Democrats Smarter Than Republicans


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We all know of the tribulations in Wisconsin.
Here is the story of with a different ending.

1."Within two months of becoming governor, as I faced a budget shortfall of 25 percent of my state’s entire budget, I proposed an 8 percent pay cut for state workers, ...Several times during that first legislative session, more than 1,000 union members came to the state Legislature to protest against me and my proposals. The impeachment signs were hard to miss." Governor Markell of Delaware,

2. "I’m also sympathetic to the need in Wisconsin and other states to secure pension and health benefits concessions from public workers. We’re in the same position in Delaware. What taxpayers fund for these benefits is certainly not sustainable.... I often spend time there explaining my own unpopular proposals — including those to cut their pay and benefits."

3. " Some union members have unrealistic expectations about wage increases when so many of their neighbors throughout the state don’t have jobs, wages or benefits. I’m sometimes frustrated by that attitude."

4. "On balance, it’s better for our state when unions have the right to speak out and to have a place at the table — when they represent those whose voices may not be heard." One Fight More: Markell on Public Employee Unions

5. The State Workers United coalition, which includes the Delaware State Education Association has been meeting with representatives from Governor Markell's Administration to see if there could be a meeting of minds around cost savings in health care and pension. The discussions have gone well.These proposals have been agreed upon by representatives of the Markell Administration and State Workers United for a Better Delaware, aka, the Coalition. The savings these changes represent amount to $128.06 million over the next five years. And these savings will continue to increase incrementally into the future.One Fight More

6. Here we see it is possible to work out a solution without the acrimony of Wisconsin.

Aesop said it best:

A dispute arose between the north wind and the sun, each claiming that he was stronger than the other. At last they agreed to try their powers upon a traveler, to see which could soonest strip him of his cloak. The north wind had the first try; and, gathering up all his force for the attack, he came whirling furiously down upon the man, and caught up his cloak as though he would wrest it from him by one single effort. But the harder he blew, the more closely the man wrapped it round himself. Then came the turn of the sun. At first he beamed gently upon the traveler, who soon unclasped his cloak and walked on with it hanging loosely about his shoulders. Then he shone forth in his full strength, and the man, before he had gone many steps, was glad to throw his cloak right off and complete his journey more lightly clad.

Moral Of The Story: Persuasion is better than force.
The Story of the North Wind and the Sun

So, a Democrat Governor behaves in a more conservative fashion, with consideration for the needs of others, than the Republican Governor.
Smarter .... maybe because he has more common sense. Hammering something through makes the losers angry and inflames the political process. When a compromise is worked at and both sides get something each side may not be happy but they are not angry and feel like they have contributed.
Democrats Smarter Than Republicans
....OBVIOUS reasons.


Sometimes negotiation isn't an option.

Alot of that depends on the reasonableness of the people you are dealing with.
Democrats and liberal/progressives do believe they are smarter than everyone else.

Why else would think they have the right to tell you what to eat, what to drive, what kind of light bulbs to buy, what kind of cars to drive, etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.
Smarter .... maybe because he has more common sense. Hammering something through makes the losers angry and inflames the political process. When a compromise is worked at and both sides get something each side may not be happy but they are not angry and feel like they have contributed.

There was no "hammering through" with anything. The Governor campaigned on a platform of balancing the budget and that's exactly why he was voted in.
Democrats and liberal/progressives do believe they are smarter than everyone else.

Why else would think they have the right to tell you what to eat, what to drive, what kind of light bulbs to buy, what kind of cars to drive, etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.

no one from the GOP voted for any of those measures?:eusa_eh:
Democrats and liberal/progressives do believe they are smarter than everyone else.

Why else would think they have the right to tell you what to eat, what to drive, what kind of light bulbs to buy, what kind of cars to drive, etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.

no one from the GOP voted for any of those measures?:eusa_eh:

Libbies are the bigger culprit. And I am no fan of repugnantcans.
Democrats and liberal/progressives do believe they are smarter than everyone else.

Why else would think they have the right to tell you what to eat, what to drive, what kind of light bulbs to buy, what kind of cars to drive, etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.

no one from the GOP voted for any of those measures?:eusa_eh:
Plenty of liberals/progressives in the GOP.
Sometimes negotiation isn't an option.

Alot of that depends on the reasonableness of the people you are dealing with.

Oh the irony throughout this post. :clap2:

Ya we saw how reasonable the Unions and the Democrats were in Wisconsin.

Let's take a step back here.

1. Laying out the demand and making it a 'my way or the highway' doesn't usually produce the 'I see your point' response.

2. While, or course, it is always easier for a Democrat pol to get along with unions, let's give credit to the one who understood diplomacy and human nature.

I saw the guy on tv this morn, and he explained his approach...power-point presentation to the union coalition, got them to see their way to being part of the!

3. Sadly, like most of us, when either party is in power, it uses the 'elections have consequences' approach, rather than one which says 'we're all in this together.'

4. I must say that a conservative approach, rather than one that uses coercion and fiat is the best, long term, as it builds relationships, vs. enmity.

5. That being said, I don't advocate bending on principle, if possible, but I do on financial issues.
I am liberal, and I think all of the laws regarding food one can eat or drink, light bulbs one can purchase etc are an over reach of the gvt on our freedoms....i think information and the market should drive those changes....
Oh the irony throughout this post. :clap2:

Ya we saw how reasonable the Unions and the Democrats were in Wisconsin.

Let's take a step back here.

1. Laying out the demand and making it a 'my way or the highway' doesn't usually produce the 'I see your point' response.

2. While, or course, it is always easier for a Democrat pol to get along with unions, let's give credit to the one who understood diplomacy and human nature.

I saw the guy on tv this morn, and he explained his approach...power-point presentation to the union coalition, got them to see their way to being part of the!

3. Sadly, like most of us, when either party is in power, it uses the 'elections have consequences' approach, rather than one which says 'we're all in this together.'

4. I must say that a conservative approach, rather than one that uses coercion and fiat is the best, long term, as it builds relationships, vs. enmity.

5. That being said, I don't advocate bending on principle, if possible, but I do on financial issues.

Any evidence that this particular instance of "reason" didn't use the Wisconsin model as a negative example of what could happen next?

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