Despicable Leftist Kavanaugh SMEAR Details Starting To Be Exposed

Much ado about nothing. This is where this story originated; Infowars,



So this turned into the greatest news scoop of the day.
There's a reason why lie detector results are not permissible in Court. They are notoriously unreliable.

What we have here is a uncorroborated, contradicted, ancient account of an encounter that, even if it did occur, was a nothing burger.

He tried to REMOVE HER ONE-PIECE BATHING SUIT UNDER HER CLOTHING? Really? How (the fuck) is that done, exactly? It is not even remotely possible.

This is WORSE than Anita Hill. Anita Hill was telling the truth, but the truth was nothing more than boorish behavior. Here we have a blatant liar, a partisan, and the Democrats are screaming that the accused MUST PROVE HIS INNOCENCE.

Worse than Anita Hill.

As much as you Leftists delight in asking Conservatives how we can stick with Trump, one has to ask, how can YOU stick with a party that is so obviously determined to circumvent elections, the law, and the Constitution...EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR?
Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of Accuser’s Family Home

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, a state court judge in Maryland, briefly presided over the foreclosure of a property owned by the parents of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the California researcher who accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault."

Ford now claims she never told anyone about the incident she now claims happened because she was afraid to. Evidently she finally felt safe enough in the 11th hour right before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

"Ford asserts that the attack was so severe, she thought Kavanaugh was going to “inadvertently” kill her, claiming, “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

The professor says that the assault only came to a stop when a third person, Mark Judge, intervened and jumped on top of them.

However, Judge has completely denied that the incident ever took place."

Feinstein had this story since JULY but sat on it until just before the Confirmation!

"It has since emerged that Ford has a history of left-wing political activism;

She signed a letter attacking Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, asserting that it was “violating fundamental human rights”.

– Ford attended a women’s march event and even wore a version of the infamous “pussy hat” made to look like a brain."

– Records show that Ford donated to the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Friends Of Bernie Sanders.

– Perhaps in an attempt to hide her motives, Ford scrubbed her social media presence before the allegations came to light."

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

Great another rape supporter :rolleyes:

Whether you like it or not, there is something called due process. Oh and innocent until proven guilty.

You mean like with Hillary and Obama?
what's that got to do with this ford lady?
Whether you like it or not, there is something called due process. Oh and innocent until proven guilty.
Oh I know, but Liberals do not give a $hit about due process. They run their 'Politics of Personal Destruction' through the 'court of public opinion' via their surrogate terrorist propaganda-pushing fake news media to literally destroy people's lives without having to prove what they are saying.

Feinstein does not give a damn about women or Ford, the accuser. She held onto this since July, meaning she was only concerned with holding onto it when it was a last-ditch effort to derail the Confirmation.

If you want to try this case in the 'court of public opinion', let's do it:

Democrats have a recorded, proven history of pulling this BS over and over and over again.
Comrade Feinstein held onto this since July as a 'last resort', not for any justice for women / Ford
The accuser's family holds a grudge against the Kavanaughs over the foreclosure his mother presided over for a time
Her only 'witness' she claims was right there declares, "IT DID NOT HAPPEN!"
The accuser is an admitted Trump-Hater
The accuser is a Liberal, pussy hat-wearing / marching Progressive activist
65 women have come forward to testify Kavanaugh is a moral, ethical, good man who would never do such a thing
Schumer even praised Kavanaugh

The woman who started all of this is a ChiComm supporter who became filthy stinking rich crawling into bed with them.
Feinstein harbored a Chinese spy and facilitated Chinese espionage for 20 years in exchange for millions.
Shem Schumer, and Pelosi publicly declared they were 100% committed to opposing anything Trump wanted to do and would do anything to stop him.

Liberals better be glad this one is not going to be decided by the 'Court of PUBLIC OPINION' because they are going to lose BIG TIME...furthermore, tactics and displays like this are only going to disgust and enrage Americans even more, causing another backlash in the mid-terms!

One of the main reasons the Democrats / Hillary were REJECTED in 2016 was because Americans were SICK AND TIRED of the corruption, crime, treason, tricks, despicable acts, the 'do anything to seize power / obstruct' bullshit from the left rather than Democrats making any kind of a positive case for why they should be elected, what they have to offer.

If this does go to court, when her 'witness' testifies she is lying her ass off, I hope they throw the book at HER!
Whether you like it or not, there is something called due process. Oh and innocent until proven guilty.
Oh I know, but Liberals do not give a $hit about due process. They run their 'Politics of Personal Destruction' through the 'court of public opinion' via their surrogate terrorist propaganda-pushing fake news media to literally destroy people's lives without having to prove what they are saying.

Feinstein does not give a damn about women or Ford, the accuser. She held onto this since July, meaning she was only concerned with holding onto it when it was a last-ditch effort to derail the Confirmation.

If you want to try this case in the 'court of public opinion', let's do it:

Democrats have a recorded, proven history of pulling this BS over and over and over again.
Comrade Feinstein held onto this since July as a 'last resort', not for any justice for women / Ford
The accuser's family holds a grudge against the Kavanaughs over the foreclosure his mother presided over for a time
Her only 'witness' she claims was right there declares, "IT DID NOT HAPPEN!"
The accuser is an admitted Trump-Hater
The accuser is a Liberal, pussy hat-wearing / marching Progressive activist
65 women have come forward to testify Kavanaugh is a moral, ethical, good man who would never do such a thing
Schumer even praised Kavanaugh

The woman who started all of this is a ChiComm supporter who became filthy stinking rich crawling into bed with them.
Feinstein harbored a Chinese spy and facilitated Chinese espionage for 20 years in exchange for millions.
Shem Schumer, and Pelosi publicly declared they were 100% committed to opposing anything Trump wanted to do and would do anything to stop him.

Liberals better be glad this one is not going to be decided by the 'Court of PUBLIC OPINION' because they are going to lose BIG TIME...furthermore, tactics and displays like this are only going to disgust and enrage Americans even more, causing another backlash in the mid-terms!

One of the main reasons the Democrats / Hillary were REJECTED in 2016 was because Americans were SICK AND TIRED of the corruption, crime, treason, tricks, despicable acts, the 'do anything to seize power / obstruct' bullshit from the left rather than Democrats making any kind of a positive case for why they should be elected, what they have to offer.

If this does go to court, when her 'witness' testifies she is lying her ass off, I hope they throw the book at HER!
no we let them do that.
Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of Accuser’s Family Home

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, a state court judge in Maryland, briefly presided over the foreclosure of a property owned by the parents of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the California researcher who accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault."

Ford now claims she never told anyone about the incident she now claims happened because she was afraid to. Evidently she finally felt safe enough in the 11th hour right before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

"Ford asserts that the attack was so severe, she thought Kavanaugh was going to “inadvertently” kill her, claiming, “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

The professor says that the assault only came to a stop when a third person, Mark Judge, intervened and jumped on top of them.

However, Judge has completely denied that the incident ever took place."

Feinstein had this story since JULY but sat on it until just before the Confirmation!

"It has since emerged that Ford has a history of left-wing political activism;

She signed a letter attacking Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, asserting that it was “violating fundamental human rights”.

– Ford attended a women’s march event and even wore a version of the infamous “pussy hat” made to look like a brain."

– Records show that Ford donated to the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Friends Of Bernie Sanders.

– Perhaps in an attempt to hide her motives, Ford scrubbed her social media presence before the allegations came to light."

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC


Mike Judge?

Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of Accuser’s Family Home

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, a state court judge in Maryland, briefly presided over the foreclosure of a property owned by the parents of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the California researcher who accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault."

Ford now claims she never told anyone about the incident she now claims happened because she was afraid to. Evidently she finally felt safe enough in the 11th hour right before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

"Ford asserts that the attack was so severe, she thought Kavanaugh was going to “inadvertently” kill her, claiming, “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

The professor says that the assault only came to a stop when a third person, Mark Judge, intervened and jumped on top of them.

However, Judge has completely denied that the incident ever took place."

Feinstein had this story since JULY but sat on it until just before the Confirmation!

"It has since emerged that Ford has a history of left-wing political activism;

She signed a letter attacking Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, asserting that it was “violating fundamental human rights”.

– Ford attended a women’s march event and even wore a version of the infamous “pussy hat” made to look like a brain."

– Records show that Ford donated to the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Friends Of Bernie Sanders.

– Perhaps in an attempt to hide her motives, Ford scrubbed her social media presence before the allegations came to light."

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

Great another rape supporter :rolleyes:

Whether you like it or not, there is something called due process. Oh and innocent until proven guilty.

After 8 years of you rubes inventing nonsense and spitting at due process under Obama, excuse me if I support a women risking everything to come forward about a man, who I already viewed as evil, trying to rape her.
Funny that the female Liberal lawyer who has rushed to Ford's side to represent her is a liberal lawyer notorious for downplaying and dismissing allegations made by women against Democratic politicians -- including former President Bill Clinton and former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken.

Lawyer for Kavanaugh accuser downplayed sexual misconduct allegations against Clinton, Franken

It is being reported that Hillary Clinton, still waking up and confused after her afternoon nap. heard 'rape allegations' and immediately began screaming Ford was a trailer-trash whore who only emerged because someone dragged a dollar bill through her trailer park and how Bill never touched her. Once she was calmed down and the situation explained, Hillary offered to comfort the poor, dear sweet child, a victim of conservative rapists.... :p

(Relax, snowflakes - it was a joke)
Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of Accuser’s Family Home

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, a state court judge in Maryland, briefly presided over the foreclosure of a property owned by the parents of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the California researcher who accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault."

Ford now claims she never told anyone about the incident she now claims happened because she was afraid to. Evidently she finally felt safe enough in the 11th hour right before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

"Ford asserts that the attack was so severe, she thought Kavanaugh was going to “inadvertently” kill her, claiming, “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

The professor says that the assault only came to a stop when a third person, Mark Judge, intervened and jumped on top of them.

However, Judge has completely denied that the incident ever took place."

Feinstein had this story since JULY but sat on it until just before the Confirmation!

"It has since emerged that Ford has a history of left-wing political activism;

She signed a letter attacking Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, asserting that it was “violating fundamental human rights”.

– Ford attended a women’s march event and even wore a version of the infamous “pussy hat” made to look like a brain."

– Records show that Ford donated to the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Friends Of Bernie Sanders.

– Perhaps in an attempt to hide her motives, Ford scrubbed her social media presence before the allegations came to light."

Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC

Great another rape supporter :rolleyes:

Whether you like it or not, there is something called due process. Oh and innocent until proven guilty.

After 8 years of you rubes inventing nonsense and spitting at due process under Obama, excuse me if I support a women risking everything to come forward about a man, who I already viewed as evil, trying to rape her.
risking everything?

great. another nike hero in the making.
After 8 years of you rubes inventing nonsense and spitting at due process under Obama, excuse me if I support a women risking everything to come forward about a man, who I already viewed as evil, trying to rape her.
Is this your excuse for / an attempted distraction of your lying about Ford being raped by Kavanaugh earlier?
Voters will decide. This rapist won’t get his seat before the new Congress sits.
The only one who should be on the defensive, is this fool mud-slinger, for her idiotic, baseless, accusation scam. At this point, anyone who would pay her for advice of any kind, really would need to go get their head examined (by someone credible)
Yeah, her first relay of her experience was in 2012 during therapy. With the therapy notes to prove it. And have witnesses affirming that she cited Kavanaugh as her attacker years before Kavanaugh's hearing or Trump's presidency.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't preceded it by half a decade.

And she passed a lie detector test.

Show me Kavanaugh's lie detector results again.
Lie detector test was done by a private citizen -no official status. The lie detector clerk could be just as deceitful as Ford herself.
Voters will decide. This rapist won’t get his seat before the new Congress sits.
The only one who should be on the defensive, is this fool mud-slinger, for her idiotic, baseless, accusation scam. At this point, anyone who would pay her for advice of any kind, really would need to go get their head examined (by someone credible)
Unless you are talking about Feinstein or Ford's lawyer I must degree. The courts have ruled with good reason that recovered memory "therapy" is simply an effective brainwashing technique that was inflicted on Ford.
This will not work least not with people outside of the swamp...we are tired of these tactics and are wise to them like never before...
True. How many times do they think they can get away with 35 year old BS, that no one bothered to talk about until right before an election, or a SCOTUS nomination ? News media should be tarred and feathered, for treating these fantasies seriously.
Blasey Ford Fondeled Me When She was my Professor in College.

Now that is a Flat Out Lie, because She is a Carpet Muncher and is not down with the Sausage Party.

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