Desantis says J6 was just a rally that got out of hand

And he sucks at what he does. The crap he says is supposed to be part of his campaign reset. He sucks at it.
Each time he speaks he shows what a fascist human he is. "Agree with Me or else!"

So, Ron is trying to downplay a planned attack. Remember what Junior said. "It is going to be wild.
He's not lying, retard.

Planned attack? To Stop The Steal of an election?

To ask fo the government to do their job?


This is how you roll?

Good luck with that.

Lemme guess, you think a guy that didn't even campaign for 2 months got the most votes ever in America?

I got a toll bridge in NY I'll sell ya. You can charge tolls on everbody! Yeah! Yeah! That's the ticket!

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Trump planned a coup against himself?
These motherfuckers would shit their pants and nut right the fuck up if real things started going down.

Things like people are tired of their bullshit and lies.

People that have rails and hot tar and feathers and ropes ready.

These stupid wannabe enslavers are going to get an abject lesson in "This is America, and Fuck You."

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