Dems: ‘We hate you for not allowing us to change America’. Reps: ‘We hate you for trying to change America’.

And doesn't the world know it, you guys fucking bleat on about this every fucking 5 mins. We all got it the 1st and 2nd time, all the way up to and beyond the 19 fucking billionth time. What is so wrong with ya that you have to fucking bleat on about again???

Are your memories so bad, it didn't stay in the first time????
Hahaha….boy these Hate America types really detest our constitution don’t they ColonelAngus ?
Hahaha….boy these Hate America types really detest our constitution don’t they ColonelAngus ?

They sure as fuck do.

I wonder what their Constitution would look like.

Like San Fransisco streets?


What kind of an American needs to feel cared for by politicians?
Furthermore, haven’t Democrats proclaimed to love blacks more than oxygen? Why haven’t blacks improved?
Oh okay right you worship Trump but don’t care he doesn’t give a fuck about you? Nah. Secretly you believe Trump cares about you. You just don’t want to admit it.

I never said that about blacks. You’re just making shit up.
Oh okay right you worship Trump but don’t care he doesn’t give a fuck about you? Nah. Secretly you believe Trump cares about you. You just don’t want to admit it.

I never said that about blacks. You’re just making shit up.
I need a president who cares about the direction of the country…I need family and friends that care about me.
Come on Billy…you can’t be that lonely and weird…can you?
In a nutshell those are the core positions of the Parties….right?
With that, is there really any middle ground to be shared?
Not if the argument from the left is that America's institutions are racist, sexist, etc. and need to be torn down.

That's like a family trying to keep itself together when one of them thinks the entire family is nothing but horrible, dispicable pieces of sh*t...

Yeah, let's all be a family. LOL

If it's that bad, then go find a country that isn't so supposedly horrible. And good luck with that.
Nope, just stop being so fucking obsessed. Every country has a constitution, only one is retarded about it
But only one has/had safeguards or checks and balances. In other words, we had to work to bring national tyranny here.
The United States was founded on its charter, the DoI. The Constitution came eleven years later to establish a new, more centralized national government. Though a shift to the left, the new government was still to the right and did not violate America's first principles.
The GOP has obviously abandoned those principles…You’d know this if you held an iQ above 5

Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" like you abandoned it.

Real Republicans are still fiscally conservative, but that requires being able to define the word "conservative" without parroting Zionist liar Greg Gutfeld of Fox....

Still think this was a 757 genius???

Racism is here to stay…It’s going nowhere until dark people improve themselves.
Sorry I like truth.
The black community cries “racism” as they condone their youth attacking Asians and Jews openly on the streets.

Kind of hard to take them seriously any more.

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