Democrats Tear Down US Flag...Run-Up Mexican Flag

I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.
It would sound so much less hypocritical if you were vocal about this when Obama was president instead of waiting 4 years.

Obama did not do this. This is happening on Trumps watch. And this immature bullshit you Trump bitches pull is trifling. Trump takes credit for the economy and nobody says a word about what kind of great economy Obama handed him. But every fuck up this administration has, well Obama...

Fuck that. None of this shit happened during Obama and nobody liked his border policy either. And republicans refused to even work with Obama on this issue. What we see here now is failed Trump policy that has resulted in a humanitarian crisis complete with massive human rights violations.


The buck stops at the presidents desk and the President is named Donald J. Trump. Your asses voted for him and brag about how he's the president every day. Trump is responsible for this. No one else.


Fucking liar


From 2014 - you lying bag of puss.


The problems with this disingenuous attempt are several.

Breibart is known to make things up.

I opposed Obamas policy.

Obama did not separate children from their families.

Detentions were temporary.

We did not see these problems during Obama no matter how much you holler.
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.

Herr Himmler, did you read the one semi-legitimate source,NPR?

{"The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is in charge of caring for under-age immigrants, received more than 4,500 allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment between 2015 and 2018. The reporting begins under the Obama administration. Of those complaints, some 1,300 were serious enough to refer to the FBI, but an official says 'the vast majority' proved to be unfounded.}

IN FACT Herr Himmler, there is not ONE case of an ICE or DHS employee convicted of sexual abuse or contact with migrant children.

I get that you sleazy and vile demagogues are spewing slander and libel at these people in your effort to undermine the protection of our border, but your vicious lies are based on zero evidence. You leftists send in activists to tell children to make certain claims. Not once have the claims turned out true.

Yet you smear all ICE agents are rapists, Herr Himmler.

Shame on you, shame on your filthy, traitor party.

Deny, deny, deny, or deflect to Obama. No children died when Obama was President. Not one. Children weren't being held in "for profit" prisons either. They weren't being starved, left filthy, and they weren't being separated from the parents either.
Read your own links idiot!
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.

Herr Himmler, did you read the one semi-legitimate source,NPR?

{"The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is in charge of caring for under-age immigrants, received more than 4,500 allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment between 2015 and 2018. The reporting begins under the Obama administration. Of those complaints, some 1,300 were serious enough to refer to the FBI, but an official says 'the vast majority' proved to be unfounded.}

IN FACT Herr Himmler, there is not ONE case of an ICE or DHS employee convicted of sexual abuse or contact with migrant children.

I get that you sleazy and vile demagogues are spewing slander and libel at these people in your effort to undermine the protection of our border, but your vicious lies are based on zero evidence. You leftists send in activists to tell children to make certain claims. Not once have the claims turned out true.

Yet you smear all ICE agents are rapists, Herr Himmler.

Shame on you, shame on your filthy, traitor party.

Deny, deny, deny, or deflect to Obama. No children died when Obama was President. Not one. Children weren't being held in "for profit" prisons either. They weren't being starved, left filthy, and they weren't being separated from the parents either.
Read your own links idiot!

I did. They tell a tale of government agents out of control. Of government enforcement officers who enjoy harming and treating the weak and vulnerable badly. Every time you have a government agency which is in a position of power and authority over the weak and the powerless, you will attract sociopaths who get their jollies from abusing others. This is what has happened with ICE and the border patrol.

While the majority of these workers are genuinely concerned for the health and well being of the asylum seekers, there are enough of these sociopaths currently involved on the border that there needs to be a purge. Most concerning is the for-profit prison companies. Their facilities have had the worst reports of abuse, and workers there refused donations of food, clothing and diapers because they were "fully stocked and had everything they needed". And yet the children were hungry, dirty, and caring for each other. So either this abuse is a policy of the administration which the for profits are enthusiastically supporting, or the for-profits are adding that extra jolt of cruelty that Trump's DHS staff refuse to allow.

Either way, this needs to END.
I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.

Herr Himmler, did you read the one semi-legitimate source,NPR?

{"The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is in charge of caring for under-age immigrants, received more than 4,500 allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment between 2015 and 2018. The reporting begins under the Obama administration. Of those complaints, some 1,300 were serious enough to refer to the FBI, but an official says 'the vast majority' proved to be unfounded.}

IN FACT Herr Himmler, there is not ONE case of an ICE or DHS employee convicted of sexual abuse or contact with migrant children.

I get that you sleazy and vile demagogues are spewing slander and libel at these people in your effort to undermine the protection of our border, but your vicious lies are based on zero evidence. You leftists send in activists to tell children to make certain claims. Not once have the claims turned out true.

Yet you smear all ICE agents are rapists, Herr Himmler.

Shame on you, shame on your filthy, traitor party.

Deny, deny, deny, or deflect to Obama. No children died when Obama was President. Not one. Children weren't being held in "for profit" prisons either. They weren't being starved, left filthy, and they weren't being separated from the parents either.
Read your own links idiot!

I did. They tell a tale of government agents out of control. Of government enforcement officers who enjoy harming and treating the weak and vulnerable badly. Every time you have a government agency which is in a position of power and authority over the weak and the powerless, you will attract sociopaths who get their jollies from abusing others. This is what has happened with ICE and the border patrol.

While the majority of these workers are genuinely concerned for the health and well being of the asylum seekers, there are enough of these sociopaths currently involved on the border that there needs to be a purge. Most concerning is the for-profit prison companies. Their facilities have had the worst reports of abuse, and workers there refused donations of food, clothing and diapers because they were "fully stocked and had everything they needed". And yet the children were hungry, dirty, and caring for each other. So either this abuse is a policy of the administration which the for profits are enthusiastically supporting, or the for-profits are adding that extra jolt of cruelty that Trump's DHS staff refuse to allow.

Either way, this needs to END.
The hypocrisy is that this is about Trump, not those children that were "kept in cages and in contrentration camps" and were dying during the Obama administration when you didn;t give a rat's ass!

Do you ever disgust yourself?
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
You own this Democrats AntiFa is your child the monster you created cuddled and nurtured
There is no disowning to many clips of Democrats and their media talking heads praising these terrorist making excuses justifying
Just like with the KKK Democrats are going to be remembered as the party of AntiFa

But, but, but, there is a Trump supporter out there somewhere holding “the confederate flag”, even though it isn’t the confederate flag...
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
Democrats, who make up a large majority of our prison inmates, are about to see that number go up dramatically when Horowitz and Barr are done.
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.
I will give you a free clue.

No one cares. The invaders shouldn't be here. They are still coming. They are clamoring to get into these overcrowded camps. Parents have sold children to slavers in the camps. Children should be returned to their home countries within 24 hours of discovery. Stop the flood. Otherwise no one cares.

If you had a clue, I'd suggest you keep it. You need it far more than I do, because the people seeking asylum are not "invaders", and they're not "clamouring to get into these overcrowded camps".

You claim to be a lawyer, and yet have no clue as to their legal rights, or the injustice being heaped on these people. You also claim to be a Christian, but are willing to aid and abet in the abuse and harm being done to these families.

Clueless, heartless and brainless. Fucking Russians!
Foreign invaders period. You’re the the person without a clue.
She has a clue, she's just a traitor...
I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.
I will give you a free clue.

No one cares. The invaders shouldn't be here. They are still coming. They are clamoring to get into these overcrowded camps. Parents have sold children to slavers in the camps. Children should be returned to their home countries within 24 hours of discovery. Stop the flood. Otherwise no one cares.

If you had a clue, I'd suggest you keep it. You need it far more than I do, because the people seeking asylum are not "invaders", and they're not "clamouring to get into these overcrowded camps".

You claim to be a lawyer, and yet have no clue as to their legal rights, or the injustice being heaped on these people. You also claim to be a Christian, but are willing to aid and abet in the abuse and harm being done to these families.

Clueless, heartless and brainless. Fucking Russians!
Foreign invaders period. You’re the the person without a clue.
She has a clue, she's just a traitor...
The most patriotic of Americans are traitors to democrats and staunch traitors to Mexico.
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
your right they could belong to the socialist or comunist party but they sure in the hell aren't republicans or conservatives
I’m reading this thread and marvelling at the outrage over disrespect shown to a piece of cloth, while being perfectly fine with it being proudly flown over concentration camps for where children are being abused. Your priorities are completely whack.

You SHOULD be outraged at Trump’s desecration of the flag by flying it proudly over internment facilities where people are being deprived of their basic rights as human beings under the Constitution for which it stands. Where children are left dirty and hungry, and girls are being sexually assaulted by staff.

A flag is a piece of cloth, it is not some sacred icon to be worshipped. If you want respect for your flag, stop proudly displaying it while torturing families.

I'm not sure we decent people can reconcile with you traitor Marxists.

You are such fucking liars and scum. You are Heinreich Himmler level scum who slander and libel men and women who work diligently under difficult circumstances that YOU CREATED in your attempt to use foreign nationals to overwhelm our borders. THEN you hurl lies about them being rapists - no evidence, no different than Himmler claiming Jews used the blood of babies to make Matzo, you just want to demean your enemy.

You are fucking scum. I just don't see how people like you can integrate back into a decent society. You are not decent people.

No proof from you, just scurrilous insults. Because that's all you "patriots" have. It's OK for you to abuse, starve and keep children in conditions so bad that if you kept your dog like that, you'd be arrested for animal abuse, but your government is treating people who are trying to the claim the right to asylum, worse than animals.

Citing reports from DHS:

Children sexually assaulted and abused by US border guards at detention camp, report says

Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says

Sexual Assault Of Detained Migrant Children Reported In The Thousands Since 2015

Migrant kids in Yuma report sex assault, retaliation from U.S. agents

And your biggest outrage here is that someone took down your flag.
I will give you a free clue.

No one cares. The invaders shouldn't be here. They are still coming. They are clamoring to get into these overcrowded camps. Parents have sold children to slavers in the camps. Children should be returned to their home countries within 24 hours of discovery. Stop the flood. Otherwise no one cares.

If you had a clue, I'd suggest you keep it. You need it far more than I do, because the people seeking asylum are not "invaders", and they're not "clamouring to get into these overcrowded camps".

You claim to be a lawyer, and yet have no clue as to their legal rights, or the injustice being heaped on these people. You also claim to be a Christian, but are willing to aid and abet in the abuse and harm being done to these families.

Clueless, heartless and brainless. Fucking Russians!
There is a reason why you are treated with such contempt. You deserve it.
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...

Slink off sheep boi. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Worry about Brexit and obeying the Muslim Caliphate that rules your little country. Let us worry about America.
This is exactly why I wish we could bring back that old English hang/draw/quarter deluxe package for treason. For those of you who don't know, here's how it works: the victim is strangulation hanged almost to the point of death and then revived multiple times. Next, the victim is strapped down to a table with a bonfire next to it. The executioner takes a glowing red-hot knife (so it cauterizes as it cuts so the victim can't mercifully bleed to death before the fun is over) and first, he slices off the penis and tosses it into the fire. Then he slits open the victim's guts and draws the traitor's intestines through the bonfire while he's still alive and watching his own intestines get blackened in the fire. Then finally, off comes the head and the body is quartered into four pieces and displayed in various public places as a warning against treason (although I'm unclear if the severed head counts as one of the four pieces).

All in all, it's a beautiful end to a traitor and exactly what they deserve.
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
Democrats, who make up a large majority of our prison inmates, are about to see that number go up dramatically when Horowitz and Barr are done.

So no evidence. None...

So unlike the GOP actions which are killing children, you have no evidence...

So you are just throwing out wild accusations to cover up the kiddy killers...

Why do you support kiddy killers and try and cover up there actions...
To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
Democrats, who make up a large majority of our prison inmates, are about to see that number go up dramatically when Horowitz and Barr are done.

So no evidence. None...

So unlike the GOP actions which are killing children, you have no evidence...

So you are just throwing out wild accusations to cover up the kiddy killers...

Why do you support kiddy killers and try and cover up there actions...
We can only assume that Mexico is attempting to take American territory by force and respond with full military power.

Many Mexicans will die.

To deface the American Flag & raise a Mexican Flag is a disgrace & slap in the American people face. When Left Wing Anti- Americans disrespect the flag, you give others permission to do the same. Anyone that has a problem with the US Flag, take your @&& back to your own country.

deface the American Flag - When did this happen?

Also I am still asking how we know Democrats did this?

I the story is Idiots on US Message Board hare accusing people of crimes with no evidence...

Any Crime to them is a Democrats fault...
Democrats, who make up a large majority of our prison inmates, are about to see that number go up dramatically when Horowitz and Barr are done.

So no evidence. None...

So unlike the GOP actions which are killing children, you have no evidence...

So you are just throwing out wild accusations to cover up the kiddy killers...

Why do you support kiddy killers and try and cover up there actions...
We can only assume that Mexico is attempting to take American territory by force and respond with full military power.

Many Mexicans will die.


Most of the invaders are central American, not Mexican.

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