Democrats, would you support a Democratic candidate for POTUS that supported immigration laws?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
From what I can tell, the unspoken platform of the DNC is open borders. So, I ask, would you support a Democrat for POTUS who stated their belief in immigration laws?
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Boy, if you think that, you're profoundly stupid.

Yea, that's why every Democratic stronghold is a sanctuary city or state, because Democrats are such sticklers on immigration law, right? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!
Boy, if you think that, you're profoundly stupid.

Yea, that's why every Democratic stronghold is a sanctuary city or state, because Democrats are such sticklers on immigration law, right? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!

Well that is an unsophisticated and not surprisingly stupid appraisal that does nothing except highlight how little you know. It is fun to watch you spout off with such a combination of gusto and ignorance though. More please

Do you want to answer my question in my op?

Since the Dems have always nominated candidates who have been in favor of immigration laws, I would say yes they would get votes and they would get my support. Its a dumb question based on an imaginary premise. But please continue to exhibit your ignorance. Its fun.
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Do you want to answer my question in my op?

Since the Dems have always nominated candidates who have been in favor of immigration laws, I would say yes they would get votes and they would get my support. Its a dumb question based on an imaginary premise. But please continue to exhibit your ignorance. Its fun.

Any Democrat that came out in support of current immigration laws would have little to no chance of winning the DNC nomination. Are you saying that I'm wrong?

Do you want to answer my question in my op?

Since the Dems have always nominated candidates who have been in favor of immigration laws, I would say yes they would get votes and they would get my support. Its a dumb question based on an imaginary premise. But please continue to exhibit your ignorance. Its fun.

Any Democrat that came out in support of current immigration laws would have little to no chance of winning the DNC nomination. Are you saying that I'm wrong?

The current immigration laws is essentially state-sanctioned kidnapping which, of course, you love.

Obama deported massive numbers of illegal aliens without the concentration camps and cruelty for the sake of being cruel.

So, again, your question is dumb and based on an imaginary premise.
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The current immigration laws is essentially state-sanctioned kidnapping which, of course, you love. Obama deported massive numbers of illegal aliens without the concentration camps and cruelty for the sake of being cruel. So, again, your question is dumb and based on an imaginary premise.

I see that having a rationale discussion with you isn't possible. In any event, my point stands. Any Democrat that runs on a platform of supporting immigration laws has no chance of winning the Democratic nomination.

Thanks for playing.
The current immigration laws is essentially state-sanctioned kidnapping which, of course, you love. Obama deported massive numbers of illegal aliens without the concentration camps and cruelty for the sake of being cruel. So, again, your question is dumb and based on an imaginary premise.

I see that having a rationale discussion with you isn't possible. In any event, my point stands. Any Democrat that runs on a platform of supporting immigration laws has no chance of winning the Democratic nomination.

Thanks for playing.

Sorry if the truth offends you. Perhaps you should try having a "rationale" discussion with yourself before you exhibit more dumbness?
The question is based on an imaginary presence. No rational democrat has ever proposed doing away with immigration laws. Every democrat I know supports them. Yes, many have proposed overhauling immigration but not supporting it? Bullshit.

Illegal immigration has existed wholesale since the 1950's. It's only within the last two decades where people have finally made it an issue. I don't object to our immigration policy, as is, per se, but I do object to how trump has used it as a political dog whistle for his fanatic followers and his draconian methods.
The question is based on an imaginary presence. No rational democrat has ever proposed doing away with immigration laws. Every democrat I know supports them. Yes, many have proposed overhauling immigration but not supporting it? Bullshit.

Illegal immigration has existed wholesale since the 1950's. It's only within the last two decades where people have finally made it an issue. I don't object to our immigration policy, as is, per se, but I do object to how trump has used it as a political dog whistle for his fanatic followers and his draconian methods.

Don't sanctuary cities and states act contrary to the nation's immigration laws? I believe they do. And then there are leading Democrats like Kamala Harris extolling us to welcome the caravan to America. To me, Democrats are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. They claim to support immigration laws while simultaneously doing everything possible to circumvent those laws.
The question is based on an imaginary presence. No rational democrat has ever proposed doing away with immigration laws. Every democrat I know supports them. Yes, many have proposed overhauling immigration but not supporting it? Bullshit.

Illegal immigration has existed wholesale since the 1950's. It's only within the last two decades where people have finally made it an issue. I don't object to our immigration policy, as is, per se, but I do object to how trump has used it as a political dog whistle for his fanatic followers and his draconian methods.

It hasn’t been 2 decades, it’s been about 3-4 years. Gallup did a poll one time where Immigration was polling at 3% in terms of the most important issue facing the nation. This was before the blob summoned his hate battalions

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