Dems do not wan't the military to vote!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Even though they say they love our brave men and women in uniform they want military absentee ballots thrown out in a recount IE....Florida 2000:evil:
It happened in NY too this NOV and some other states as well. Most were BLUE states. Said the ballots didnt come in time . Truth was they did not give enough time for the ballots to come in. I guess they did know it post office over there is not the same since most of the guys are on the front line. Military mostly votes REP because REP Representative are military friendly so the blue states try not to get the military to vote because it wont be good for their candidate
It happened in NY too this NOV and some other states as well. Most were BLUE states. Said the ballots didnt come in time . Truth was they did not give enough time for the ballots to come in. I guess they did know it post office over there is not the same since most of the guys are on the front line. Military mostly votes REP because REP Representative are military friendly so the blue states try not to get the military to vote because it wont be good for their candidate
what you have said is the absolute truth!!!liberals are the most hypocritical group of liars to ever get a foot hold in this country.they scream the false accusation voter disenfranchisement while at the same time disenfranchising the people that fight and die for their right to vote.UNBELIEVABLE....:evil:

It has happened that some military absentee votes haven't been counted, but it's not a conspiracy by liberals to keep the military from voting.

Anyone putting their own life in harms way by serving in the military damn well ought to be able to vote.

Those whom Obamaites would deny the vote are the same who Our Kenyan President might one day call upon to kill Americans fighting for freedom at home.

Good luck with that, Barrrrrry......
What do you have to back this claim?

That question? From you?

warrior I give court documented evidence when I speak of the republicans decades long efforts to keep people from voting.

The least you people can do is provide SOMETHING to prove this claim
warrior I give court documented evidence when I speak of the republicans decades long efforts to keep people from voting.

The least you people can do is provide SOMETHING to prove this claim
Yeah just like the black panthers with billy clubs preventing white people to vote in Philly but did
Eric Holder prosecute them .. NO. Because they were for Obama. You can bet if they had the KKK out there preventing black people to vote all hell would have broke lose in the Main stream media but this story was pushed aside. Why is that? Because the media had a love affair with Obama
warrior I give court documented evidence when I speak of the republicans decades long efforts to keep people from voting.

The least you people can do is provide SOMETHING to prove this claim
Yeah just like the black panthers with billy clubs preventing white people to vote in Philly but did
Eric Holder prosecute them .. NO. Because they were for Obama. You can bet if they had the KKK out there preventing black people to vote all hell would have broke lose in the Main stream media but this story was pushed aside. Why is that? Because the media had a love affair with Obama

Do you realise those two skinny black guys only had one billy club between them.

No one ever came forward to claim they were taunted by these two young men.

It was two young men in one black precient.

How do you feel about the people who were forced to stand in line for HOURS to vote due to the placement of voting machines?

How do you feel about the thousands of people who were denied the vote at all in floridas 2000 race?
Here is the video of the black panthers

[ame=]‪Black Panthers Violating the Civil Rights of Voters‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
warrior I give court documented evidence when I speak of the republicans decades long efforts to keep people from voting.

The least you people can do is provide SOMETHING to prove this claim
Yeah just like the black panthers with billy clubs preventing white people to vote in Philly but did
Eric Holder prosecute them .. NO. Because they were for Obama. You can bet if they had the KKK out there preventing black people to vote all hell would have broke lose in the Main stream media but this story was pushed aside. Why is that? Because the media had a love affair with Obama

Do you realise those two skinny black guys only had one billy club between them.

No one ever came forward to claim they were taunted by these two young men.

It was two young men in one black precient.

How do you feel about the people who were forced to stand in line for HOURS to vote due to the placement of voting machines?

How do you feel about the thousands of people who were denied the vote at all in floridas 2000 race?

I voted by mail asshole. Didn't have to deal with all the harrassment you Liberal idiots and the Black Panthers were dishing out at election stations. Thanks for asking though.

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