denver school brain washing kindergartners on blm and destroying families

If there are any fence-sitters who remain unconvinced that the far-left anti-Americans who have invaded our government are anything but pure evil, read about the libs in a Denver elementary school who are having “BLM action week” and brainwashing 5-year-olds that it is a desirable goal to break up families.

The school administrators need to have their legs broken by the parents.
A lot of Colorado is conservative, even very conservative.

And then you have the left-wing cities of Boulder and Denver.

My guess is that this is a case of the conservatives in the countryside, looking at the left-wingers in the cities and shaking their fists at them.


They're going to teach from this book.

here is another great book for SJW kids
Always got your alt-right panties in a bunch, eh? Oh well, I guess if you weren't outraged about something you'd probably go crazy....wait...:)

Ok, I put together that this is a bullet point list that I had seen before and I was right.

Now, that being said, nowhere does it say DESTROY the nuclear family, so I'm sure in your perfect snow white world, men and women will still be allowed to marry and have children. You are threatened by this so you look upon it as "pure evil"...while at the same time promoting the same sort of evil through voter suppression laws..under the guise of, let's say..."election integrity".
There is no voter suppression.
Most Democrats are against Voting Rights.
When a Democrat votes multiple times that violate everyone's Right to Vote.
A lot of Colorado is conservative, even very conservative.

And then you have the left-wing cities of Boulder and Denver.

My guess is that this is a case of the conservatives in the countryside, looking at the left-wingers in the cities and shaking their fists at them.
So you think that destroying American families is a good idea.
A lot of Colorado is conservative, even very conservative.

And then you have the left-wing cities of Boulder and Denver.

My guess is that this is a case of the conservatives in the countryside, looking at the left-wingers in the cities and shaking their fists at them.

As they should be. Lefties will destroy everything if left to their own devices. They are naïve, unaccountable children at many levels.
Always got your alt-right panties in a bunch, eh? Oh well, I guess if you weren't outraged about something you'd probably go crazy....wait...:)

Ok, I put together that this is a bullet point list that I had seen before and I was right.

Now, that being said, nowhere does it say DESTROY the nuclear family, so I'm sure in your perfect snow white world, men and women will still be allowed to marry and have children. You are threatened by this so you look upon it as "pure evil"...while at the same time promoting the same sort of evil through voter suppression laws..under the guise of, let's say..."election integrity".
I wonder if they are having a push on this, there seems to be a different outrage every day. Pretty much over nothing. They seem to be teaching that its ok to be trans and I would like someone to tell me what the harm in that is. ?
You cant catch it you know.
Always got your alt-right panties in a bunch, eh? Oh well, I guess if you weren't outraged about something you'd probably go crazy....wait...:)

Ok, I put together that this is a bullet point list that I had seen before and I was right.

Now, that being said, nowhere does it say DESTROY the nuclear family, so I'm sure in your perfect snow white world, men and women will still be allowed to marry and have children. You are threatened by this so you look upon it as "pure evil"...while at the same time promoting the same sort of evil through voter suppression laws..under the guise of, let's say..."election integrity".
Completely irrelevant to the topic of this thread - which is the insanity that has invaded the far-left school system to the point that a Denver elementary school is teaching kiddies it’s good to disrupt stable family units.

(And as far as voter suppression, since you threw that in out of nowhere in order to deflect, there is no voter suppression. It’s all a lie libs are promoting to make it easier to cheat.)
I wonder if they are having a push on this, there seems to be a different outrage every day. Pretty much over nothing. They seem to be teaching that its ok to be trans and I would like someone to tell me what the harm in that is. ?
You cant catch it you know.
Oh, look….another attempt to downplay the insanity of teachers trying to convince kindergarteners that having a mommy and daddy married to each other, and providing a stable home environment, is a bad thing,
I wonder if they are having a push on this, there seems to be a different outrage every day. Pretty much over nothing. They seem to be teaching that its ok to be trans and I would like someone to tell me what the harm in that is. ?
You cant catch it you know.
Here is the harm Tommy. The only reason to be teaching Kindergartners anything about politics, racism or transgenderism is to program their young plastic minds with the schools' ideology. Let's say you had Kindergartners in school. Would you be ok for them to be taught about the virtues of Nationalism?
If there are any fence-sitters who remain unconvinced that the far-left anti-Americans who have invaded our government are anything but pure evil, read about the libs in a Denver elementary school who are having “BLM action week” and brainwashing 5-year-olds that it is a desirable goal to break up families.

There are zero far-left people in government; you're talking about liberals.

Confusing liberals with the left is like thinking the Nazis were Jewish.
Yeah that sucks and all but what are the parents going to do about it?

Jeez, it's like they want someone to hold their hand for them.....Here's a clue, stop electing libtards every fuckin' election, rise-up, and defeat your oppressors.....Make it so hot for them at school board meetings that they call Merrick Garland for some relief.

Other than that then enjoy your radicalized yutes.
What the parents should do about it is show up at the School Board meetings and raise holy hell, like they did in Loudoun, Virginia. It makes regular people aware of the danger and insanity of leftist policies, and it forces the libs to defend indefensible positions. It gets it out in the open, and can decide an election. It is precisely why Youngkin (R) won in Virginia.

I mean really… many times can Garland sic his FBI agents on “Domestic Terrorist“ parents without driving voters away?
Oh, look….another attempt to downplay the insanity of teachers trying to convince kindergarteners that having a mommy and daddy married to each other, and providing a stable home environment, is a bad thing,
There is no indication that this is happening. That is you projecting. It may be a shock to you but not all kids live in a little nuclear family and its ok to give them some comfort. More than one version of a family is ok.
Here is the harm Tommy. The only reason to be teaching Kindergartners anything about politics, racism or transgenderism is to program their young plastic minds with the schools' ideology. Let's say you had Kindergartners in school. Would you be ok for them to be taught about the virtues of Nationalism?
You worry too much about what kids are taught. Have a little faith in them and stop being scared by poloitically minded scare stories like this one.

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