Democrats urge Biden to bring down food prices

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No, wages and benefits for the working class have been out of control, long before Biden.
Even members of his own party realize food prices are out of control

Ironic, since it was the policies of massive spending that lead to these prices. Of course, politicians are ignorant to all issues of economics because well, they just pay for their food per diem.

Also, don't forget about the "Inflation Reduction Act" where the economic experts decided that economics really didn't matter and that a policy that ALWAYS does the opposite would work magically this time just by the sheer words of hope by the Party. "Spend money to DECREASE inflation?!!?!" I mean, what person of any reputable cerebral activity thought that THIS would be a great idea for inflation? Let's defy all logic and basic lessons on fiscal responsibility and convince the sucker taxpayer that borrowing trillions and throwing it into the economy would make things cheaper for them. It's like throwing gas on a bonfire.

Similar to the Paris Accord. Trillions spent and we still hear the whining and complaining about climate change. China has to be shocked at how easy it has been.

It's similar to the economy, even the British press have been calling this out. It's easy to have a "booming economy" when it is all based on borrowing. It's like a guy using his line of credit to rent a limo and drink expensive champagne as he tries to convince everyone he is living the high life. It's a mirage and never permanent or sustainable
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Its too late... this shows how economically challenged dems are... the high prices are due to higher costs to ship goods from one place to another... and the only way to fix that is to drill baby drill.... but even if we started drilling today it wouldn't lower gas prices for over a year at best...
Even members of his own party realize food prices are out of control

already a thread on this

So yesterday Joe says he doesn't believe the polls but today he agrees to a debate... he would only debate if he believed that he was seriously behind...
That old man is a lie a minute man.....
No clue why we need to deal with this half a dozen times a day.

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