Democrats Will Lose 5 House Seats and 7 Senate Seats

We lose 7 to 12 in the House (do not lose control of the chamber ) and pick up 4 to 7 in the Senate

PA has redrawn congressional districts and are likely to pick up at least 5 seats there
Democrooks have nothing to offer.

During the Bush years they had massive debt and a poorly run war to run against.

Their meat puppet faggot doubled the debt, the world descended into chaos at the hands of jihadists we all know the moonbat messiah sympathized with, and Trump is actually making an effort to secure peace and stability because everyone knows WE HAVE THE GUNS and he isn't "uncomfortable" with the concept of victory.

I don't see how the democrooks don't get wiped off the table like they did in 2002.

I'm confident Trump won't squander the victory like the globalist Bush did.

Any idiot who understands gerrymandering knows Democrats are not going to take the House and will lose humongous in the Senate.
Poll: voters prefer a generic Democrat over Trump in 2020

Are you confident enough to put a wager on those numbers?

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I am confident enough to wager on my predictions

Just to be clear, here is what I will wager on:

Republicans win at least 4 Senate seats (will have at least 55 Republicans in the Senate)
Republicans lose 14 or less House seats

Whatever bet you want
As usual more democrats and women polled then republicans or men.
Well it makes sense because there are more Democrats and women in the country than there are their counterparts
There are more independents than either and yet they were the LEAST amount polled! You can't get a legit poll with giving more voice to one party or the other.
The only poll that counts is the which turn out rules the day. Hillary fans learned this the hard way in 2016.

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