DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

Id say getting $8 million for removing illegals is action. :cuckoo:

No, it's not. It's pandering to the fear and paranoia of Republican voters. Immigration is not a state's matter. It falls under the federal government's purview.

DeSantis is ignoring very real problems in Florida while tilting at federal windmills to boost his re-election chances. This approach failed bigly in the Trump's re-election bid.

You guys could end the illegal immigration problem in ten minutes...

Just go after the white people who hire them. From the Sweatshop owner to the rich yuppie who hires a nanny to raise their Yuppie Larva, to the dillweed who hires a truck load of day laborers to finish that DIY project after it turned out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.

We won't do that. We want the benefits of undocumented labor without the burdens of it.

Or, do what Trump did and close the border, build a wall and get the Mexicans to enforce it on their side. That cut it down tremendously.

Of course when Potatohead stole the election he immediately opened the border, stopped the wall and cancelled the agreement with Mexico. That was like the dumbest thing an American President has ever done, wasn't it?

Anybody that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election was a world class shithead. I think we can all agree on that, can't we?
trump isn't going to let DeSantis run.

All those illegal immigrants are employed by Republicans who like their cheap labor.

Unfortunately this is true; the GOP establishment has always loved criminal illegal aliens and only pays lip service to getting rid of them, which is why so many of them hated Trump, who actually wanted to prosecute employers, the most effective way to end the invasion.
Unfortunately this is true; the GOP establishment has always loved criminal illegal aliens and only pays lip service to getting rid of them, which is why so many of them hated Trump, who actually wanted to prosecute employers, the most effective way to end the invasion.

Trump never desired to do that. He ran the entire system that would have allowed him to do that and did very, very little.

Remember his promise to round up a million illegals over a few days? What did he do? Nothing. He knew empty words was all he had to deliver.
Other measures,

Ron DeSantis Announces 6 Proposals to Crack Down on Corporations, Left-Wing NGOs Aiding Illegal Immigration

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced six legislative proposals, with hopes to pass them into law through the legislature, that would drastically crackdown on corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who facilitate illegal immigration to the state.

During a press conference on Friday morning, DeSantis announced a series of legislative actions to reduce illegal immigration across the state. The six proposals would:

1. Ban state and local agencies from doing business with or providing benefits to any private-sector business or NGO that helps facilitate illegal immigration to Florida.

2. Ban state agencies from renewing state contracts with transportation companies, such as airlines and bus services, that facilitate illegal immigration to Florida.

3. Require private-sector businesses and NGOs, who facilitate illegal immigration to Florida, to provide compensation to the state of Florida to cover all costs that fall on taxpayers.

4. Mandate county and local jails, as well as courts, to collect immigration status data at the time of a suspect’s arrest and conviction. The information would be reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

5. Ban Florida officials from providing any discretionary benefits to illegal aliens while state agencies and hospitals will be required to annually report taxpayer-funded expenses for illegal aliens.

6. Add the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity as an enforcer of E-Verify.
Trump never desired to do that. He ran the entire system that would have allowed him to do that and did very, very little.

Remember his promise to round up a million illegals over a few days? What did he do? Nothing. He knew empty words was all he had to deliver.
Rubbish. His AGs wouldn't lift a finger, neither would many of the Federal agency heads his own Party kept reccomending for appointments would do their jobs. You're just stupid if you think he was suppposed to single handedly run an entire Federal bureaucracy, and with a hostile court system opposing him at every level.
Joe thinks latino employers never abuse illegals; he's an idiot.
And non latinos like Chinese and others that bring in prostitutes operating in "salons" like the one Robert Kraft got busted in. Those prostitutes work there to pay off smuggling fees.
Rubbish. His AGs wouldn't lift a finger, neither would many of the Federal agency heads his own Party kept reccomending for appointments would do their jobs. You're just stupid if you think he was suppposed to single handedly run an entire Federal bureaucracy, and with a hostile court system opposing him at every level.

Ok....we will go with he was incapable of doing much of anything a president has the power to do.

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