Deranged media offers nothing but negative coverage of Trump-Kim summit


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Covering perhaps the most politically historic moment of the 21st century so far, the mainstream media offered nothing but criticism and negativity toward the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un, proving once again that their derangement and obsession with obstructing the President Trumps actual tangible progress toward world peace.
Deranged Media Offers Nothing But NEGATIVE Coverage Of Trump-Kim Summit

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. It just takes not being a Trump hating lunatic who can't tell reality from fiction.

They think their lies are the bible's truth lmao.
Well of course, this event does not fall under their "Trump is a racist war mongerer that will lead us into a nuclear war". By the way does anybody remember a republican president or candidate for president that WASN'T accused of being a racist war mongerer that will blow up the world?
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Shitstain obama always negotiated from a position of weakness. He started off bowing, scraping and apologising. Then he gave in to every demand.

Trump gives his demands first and then negotiates. Stop nuclear testing. Stop testing rockets. Release the American prisoners. Now, let's talk.
Obama shipped a plane load of billions in cash just to secure the deal, which was later used to fund terrorism and kill Americans across the Middle East. He was truly an inept incompetent empty suit moron that was propped up by the fake news media.
Shitstain obama always negotiated from a position of weakness. He started off bowing, scraping and apologising. Then he gave in to every demand.

Trump gives his demands first and then negotiates. Stop nuclear testing. Stop testing rockets. Release the American prisoners. Now, let's talk.
Obama shipped a plane load of billions in cash just to secure the deal, which was later used to fund terrorism and kill Americans across the Middle East. He was truly an inept incompetent empty suit moron that was propped up by the fake news media.
Tell us the part where it was their money
Shitstain obama always negotiated from a position of weakness. He started off bowing, scraping and apologising. Then he gave in to every demand.

Trump gives his demands first and then negotiates. Stop nuclear testing. Stop testing rockets. Release the American prisoners. Now, let's talk.
Obama shipped a plane load of billions in cash just to secure the deal, which was later used to fund terrorism and kill Americans across the Middle East. He was truly an inept incompetent empty suit moron that was propped up by the fake news media.
Tell us the part where it was their money
Frozen by US courts for compensation for terrorism and murder of US citizens, which was used to fund more terrorism and murder of Americans and others across the region. Not to mention the continued brutal oppression and torture of their own people. Yup, the same Democrats that are now acting oh so very concerned about N Korea's human rights abuses.

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