Despicable Balfour: A Story of Betrayal

You have no clue of the events, you live in a Ziofantasy world and have never read an objective account of anything you comment on.
Typical Monty'ism. Lots of bluster and nothing of relevance.

Completely relevant, you only parrot Zionist fantasy. You have no grasp of the facts. You are entertaining though. makes it easy for us with the facts.

It is funny how you rattle on with these desperate pleas for attention.
The Balfour Declaration started a hundred year (and counting) war.

It was the epitome of stupid.

Get it right it was the arab muslim responce to them losing everything to the Jews when they refused to convert back in 635 C.E. that started a 1400 year war. If mo'mad had been euthanised then we would not face islamonazi violence and terrorism every waking second
Don't blame me. Britain started the war and they still support the war.

Why not it is your belief that started most of the wars through time in the name of some 4th rate moon god. No mass murders in the M.E. until mo'mad invented islam by taking the worst practises of the already extant religions and adding rape, theft and perversion to them. It was the arab muslims that started the genocide of the Jews and Christians in 635 C.E. not the Jews or Christians doing the killing of muslims. Follow a madman and you become a madman yourself as shown by your posts extolling the virtues of islamic fundamentalism and extremist behaviour. Only a madman would constantly state that islamonazi terrorism is legal defense of a non existent nation
You have no clue of the events, you live in a Ziofantasy world and have never read an objective account of anything you comment on.

Here we go with the made up words that he hopes will make it into the hate site vocabulary and thus make him infamous. All he has is altered texts that when produced as originals he denies and then puts people on ignore so he cant see their posts showing him up
You have no clue of the events, you live in a Ziofantasy world and have never read an objective account of anything you comment on.
Typical Monty'ism. Lots of bluster and nothing of relevance.

Completely relevant, you only parrot Zionist fantasy. You have no grasp of the facts. You are entertaining though. makes it easy for us with the facts.

You mean facts like you manipulate texts of official documents to alter their meaning, or that only arab muslim records are relevant as they agree with your POV ?

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