Democrats want to remove armed police from schools, replace them with unarmed therapists...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There is no reason to allow any democrat to have any power to do anything as stupid as this..... they actually want to reduce the number of armed police already on school campuses...and replace them with therapists....

Yes.....they apparently want mass shooters to shoot up more schools.....this would give them more power to push more gun control with more school shootings...right?

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Some Illinois lawmakers want to give extra money to schools that replace armed security officers with unarmed social workers and behavior therapists, an approach to safety that's far different than a national push to add police or arm teachers following a mass shooting at a Florida high school.

Rep. Emanuel "Chris" Welch, a Hillside Democrat, said he proposed the plan after hearing from advocates who argue that investing in mental health resources is the best way of treating the epidemic of violence.

His plan, which is backed by 16 other Democrats in the House, would allow schools to apply to an optional grant if they promise to reallocate funding for school-based law enforcement to mental health services, including social workers or other practices "designed to promote school safety and healthy environments."
The therapists would have to be gender neutral.
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This is part of the restorative justice nonsense that has been infecting institutions. The criminal is as much of a victim as the persons he victimizes. The criminal can be restored if both victim and criminal can be counseled together. Of course if the victim is dead, they have to take the nearest relative.
This is part of the restorative justice nonsense that has been infecting institutions. The criminal is as much of a victim as the persons he victimizes. The criminal can be restored if both victim and criminal can be counseled together. Of course if the victim is dead, they have to take the nearest relative.

If the victim is dead, that does cut down on the therapists billable they save some money there....
This is part of the restorative justice nonsense that has been infecting institutions. The criminal is as much of a victim as the persons he victimizes. The criminal can be restored if both victim and criminal can be counseled together. Of course if the victim is dead, they have to take the nearest relative.

If the victim is dead, that does cut down on the therapists billable they save some money there....

No. They just take the nearest relative. It's the healing process and the criminal is as much in need of healing as anyone else.

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