Desantis accused of RACISM against Gillum! That didn't take long for the left!! About 12 hours!


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
DeSantis warns Floridians not to

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up" by electing Gillum

Ron DeSantis, the Republican nominee for Florida Governor told Fox News this morning that Florida shouldn't "monkey this up" by electing Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum.

"It's disgusting that Ron DeSantis is launching his general election campaign with racist dog whistles," Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Terrie Rizzo said.


GD, the left is a one trick pony.
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There are the crying women yet to come accusing him of sexual harrassment. Then there are the accusations of child molestation. The left is just getting started.
There numerous safer and stronger ways to make the same point

Well D does stand for both Dumbest and Democrat.

There is a reason why my opponent chose to fly the colors of the Jackasses

What happened to the FBI's corruption investigation of my opponent?

I wasn't the one who pointed out my opponent had no ads in the primary attacking him because he was equally famous for his corruption and his tinhat leftism.

Something more diplomatic like the above is needed.
There numerous safer and stronger ways to make the same point

Well D does stand for both Dumbest and Democrat.

There is a reason why my opponent chose to fly the colors of the Jackasses

What happened to the FBI's corruption investigation of my opponent?

I wasn't the one who pointed out my opponent had no ads in the primary attacking him because he was equally famous for his corruption and his tinhat leftism.

Something more diplomatic like the above is needed.

Desantis also referred to Gillum as “articulate”.

Another racist Dogwhistle!!

The boy who cried wolf is telling the left to settle the fuck down.

These stupid calls for racism devalue true calls of actual racism....which is perpetrated by the left on all minorities in the form of low expectations and political exploitation.

The mating call of the left....

Don't you just love the way they throw RACIST at anyone that they don't like??

Hell. Most of these dipshits wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked them in the ass.

I want to know what they have against all of NASCAR, Indy, ARCA and Formula One drivers. If a piano player is called a pianist, aren't race car drivers racist?

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