Dems Demand Investigation Into Why Trump Didn’t Stop The Last Investigation


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Satire? More like reality.

Democrats and the media — but I repeat myself — are demanding a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate why Donald Trump did not stop the last Special Counsel from investigating Donald Trump.

Congressman Jerry Nadler, in a statement issued from under a rock, said, “Connect the dots, people. Robert Mueller found there was no Russian collusion and yet Trump did not obstruct his investigation. That means Trump just stood by and allowed the government to waste two years and 30-million dollars looking into something that he knew all along never happened. This is a completely irresponsible waste of taxpayer dollars and we need to get to the bottom of why Trump allowed it to happen.”

Dems Demand Investigation Into Why Trump Didn’t Stop The Last Investigation [Satire]

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