owns them, and no one lives in them.

That's your idea of a better system?

What exactly is your plan?
I'm confused by what your goal is then. Are you saying you want no one to own anything? Have you been to societies that operate on that system?

Do you know why anyone anywhere, invests money to anything? Because they own it. If they didn't own it, they wouldn't invest any money into it.
I don't want to see rich people "own" poor people through the "magic of compound interest." (p.31)

"The exponential growth of savings (= other peoples’ debts)

"One of Adam Smith’s contemporaries, the Anglican minister and actuarial mathematician Richard Price, graphically explained the seemingly magical nature of how debts multiplied exponentially.

"As he described in his 1772 Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the National Debt: Money bearing compound interest increases at first slowly. But, the rate of increase being continually accelerated, it becomes in some time so rapid, as to mock all the powers of the imagination.

"One penny, put out at our Saviour’s birth at 5% compound interest, would, before this time, have increased to a greater sum than would be obtained in a 150 millions of Earths, all solid gold. But if put out to simple interest, it would, in the same time, have amounted to no more than 7 shillings 4½d."

Haiti might be a useful example of debt servitude as it began as a slave colony furnishing the 1% of its day with the cheapest of all possible labor. The misery we see there today has far more to do with an event in 1804 than with an earthquake in 2010:

"The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]), was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804.

"It impacted the institution of slavery throughout the Americas.

"Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti.[2][3][4]

"It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior.[5]"
Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm confused by what your goal is then. Are you saying you want no one to own anything? Have you been to societies that operate on that system?

Do you know why anyone anywhere, invests money to anything? Because they own it. If they didn't own it, they wouldn't invest any money into it.
I don't want to see rich people "own" poor people through the "magic of compound interest." (p.31)

"The exponential growth of savings (= other peoples’ debts)

"One of Adam Smith’s contemporaries, the Anglican minister and actuarial mathematician Richard Price, graphically explained the seemingly magical nature of how debts multiplied exponentially.

"As he described in his 1772 Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the National Debt: Money bearing compound interest increases at first slowly. But, the rate of increase being continually accelerated, it becomes in some time so rapid, as to mock all the powers of the imagination.

"One penny, put out at our Saviour’s birth at 5% compound interest, would, before this time, have increased to a greater sum than would be obtained in a 150 millions of Earths, all solid gold. But if put out to simple interest, it would, in the same time, have amounted to no more than 7 shillings 4½d."

Haiti might be a useful example of debt servitude as it began as a slave colony furnishing the 1% of its day with the cheapest of all possible labor. The misery we see there today has far more to do with an event in 1804 than with an earthquake in 2010:

"The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]), was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804.

"It impacted the institution of slavery throughout the Americas.

"Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti.[2][3][4]

"It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior.[5]"
Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's funny... because the Haiti is clearly not better off today.


So liberated.... Look at the achievement of the left-wing in Haiti. Can't wait to have that here.
I'm confused by what your goal is then. Are you saying you want no one to own anything? Have you been to societies that operate on that system?

Do you know why anyone anywhere, invests money to anything? Because they own it. If they didn't own it, they wouldn't invest any money into it.
I don't want to see rich people "own" poor people through the "magic of compound interest." (p.31)

"The exponential growth of savings (= other peoples’ debts)

"One of Adam Smith’s contemporaries, the Anglican minister and actuarial mathematician Richard Price, graphically explained the seemingly magical nature of how debts multiplied exponentially.

"As he described in his 1772 Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the National Debt: Money bearing compound interest increases at first slowly. But, the rate of increase being continually accelerated, it becomes in some time so rapid, as to mock all the powers of the imagination.

"One penny, put out at our Saviour’s birth at 5% compound interest, would, before this time, have increased to a greater sum than would be obtained in a 150 millions of Earths, all solid gold. But if put out to simple interest, it would, in the same time, have amounted to no more than 7 shillings 4½d."

Haiti might be a useful example of debt servitude as it began as a slave colony furnishing the 1% of its day with the cheapest of all possible labor. The misery we see there today has far more to do with an event in 1804 than with an earthquake in 2010:

"The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]), was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804.

"It impacted the institution of slavery throughout the Americas.

"Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti.[2][3][4]

"It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior.[5]"
Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's funny... because the Haiti is clearly not better off today.

View attachment 69766

So liberated.... Look at the achievement of the left-wing in Haiti. Can't wait to have that here.

The history of free trade zones the Republic of Haiti
I'm confused by what your goal is then. Are you saying you want no one to own anything? Have you been to societies that operate on that system?

Do you know why anyone anywhere, invests money to anything? Because they own it. If they didn't own it, they wouldn't invest any money into it.
I don't want to see rich people "own" poor people through the "magic of compound interest." (p.31)

"The exponential growth of savings (= other peoples’ debts)

"One of Adam Smith’s contemporaries, the Anglican minister and actuarial mathematician Richard Price, graphically explained the seemingly magical nature of how debts multiplied exponentially.

"As he described in his 1772 Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the National Debt: Money bearing compound interest increases at first slowly. But, the rate of increase being continually accelerated, it becomes in some time so rapid, as to mock all the powers of the imagination.

"One penny, put out at our Saviour’s birth at 5% compound interest, would, before this time, have increased to a greater sum than would be obtained in a 150 millions of Earths, all solid gold. But if put out to simple interest, it would, in the same time, have amounted to no more than 7 shillings 4½d."

Haiti might be a useful example of debt servitude as it began as a slave colony furnishing the 1% of its day with the cheapest of all possible labor. The misery we see there today has far more to do with an event in 1804 than with an earthquake in 2010:

"The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]), was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804.

"It impacted the institution of slavery throughout the Americas.

"Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti.[2][3][4]

"It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior.[5]"
Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's funny... because the Haiti is clearly not better off today.

View attachment 69766

So liberated.... Look at the achievement of the left-wing in Haiti. Can't wait to have that here.

The history of free trade zones the Republic of Haiti

And you people on the left won those fights.... which is why Haiti is still an impoverished hell hole. The picture I posted isn't from 2003 like your, it's from 2015.

You keep singing the praises, while I post present day pictures of hellish existences.

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