Democrats, what positive things will you do if you gain power back?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2018
San Diego
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?

See the posts which will show up on the Clean Zone in re Honesty.

I invite you to post what aspect of the GOP you support and why, and support your comments with how they would govern our nation of 300 + diverse citizens.

I will do the same.
I don't see the list of "promises" from the dems. Here is the list of dem's talking points:
1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Free Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems allow only super-delegates to vote and deny regular people to vote in primaries (slight exaggeration)
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
I think it's telling that there were so few responses to this thread. Who would be so deluded that they voted for the "solution free" Democratic party?
Democrats, what positive things will you do if you gain power back?

Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?
The most positive and important thing is that the failed, wrongheaded Republican agenda will be stopped, and thankfully so.

Whats wrong headed about it?
Well I did see a bumper sticker on my way home from work yesterday.

It said:

Take America back. Vote Democrat.

Next to it was another sticker to vote for Gillum. Yup vote for a socialist for Governor.

Now you know.
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?
The most positive and important thing is that the failed, wrongheaded Republican agenda will be stopped, and thankfully so.

And replace with what? The Democrats don't want to face it, but they need to do something besides point and laugh to win back the voters they've lost.
Its no contest. The dems have nothing except promising "something for nothing", i.e. free money from workers to the non-workers. We'll see if their scam has any takers in a few weeks. The good news is that the GOP will keep the Senate, so even if the dems take the House by a few seats they won't be able to do much except whine.
Stop the republicans from destroying our non 2nd amendment rights .
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?
The most positive and important thing is that the failed, wrongheaded Republican agenda will be stopped, and thankfully so.
Never going to happen, the crime party is done.
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?
Increase refugee quotas. Push comprehensive immigration reform to include what to do with the DACA folks and the families being arrested at the border.
Everybody knows you hate Trump and your feelings about GOP policies.
No Trump bashing please. Just positive ideas.
How will you make this a better country? How will you change things if you win?

The only reason to vote for Democrats is to split the power. Extremism on the right or left is un-American.
I don't see the list of "promises" from the dems. Here is the list of dem's talking points:
1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Free Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems allow only super-delegates to vote and deny regular people to vote in primaries (slight exaggeration)
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.

A bunch of right wing talking points.

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