Dems Heading to Brokered Convention? Gov Richartdson says YES!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
He may be right. Who is looking like they will herd all these cats into one mass moving the same direction? I dont see it. Maybe Bootygig? Butt he is a disaster with zero support in the black community..Sounmds like brokered convention, here we come!

Richardson: Dems Heading Toward Brokered Convention

BILL RICHARDSON: I believe we are headed toward a brokered convention for the following reason. There’s a total of 4,600 delegates that are out there, 3,800 are pledged. But these superdelegates, 785, could be the margin of victory. They can’t vote until after the second ballot. But If you look at the top tier, Mayor Pete, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and potentially two formidable candidates in Bloomberg and Patrick coming in, they’re all bunched up around 20 percent or a little lower. And you need 1,918 to get a first-ballot victory. I don’t see any way that’s going to happen, Michael. So I think we’re going into a brokered convention. The new rules from the Democratic National Committee point to a brokered convention in the second and third ballot, where everybody’s free after the second ballot, third ballot. Potentially, some new candidates might emerge that perhaps didn’t enter the primary like Michelle Obama.

SMERCONISH: Woah, you’re making news here. Do you really think that’s a possibility that she would get in?

RICHARDSON: I think the delegates would want somebody that can win. There’s desperation for victory. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Michelle Obama, somebody like that. Possibly Tom Hanks, the actor. I know that’s a little farfetched. But, Democrats right now, there could be a very divided brokered convention where everybody is mad at each other and then somebody new emerges. That’s a possibility.​
I hope President Trump's re-election will make history disproving the fake news polls that are likely also fake. President Washington was shooed in with 100% due to his huge arse kicking of the bloody British at Yorktown in 1881, which was the last major battle of the American Revolution after 5 years of conflict with the Redcoats.

I'd like to see President Trump win with a 100% majority of all states in the Union. If the Democrats keep lying, they will bury their slight chance, big time, and there seems to be no end in sight of Democrats admitting their plenteous egregious lies. :dig:

Hey, I did my part trying to get our forum Demmies to see the light and join the Walk Away movement. :D
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I have given up that Gabbard has any real chance, so I am supporting Trump now instead.

I hope Trump wins so big that his haters cant even open their mouths from shame.
I have given up that Gabbard has any real chance, so I am supporting Trump now instead.

I hope Trump wins so big that his haters can't even open their mouths from shame.
We need to get our local Republicans to win the House back and stack the Senate with a 75% majority. That will give President Trump what he needs to make America Great Again, although he's made quite a big amount of progress, considering how persistent his detractors have been in the Democrat House. I'd like Maxine Waters to get sent to a mental institution or take her lumps in court for ordering people to harass the Executive Branch's Staff, not to mention other Republican lawmakers and their staffs who've been harassed by not only Waters' staff, but by Antifa as well. Maxine Waters had this to say about Antifa: "If you see anybody you get out and you create a crowd and you tell them they're not welcome anymore anywhere..." And stalking is sooooooo illegal. We have a lawmaker telling her own supporters to break the law by stalking and making prey of her political opponents. She has no business anywhere near DC.
Hey, I did my part trying to get our forum Demmies to see the light and join the Walk Away movement. :D
Given the current condition of the Democratic Party, you could theoretically have some victories.

The problem is that the alternative is pretty repulsive. So there is nowhere to go.

The same situation holds true when it comes to minorities leaving the party.
He may be right. Who is looking like they will herd all these cats into one mass moving the same direction? I dont see it. Maybe Bootygig? Butt he is a disaster with zero support in the black community..Sounmds like brokered convention, here we come!

Richardson: Dems Heading Toward Brokered Convention

BILL RICHARDSON: I believe we are headed toward a brokered convention for the following reason. There’s a total of 4,600 delegates that are out there, 3,800 are pledged. But these superdelegates, 785, could be the margin of victory. They can’t vote until after the second ballot. But If you look at the top tier, Mayor Pete, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and potentially two formidable candidates in Bloomberg and Patrick coming in, they’re all bunched up around 20 percent or a little lower. And you need 1,918 to get a first-ballot victory. I don’t see any way that’s going to happen, Michael. So I think we’re going into a brokered convention. The new rules from the Democratic National Committee point to a brokered convention in the second and third ballot, where everybody’s free after the second ballot, third ballot. Potentially, some new candidates might emerge that perhaps didn’t enter the primary like Michelle Obama.

SMERCONISH: Woah, you’re making news here. Do you really think that’s a possibility that she would get in?

RICHARDSON: I think the delegates would want somebody that can win. There’s desperation for victory. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Michelle Obama, somebody like that. Possibly Tom Hanks, the actor. I know that’s a little farfetched. But, Democrats right now, there could be a very divided brokered convention where everybody is mad at each other and then somebody new emerges. That’s a possibility.​

We heard the same thing about the Repubs in 16...
He may be right. Who is looking like they will herd all these cats into one mass moving the same direction? I dont see it. Maybe Bootygig? Butt he is a disaster with zero support in the black community..Sounmds like brokered convention, here we come!

Every election cycle they predict one party or the other is going to go to a "brokered convention", and it just never happens.

By Super Tuesday, either Biden or Warren is going to come out on top and it will be all over.
This is very confusing. I've been convinced by some on these forums that Dems are all in lockstep with George Soros and we all want socialism and open borders. We have no policies, just hate for Trump.

So, what is behind this inability to choose a nominee? It can't be policy differences. Weird, huh?
The Democratic Party’s biggest obstacle is the Democratic Party.

Here’s a thought;

If you win a state, you win their delegates dumbasses! Just like if you win the state in the general, you win the electoral votes!

But instead, they prefer to have formulae and super delegates that do nothing but make the outcomes confusing instead of uniting their party.

How they have won so many presidential contests is incredible given how little they seem to understand about politics.
The Democratic Party’s biggest obstacle is the Democratic Party.

Here’s a thought;

If you win a state, you win their delegates dumbasses! Just like if you win the state in the general, you win the electoral votes!

But instead, they prefer to have formulae and super delegates that do nothing but make the outcomes confusing instead of uniting their party.

You have to remember why the Democrats installed "Super-Delegates". Because in 1972, the hippies hijacked the state delegations and nominated "Amnesty, Abortion and Acid" McGovern. (Ironically, as aghast as the Democratic establishment was, two of those became policy.

I would argue that McGovern was the worst thing that happened to the Democrats... He pulled the party so far to the left most Americans didn't recognize it anymore. So you can see why they never wanted that to happen again. It wasn't until 1992 the Democrats fully recovered from him.
The Democratic Party’s biggest obstacle is the Democratic Party.

Here’s a thought;

If you win a state, you win their delegates dumbasses! Just like if you win the state in the general, you win the electoral votes!

But instead, they prefer to have formulae and super delegates that do nothing but make the outcomes confusing instead of uniting their party.

You have to remember why the Democrats installed "Super-Delegates". Because in 1972, the hippies hijacked the state delegations and nominated "Amnesty, Abortion and Acid" McGovern. (Ironically, as aghast as the Democratic establishment was, two of those became policy.

I would argue that McGovern was the worst thing that happened to the Democrats... He pulled the party so far to the left most Americans didn't recognize it anymore. So you can see why they never wanted that to happen again. It wasn't until 1992 the Democrats fully recovered from him.

If the GOP ever tried to install "super-delegates" they would get lynched. Everyone's vote should be equal. For democrats some people are "more equal" than others.

The fact that democrats still have them just shows how radical the party has become, that they need moderates to keep the party on the rails.
Don't look now JoeB but the Bernie/AOC/Warren wing of the party is Left of where McGovern was. Even Obama is trying to wave them off.
Your best bet is that Bloomberg buys the delegate votes he needs and saves the day.
The Democratic Party’s biggest obstacle is the Democratic Party.

Here’s a thought;

If you win a state, you win their delegates dumbasses! Just like if you win the state in the general, you win the electoral votes!

But instead, they prefer to have formulae and super delegates that do nothing but make the outcomes confusing instead of uniting their party.

You have to remember why the Democrats installed "Super-Delegates". Because in 1972, the hippies hijacked the state delegations and nominated "Amnesty, Abortion and Acid" McGovern. (Ironically, as aghast as the Democratic establishment was, two of those became policy.

I would argue that McGovern was the worst thing that happened to the Democrats... He pulled the party so far to the left most Americans didn't recognize it anymore. So you can see why they never wanted that to happen again. It wasn't until 1992 the Democrats fully recovered from him.

If the GOP ever tried to install "super-delegates" they would get lynched. Everyone's vote should be equal. For democrats some people are "more equal" than others.

The fact that democrats still have them just shows how radical the party has become, that they need moderates to keep the party on the rails.
Don't look now JoeB but the Bernie/AOC/Warren wing of the party is Left of where McGovern was. Even Obama is trying to wave them off.
Your best bet is that Bloomberg buys the delegate votes he needs and saves the day.

Anytime you prolong the circular firing squad that is a primary election weaken the eventual candidate. This can be done officially or unofficially. So I agree with you
He may be right. Who is looking like they will herd all these cats into one mass moving the same direction? I dont see it. Maybe Bootygig? Butt he is a disaster with zero support in the black community..Sounmds like brokered convention, here we come!

Every election cycle they predict one party or the other is going to go to a "brokered convention", and it just never happens.

By Super Tuesday, either Biden or Warren is going to come out on top and it will be all over.
Naw, the former Vice President is due for some jail time in the near future, most likely. "Biden’s actions reek of extortion and obstruction of justice." (September 25) Deroy Murdock: Joe Biden’s actions on Ukraine reek of extortion and obstruction of justice
Given the current condition of the Democratic Party, you could theoretically have some victories.
The problem is that the alternative is pretty repulsive. So there is nowhere to go.
The same situation holds true when it comes to minorities leaving the party.
Well, the GOP is not the same party it was on Aug31 2016.

The times they are a changin`.
Well, the GOP is not the same party it was on Aug31 2016.

The times they are a changin`.

This is true. Before 2016, it was a sensible conservative party.

Now it's a weird cult.

Trump is living in the WH, and the socialists and "conservatives" are not. Not surprising is it?
Trump listens to middle-America and the "coastal elites" and "establishment" types do not.
2020 will be an interesting contest.
The democrats are squirming already, trotting out Bloomberg and Deval Patrick to save the day.
Trump is living in the WH, and the socialists and "conservatives" are not. Not surprising is it?
Trump listens to middle-America and the "coastal elites" and "establishment" types do not.
2020 will be an interesting contest.
The democrats are squirming already, trotting out Bloomberg and Deval Patrick to save the day.

Naw, you always have these "late entries".. and they never go anywhere.

By the time next November rolls around, Trump will have been impeached, and if the REpublicans don't remove him or force him to resign, he'll be presiding over a recession and an electoral disaster.
Trump is living in the WH, and the socialists and "conservatives" are not. Not surprising is it?
Trump listens to middle-America and the "coastal elites" and "establishment" types do not.
2020 will be an interesting contest.
The democrats are squirming already, trotting out Bloomberg and Deval Patrick to save the day.

Naw, you always have these "late entries".. and they never go anywhere.

By the time next November rolls around, Trump will have been impeached, and if the REpublicans don't remove him or force him to resign, he'll be presiding over a recession and an electoral disaster.

Keep dreaming of a democrat victory in November. Trump may be impeached, but its the democrats that will be toast. The Senate trial can be a scream when they call the following to the stand: Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, the Ohrs, Lynch, Rice, Mueller, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to see who did what in 2016. Then the voters can decide which party can be trusted to provide more peace and prosperity.

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