Dems Know Pres Committed No Crime: Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement with the European Union


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ever hear 1 Democrat bring up any of the existing treaties regarding mutual cooperation and assistance regarding criminal investigations and law enforcement at any point while they have pushed their 'Political Coup 2.0 - The Ukraine Collusion Delusion'?

No, of course not. They are counting on the ignorance of the American people who, through design, are no longer educated about our government...and based on the regurgitation and parroting of crap being fed to snowflakes on this board they have succeeded in the 'Dumbing Down of America', creating scores of sheep too stupid to know what's going on and too lazy to conduct research and fact-check their politicians on their own.

Any of you snowflakes ever heard of

Agreement with the United States on mutual legal assistance

Agreement on mutual legal assistance between the EU and the US

Decision 2009/820/CFSP on the conclusion on behalf of the EU of the Agreements on extradition and on mutual legal assistance between it and the US

Decision 2003/516/EC on the signature of the Agreements between the EU and the US on extradition and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

The agreement entered into force on 1 February 2010. It was implemented in EU countries by bilateral instruments.

The President requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM DID NOTHING ILLEGAL.


US AG Barr has DOJ members following up on and investigating evidence of criminal activity perpetrated by US govt members, and he is doing so legally through the execution of existing treaties that are initiated by the President of the US requesting assistance!

Snowflakes, wake the f* up! You are being emotionally manipulated, your irrational hatred stoked to the point where you do not even question the crap being fed to you by self-serving traitors.

Agreement with the United States on mutual legal assistance - EUR-Lex
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President Trump & the DOJ are being accused falsely of violating the Constitution & perpetrating an ‘Impeachable Offense’ by asking the Prime Minister and China for their assistance in discovering potential evidence of crimes committed (by Democrats) in their country.

This accusation is INTENTIONALLY FALSE due to the known fact that there are existing Mutual Assistance Treaties (MLATS) that establish Law Enforcement and Investigative cooperation between the United States and other nations. What the President and US AG Barr have done, as Democrats already KNOW, has been to execute those existing treaties.

Democrats in the House of Representatives are intentionally, knowingly, making these false accusations against the President while simultaneously 1) leaking information (a crime), 2) Secretly communicating with whistle blowers by committing the crimes of lying and omission, & 3) intentionally have refused to hold an official vote on Impeachment (which they know is required precedence) to generate a public outcry / support for Impeachment against the precedence by manipulating Americans who have no knowledge of these existing treaties that make what the President and US AG are doing LEGAL. THIS – attempting to incite / create support to overthrow the President - is called ‘SEDITION’

‘Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties’ (MLATs) allow generally for the exchange of evidence and information in criminal and related matters. In money laundering cases, they can be extremely useful as a means of obtaining banking and other financial records from our treaty partners. MLATs, which are negotiated by the Department of State in cooperation with the Department of Justice to facilitate cooperation in criminal matters, are in force with the following countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominica, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (including Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten), Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (including the Isle of Man, Cayman Islands, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos), Uruguay, and Venezuela.

In addition to MLATs, the United States has a Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement (MLAA) with China, as well as a MLAA between the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States.
Democrats engaging in manipulation of their Gruber Base:

Trump had every right to ask Ukraine to cooperate or assist in an official Department of Justice investigation into the origins of the Russia “collusion” hoax. His request was pursuant to an official probe being conducted by U.S. Attorney John Durham and initiated by Attorney General William Barr. In fact, Ukraine is required to comply under a binding treaty with the U.S.

Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters obligates Ukraine to provide, upon request by the U.S., assistance “in connection with the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of offenses, and in proceedings related to criminal matters.” This treaty was negotiated by then-president Bill Clinton more than 20 years ago and approved by the U.S. Senate. Among other things, Ukraine agreed to furnish “documents, records, the taking of testimony or statements of persons” relevant to any U.S. investigation.

Gregg Jarrett: Ukraine is just the latest ploy in 'witch hunt' to drive Trump from White House
The Real Crime: The Ukraine is only ONE of the foreign nations / governments / sources Democrats reached out to / worked with to alter the 2016 elecion:

‘Beset by rampant corruption, past Ukrainian administrations have been less than cooperative with the U.S. Indeed, there is significant evidence that Ukraine actively meddled in the 2016 election by providing dirt on the Trump campaign at the behest of a Democratic National Committee subcontractor who wanted to help elect Hillary Clinton.’

The New Ukraine President Vowing End To Corruption Provided President With An Opportunity To Engage In Mutual Cooperation To Investigate Previous Corruption In Ukraine That Involved US Citizens / Politicians.
Request for Assistance in Investigating Crimes Involving Biden’s Son

‘Joe Biden’s boast about his “quid pro quo” with Ukraine is compelling evidence that he may have used his public office to confer a benefit ($1 billion) in exchange for something of value –shutting down an investigation to help his son. This is where the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act comes into play, as well as other federal felony statutes such as bribery, extortion, and honest services fraud. The Justice Department would be justified in investigating Biden to determine whether he took any official action involving taxpayer money as Vice President to benefit his son. ‘

1. The President had every right to request assistance in investigating this video-taped confession.

-- Joe Biden does not have Immunity because he was a VP or because he WAS leading the Democratic Party 2020 Presidential Election campaign.

2. FOR THOSE WITH INTENTIONALLY SHORT MEMORIES: The Obama administration launched an investigation into the nominee of the opposing party during a presidential campaign.
Hopefully the treaties with the nations Obama's Intel Community enlisted their foreign Intel in attempting to take down Trump will be their un-doing.

Democrats sent reps to Ukraine to get 'dirt' on Trump and acquired info to take down Manafort. THIS is what Democrats claim is 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors'. They should know - the are guilty of it.

Barr and Durham are investigating in the Ukraine, Italy, Australia...all nations whose Intel Agencies were reported to have been successfully enlisted to help Intel agencies under Clapper and Brennan go after Trump and his associates.

Justice will be served when those Perjuring, betraying, conspiring, Seditious, treasonous SOBs are indicted and burned for their exposed crimes!
Barr needs to hurry the fuck up with his uncovering and prosecuting of the democrat's wrongdoing. Brennan was sweating on Sunday. There are more "whistleblowers" coming out of the woodwork, but still no case for impeachment. McConnell looks to have the balls to ignore Nancy's illegal articles of impeachment since the full House didn't vote for the inquiry. Its going to be a fun year, just wait until RBG retires, that will be more than wild, they went nuts for Kavanaugh. Trump wins every time.
There will be more Intel Community traitors coming out of the woodwork desperately trying to take down Trump and Barr before Barr can expose ALL of it.

What more do Americans need?

It has been proven Hillary bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign ex-spy.

It has been proven that ex-foreign spy was working for the FBI, that they knew the Dossier was bogus - Steele himself told them.

It has been proven Mueller was working on the Dossier with Steele & Ohr BEFORE an official investigation was opened up and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

It has been proven Democrats sent reps to Ukraine, worked with corrupt Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Manafort...

It has been proven that Clapper and Brennan enlisted the aid of Foreign Intel Agencies / Agents from Ukraine, Italy, Germany, & Australia

It has been proven Schiff has had assistance and been paid by Ukrainians...

It has been proven already that the Democrats have done everything they have falsely accused Trump of doing.

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