demon wolves , isis and ancient Assyria

I liked reading about this stuff as a youngster , mostly in novels tough . Ancient warfare and possible capture was nasty . With isis we see how warfare was a thousand or so years ago . As far as ww3 , yeah , something is going on !!
The way I see it, in the past the wars been spoken publicly about religion motives, since then all wars ever happened including our time conflicts involves religion motives as well, WW2 was all about the Nazi ideology as religion never the less and we all seem to not speak it out loud with the modernization process in the world, but ISIS along with other Islamic radicals talk about it, America/EU begin to talk about it - mostly by Christians of course - here in Israel we talk about it, and so does everyone in the world.
ww2 and religion , yeah maybe due to Nazi-ism which might be seen as religion . Especially now though I see the religious aspect because of islam . Continuation of the Crusades is what it looks like to me . Interesting because in the LAST DAYS I think that religion will be a big topic .
3 or 4 , same thing to me a I saw the cold war as no problem as nothing happened as far as I could see Sally . From my perspective thngs seemed peaceful during the cold war as it was just a war of words .
3 or 4 , same thing to me a I saw the cold war as no problem as nothing happened as far as I could see Sally . From my perspective thngs seemed peaceful during the cold war as it was just a war of words .

You're right that it was basically a war of words (even during the Cuban missile crises), but this war looks much more dangerous.

Although when you think about it, look at how many millions had died because of Mao. What a difference now in a way since many Chinese seem to be enjoying Capitalism.
well , I guess that I sound insensitive but those Chinese that died due to mao well , they were Chinese .
well , I guess that I sound insensitive but those Chinese that died due to mao well , they were Chinese .

But so many were innocent, the same with the Cambodians who died at the hands of Pol Pot.
The Communists certainly have managed to kill many people.
well yeah , innocent or guilty and guilty of what , still they were Chinese . Thing with the Government of Cambodia and pol pot , well what should Americans have done ?? Same question applies to idi amin , stalin , lenin .

A nice piece of writing, ^ that ^. Interesting.

I notice that the Assyrian god pazuzu (I ain't capitalizing his name; my preference) in the photo ...


... is making the "as above, so below" gesture typically associated with the chief Roman god jupiter:


Here're a couple more images of figures making the "as above, so below" gesture:



(^ That's ^ Eliphas Levi's baphomet, in case you didn't know.)

The philosophy of "as above, so below" is antithetical to both Judaism and Christianity because—long story short—it essentially endows man equality with The Almighty.

Read about it here: "As above, so below" in Hermeticism, Wikipedia

Thanks again for the good read, pismoe. I've bookmarked that blog. :thup:
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yeah , I didn't know and I never realized about the Above and Below so thanks . As far as the article , yep , its interesting and the info in the article describes this isis .
yeah, I didn't know and I never realized about the Above and Below so thanks. As far as the article, yep, its interesting and the info in the article describes this isis.

Google "as above so below" sometime, and you'll be amazed at some of the esoteric things you'll learn.

Just don't get so close to the fire that you burn your fingers.
Ummmm, Sharty????? What do you make of this line from 'the Lord's Prayer': "Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven" ?
Ummmm, Sharty????? What do you make of this line from 'the Lord's Prayer': "Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven" ?

The Will of The Almighty manifested in the Lord's Prayer as said by The Christ in the Sermon on the Mount is not the same thing as the Hermetic/ Theosophical concept of the unity between the macrocosm (God) and the microcosm (spirit world of man and the fallen angels).

Their idea of "as above, so below" is not to promote the Will of the Judeo-Christian God, but the triumph of the will (sound familiar?) of the spirit world over His Will.

The devil always paints the things he promotes as harmless — as beautiful, even.

That's why he's so dangerous. And that's why we need protection from The Almighty to fight him and his wiles. :thup:

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