Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
November 2 marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which began the still-ongoing colonisation of Palestine and sowed the seeds of an endless nightmare for the Palestinian people, both those who were forced to flee at gunpoint and those who have managed to remain in the shredded remains of their homeland under Israel’s brutal military occupation.

A movement called the Balfour Declaration Centenary Campaign is urging action and wants an apology. “We call on the international community and all peace and justice loving people to join the campaign to call on the Government and Parliament of the United Kingdom to:

1 Reject the Balfour Declaration including its role as an instrument of displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people;

2 Issue an official apology to the Arab Palestinian people for their role in issuing the Balfour Declaration and making possible the displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people

3 Acknowledge their historic, legal and moral responsibility for damages sustained as a result of the implementation of the Balfour Declaration

4 Institute reparations to the Palestinian people in accordance with the provisions and principles of international law, justice and equity, which guarantee the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and the right of self-determination.”
Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal – Part 1 | Veterans Today

The Time is Right
November 2 marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which began the still-ongoing colonisation of Palestine and sowed the seeds of an endless nightmare for the Palestinian people, both those who were forced to flee at gunpoint and those who have managed to remain in the shredded remains of their homeland under Israel’s brutal military occupation.

A movement called the Balfour Declaration Centenary Campaign is urging action and wants an apology. “We call on the international community and all peace and justice loving people to join the campaign to call on the Government and Parliament of the United Kingdom to:

1 Reject the Balfour Declaration including its role as an instrument of displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people;

2 Issue an official apology to the Arab Palestinian people for their role in issuing the Balfour Declaration and making possible the displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people

3 Acknowledge their historic, legal and moral responsibility for damages sustained as a result of the implementation of the Balfour Declaration

4 Institute reparations to the Palestinian people in accordance with the provisions and principles of international law, justice and equity, which guarantee the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and the right of self-determination.”
Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal – Part 1 | Veterans Today

The Time is Right

Any mention in that long cut and paste about the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians returning the UNRWA welfare fraud money?
There was a Jewish state in the Holy Land some 3,000 years ago, but the Canaanites and Philistines were there first. The Jews, one of several invading groups, left and returned several times, and were expelled by the Roman occupation in 70AD and again in 135AD. Since the 7th century Palestine has been mainly Arabic. During the First World War the country was ‘liberated’ from Turkish Ottoman rule after the Allied Powers, in correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon and Sharif Hussein ibn Ali of Mecca in 1915, promised independence to Arab leaders in return for their help in defeating Germany’s ally.

At the same time, however, a new Jewish political movement called Zionism was finding favour among the ruling élite in London, and the British Government was persuaded by the Zionists’ chief spokesman, Chaim Weizman, to surrender Palestine for their new Jewish homeland. Hardly a thought, it seems, was given to the earlier pledge to the Arabs, who had occupied and owned the land for 1,500 years – longer, say some scholars, than the Jews ever did.

Rome got rid of the trouble makers, the ones who continuously caused the civil wars, the Maccabean Revolts. They did allow those who worked the land to stay, those who have been there for centuries , The difference between some Canaanites and some Palestinians are null and void. The difference between Canaanites and Jews are also null and void, since they all intermarried. I would suggest some of the Israelis Jews there are closer generationally to the Palestinians, than they are to the Hasidic and even to each other, esp with so many Russian Israelis(Jews) there.
November 2 marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which began the still-ongoing colonisation of Palestine and sowed the seeds of an endless nightmare for the Palestinian people, both those who were forced to flee at gunpoint and those who have managed to remain in the shredded remains of their homeland under Israel’s brutal military occupation.

A movement called the Balfour Declaration Centenary Campaign is urging action and wants an apology. “We call on the international community and all peace and justice loving people to join the campaign to call on the Government and Parliament of the United Kingdom to:

1 Reject the Balfour Declaration including its role as an instrument of displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people;

2 Issue an official apology to the Arab Palestinian people for their role in issuing the Balfour Declaration and making possible the displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people

3 Acknowledge their historic, legal and moral responsibility for damages sustained as a result of the implementation of the Balfour Declaration

4 Institute reparations to the Palestinian people in accordance with the provisions and principles of international law, justice and equity, which guarantee the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and the right of self-determination.”
Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal – Part 1 | Veterans Today

The Time is Right

dont like being treated as the scum you are dont try and wipe out the Jews who own Israel. I will refuse now on behalf of Britain to apologise for treating the arab muslmims fairly and granting them 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire.

Refuse to reject the Balfour declaration without also rejecting the various mandates that brought islamic nations into existence.

Deny any responsibility for damages sustained as a result of the Balfour Declaration because it was never implemented

Offer no reparations until the Jews and Israel are first given their lands back and the muslims accept that they have no legal rights to mecca and medina
fanger, et al,

This serves no useful purpose other than to provide the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) another incitement to avoid peace.

November 2 marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which began the still-ongoing colonisation of Palestine and sowed the seeds of an endless nightmare for the Palestinian people, both those who were forced to flee at gunpoint and those who have managed to remain in the shredded remains of their homeland under Israel’s brutal military occupation.

A movement called the Balfour Declaration Centenary Campaign is urging action and wants an apology. “We call on the international community and all peace and justice loving people to join the campaign to call on the Government and Parliament of the United Kingdom to:

1 Reject the Balfour Declaration including its role as an instrument of displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people;

2 Issue an official apology to the Arab Palestinian people for their role in issuing the Balfour Declaration and making possible the displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people

3 Acknowledge their historic, legal and moral responsibility for damages sustained as a result of the implementation of the Balfour Declaration

4 Institute reparations to the Palestinian people in accordance with the provisions and principles of international law, justice and equity, which guarantee the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland and the right of self-determination.”
Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal – Part 1 | Veterans Today

The Time is Right

An attempt to help heal and fix the injustices done to the millions upon millions of Jewish People of century upon century was a probably one of the greatest undertakings by political leaders, diplomats, and statesmen in the post-war era of the Great War. It was probably an impossible task to accomplish without the risk of running into huge tragedies and suffering grave failures along the way. But to not try, or to allow the culture to incur even greater indignities, would not be in the nature of those iconic leaders.

I am not in favors of betraying those that served both the their nations and the people of the world. They may have not been perfect, but what they did will live in the annals of history forever.

I do agree that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) do owe a significant amount in reparations for the outrageous activities over the last half Century.

Most Respectfully,
As much as I value your opinion, I would still scrape it off my shoe

I always find a component of comedy gold in these cut and paste threads opened by an identifiable few of the wannabe Jew killers. You're like a bunch of "Dead-man Walkin' insurgents. You make a lot of noise, spread a lot of grief and pull up your man-dresses and run when the incoming starts. It's so predictable that you're unable to defend a single thing you cut and paste.

I also find it satisfying to consider the "reparations" movement has received only a chuckle of "are you kidding"? Agitators are attempting to use westerners' sensitivity to principles unknown in the Arab-Islamist world as a club with which to bludgeon us into paying extortion money to contemporary welfare thieves / Islamo-fascists. More, as slavery and human rights of the most basic precepts still persists in the Islamo-fascist states, a practice about which we hear nary a whisper from islamic fascist apologists, let's get a chuckle from this silly thread and move on.

There's no way to reach such outrageous positions by rational argument. Indeed, no rational arguments are advanced for them. Yet the ancient principles of right and justice, rooted in human nature itself and most concisely expressed by the Ten Commandments of Mount Sinai, are being set aside in service to bizarrely inverted notions of "compassion" and "guilt."

BTW, you may be interested to know that there are spokes-beards for pious moslems who insist on first completing the job of Joooo extermination before taking a kaffir dime of reparations for past slights to their tender islamo-sensibilities. Isn't that nice!

Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas MP and cleric Yunis Al-Astal, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 11, 2011:

Yunis Al-Astal: The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang.

...All the predators, all the birds of prey, all the dangerous reptiles and insects, and all the lethal bacteria are far less dangerous than the Jews.

...In just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre, by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil.
When Palestine is liberated and its people return to it, and the entire region, with the grace of Allah, will have turned into the United States of Islam, the land of Palestine will become the capital of the Islamic Caliphate, and all these countries will turn into states within the Caliphate. When this happens, any Palestinian will be able to live anywhere, because the land of Islam is the property of all Muslims.

Until this happens, we must reject all the resettlement plans, naturalization, or even reparations prior to the return of the refugees.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.
It was a workable plan, just an affront to islamo-fascism.
And after a hundred years of war, those clowns still can't get their stupid plan to work.
The plan has worked. Establishment of the Jewish State has been achieved.

That infuriates Islamic-fascists, even more so with Israeli successes. Just think, in a few short decades, Israel has risen from defending itself from muhammedan armies intent on its destruction to a world economy. Much of the Islamist world still struggles with the same religious / tribal rivalries that are unchanged from the 7th century. Much of the Islamist Middle East is still hoping for indoor plumbing.

I understand, you're struggling to find excuses for Islamic incompetence and ineptitude. There are many excuses and very few means of resolution.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.
It was a workable plan, just an affront to islamo-fascism.
And after a hundred years of war, those clowns still can't get their stupid plan to work.
The plan has worked. Establishment of the Jewish State has been achieved.

That infuriates Islamic-fascists, even more so with Israeli successes. Just think, in a few short decades, Israel has risen from defending itself from muhammedan armies intent on its destruction to a world economy. Much of the Islamist world still struggles with the same religious / tribal rivalries that are unchanged from the 7th century. Much of the Islamist Middle East is still hoping for indoor plumbing.

I understand, you're struggling to find excuses for Islamic incompetence and ineptitude. There are many excuses and very few means of resolution.
I don't see that stupid plan working. I still see war.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.
It was a workable plan, just an affront to islamo-fascism.
And after a hundred years of war, those clowns still can't get their stupid plan to work.
The plan has worked. Establishment of the Jewish State has been achieved.

That infuriates Islamic-fascists, even more so with Israeli successes. Just think, in a few short decades, Israel has risen from defending itself from muhammedan armies intent on its destruction to a world economy. Much of the Islamist world still struggles with the same religious / tribal rivalries that are unchanged from the 7th century. Much of the Islamist Middle East is still hoping for indoor plumbing.

I understand, you're struggling to find excuses for Islamic incompetence and ineptitude. There are many excuses and very few means of resolution.
I don't see that stupid plan working. I still see war.
Well, actually, you see nothing beyond your sense of failure and ineptitude. You may want war (as long as you can flail your Pom Poms for others doing the "warring"), but that's stereotypical for those like you waging their gee-had from behind a keyboard. People like you really do want war, you want to see people die in horrible ways, even when it's Islamics who die in far greater numbers than Israelis because of a debilitating pathology you suffer from. Your illness is the same that afflicts so much of the Islamist world. You feel humiliated because the relevant first world is advancing and progressing whole the Islamist is stagnant, or rather, regressive.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.

Get it right it was the arab muslim responce to them losing everything to the Jews when they refused to convert back in 635 C.E. that started a 1400 year war. If mo'mad had been euthanised then we would not face islamonazi violence and terrorism every waking second
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.
It was a workable plan, just an affront to islamo-fascism.
And after a hundred years of war, those clowns still can't get their stupid plan to work.
The plan has worked. Establishment of the Jewish State has been achieved.

That infuriates Islamic-fascists, even more so with Israeli successes. Just think, in a few short decades, Israel has risen from defending itself from muhammedan armies intent on its destruction to a world economy. Much of the Islamist world still struggles with the same religious / tribal rivalries that are unchanged from the 7th century. Much of the Islamist Middle East is still hoping for indoor plumbing.

I understand, you're struggling to find excuses for Islamic incompetence and ineptitude. There are many excuses and very few means of resolution.
I don't see that stupid plan working. I still see war.

Of course you dont as it is against your islamonazi religion, all you see is a piece of the islamic waqf being taken away for good. Keep up the war mongering and you will see even more being taken back as the west gets sick of your violent manner
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.

Get it right it was the arab muslim responce to them losing everything to the Jews when they refused to convert back in 635 C.E. that started a 1400 year war. If mo'mad had been euthanised then we would not face islamonazi violence and terrorism every waking second
Don't blame me. Britain started the war and they still support the war.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.

Get it right it was the arab muslim responce to them losing everything to the Jews when they refused to convert back in 635 C.E. that started a 1400 year war. If mo'mad had been euthanised then we would not face islamonazi violence and terrorism every waking second
Don't blame me. Britain started the war and they still support the war.
Britain started no war. Your silly invention of events that never happened are laughable.
You have no clue of the events, you live in a Ziofantasy world and have never read an objective account of anything you comment on.
You have no clue of the events, you live in a Ziofantasy world and have never read an objective account of anything you comment on.
Typical Monty'ism. Lots of bluster and nothing of relevance.

Completely relevant, you only parrot Zionist fantasy. You have no grasp of the facts. You are entertaining though. makes it easy for us with the facts.

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