Desertion...our "Army of One"!!!!


I think you know how much respect I have for these brave men and women, and I think if you read my post you will see no disrespect intended. Lets face it though many join our Armed Services for the wrong reasons and yes I do have a say in that.

You can say damn my tax dollars all you would like, but this is a democracy and everyone has a right to speak their minds.
I agree with you Eric, I don't have to go back and read, I remember. Merlin seems a bit off, so we'll just factor that into our responses.
"You know Merlin, you attacked someone with very little knowledge. Do yourself a favor and read back thru months of posts I have made. I have over and over praised and defended our servicemen and women for providing us the blanket of freedom under which we all sleep. I have defended and fought on behalf of these people. Not to mention I employ vets and have given quite a bit of money in their behalf."

What is it with you that it always comes down to money? You're not the only one who pays taxes. I don't care how much you paid in taxes. Go enlist. Then you'll have some credibility with me. Till then, save your keystrokes. You'll only get carpal tunnel syndrome.
Merlin, we can't all serve in the military. During the years I may have, they weren't taking women for anything but nurses, etc., not my area of interest. Some can't because of disabilities, and some because they don't want to.

Now IF you volunteer, you have to accept the job is to kill and destroy. Granted, there will be ample opportunity to be of service to the indigenous people's in most circumstances, but that is 'in addition to' the regular call of duty.

The tax payers are your boss, every bit as much as they are to the President and members of Congress. Everyone should remember that.
Originally posted by Kathianne
Merlin, we can't all serve in the military. During the years I may have, they weren't taking women for anything but nurses, etc., not my area of interest. Some can't because of disabilities, and some because they don't want to.

Now IF you volunteer, you have to accept the job is to kill and destroy. Granted, there will be ample opportunity to be of service to the indigenous people's in most circumstances, but that is 'in addition to' the regular call of duty.

The tax payers are your boss, every bit as much as they are to the President and members of Congress. Everyone should remember that.

Kathianne/Eric: Relax. So far everyone has agreed that the Staff Sergeant needs to have his butt disciplined. The tax payers are not the bosses. They are the watchers and financiers. Under our system of government, they have no authority except at election time. Except for DoD employees they certainly have no authority over the military.

Merlin: Relax, you and I made sure that Eric has a right to his opinion. You are both looking at the issue with different vision enhancement gear. That doesn't mean you aint looking at the same thing

[Break for nutrition] :beer: [/break]

The Staff Sergeant is a career level senior leader. Among Marines he now rates pretty much the same priveleges as a Commissioned Officer. He dang well knew that his claim is a hot button issue. IF he were diagnosed with Battle Fatigue then he knows he'd be rehabbed, and sent back. Also a BF entry in his Service Record would ensure no further promotions and damage his retention prospects. He stands to profit from the C.O. track. And it guarantees he gets to make a moral stand in front of the media.
"The tax payers are your boss, every bit as much as they are to the President and members of Congress. Everyone should remember that."

Kathianne, you are still missing my point. The commander-in-chief is our "boss". He speaks for the taxpayers and we are responsible to him. You pay taxes to support the military. That does not mean you own them. We are not your slaves or personal servants and you have no right to judge us no matter how much you paid in taxes. And that's what wound me up about Eric's comments. He gave me the impression that he feels that his taxpayer status somehow entitles him to be judge and jury for this NCO. It does not. It was never my intent to insinuate that you have no right to an opinion.

But I believe this discussion has split into two different topics. I was trying to keep my comments pertinent to the framework established by the original post. That dealt with ONE particular soldier. Apparently you and Eric went further afield and were talking about a broader concept. I agree that there are some who enlisted solely to garner the benefits while having no intention of serving. I cannot begin to describe the loathing I have for these individuals. But that does not pertain to THIS PARTICULAR case under discussion. Apparently this individual went to Iraq and returned a conscientious objector. Perhaps his objections are genuine or perhaps he is a coward. I cannot determine that and neither can you and you have no right to make flimsy suppositions. That's my point.

After returning from two tours in RVN, perhaps I became somewhat sentized by the ignorant, uneducated, and hateful comments made about the military at the time. Anyway, I'm not one who takes kindly to the attitude that paying taxes somehow makes you a stockholder in the military.

As far as your comment about me being "a little bit off". You're dead wrong. I'm a LOT off. Ask my wife.
lol, pity your wife. I'm sure you have redeeming qualities. Nevertheless, the military should not be driven by the people or the politicians, within reason. I think Pegwinn said it best.

My real fears for Iraq have nothing to do with an isolated soldier, of whatever rank. Nor do they have anything to do with the Commander in Chief, per se. However, this war does seem to be spiraling into the control of the politicos, perhaps temporarily due to the election, but that is still some 6 months away. It must stop.

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