Democrats simply can't run on ideas

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.
They strive to bring out the worst in people and Obama sets the tone with his divisive rhetoric. They are the nastiest people on the planet with the possible exception of the terrorists they support.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...
Try to boost post count again?

Show me the equivalent of "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period." SHow me the equivalent of "I've seen the GOP plan. They want you to die quickly." Show me the GOP equivalent of this bumbling idiot.
Well, we better come up with something, gramps, because the Dems had no trouble beating us like a drum since 2006 with "Nothing". If that is true, then that means we are worse than "Nothing."

We have a good chance if, and we should, take the Senate. But if we stand on our laurels and fail to act, the Dems will beat us again with "Nothing."
"if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period."

"they have WMDs"
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...
Try to boost post count again?

Show me the equivalent of "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period." SHow me the equivalent of "I've seen the GOP plan. They want you to die quickly." Show me the GOP equivalent of this bumbling idiot.

I am not a crook....
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

The GOP have no answer for the millions of people/voters who are wondering what their plan is to bring their wages up. I know what the GOP reply would be, but I think the GOP is just loving it that no one is asking them this question.

What is the GOP's plan to help the masses? The workers. Labor. They don't have a plan for us/them. They want our wages down because that is the only way they know to bring jobs back home from China, Mexico or India. They would never take away tax breaks that we gave them before they shipped jobs overseas. I would have taken the tax breaks away the minute they started moving jobs overseas.

Then these companies who went bankrupt to renig on pensions and moved jobs overseas, are now coming home and instead of paying $20 hr plus benefits, they play $10 hr. And the GOP cry that wages are down. They did it on purpose and want you to blame Obama for their bad policies, that they secretly love, but then turn around and blame Obama for.

Republican strategists are very clever and middle class republican voters are so stupid.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...
Try to boost post count again?

Show me the equivalent of "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period." SHow me the equivalent of "I've seen the GOP plan. They want you to die quickly." Show me the GOP equivalent of this bumbling idiot.

I am not a crook....


Indeed, you do, Rab.
Back to the OP.
The Dems are exhibiting symptoms of ruling exhaustion. The GOP had the same thing in 2006. Thats why I wasnt too sorry to see them lose. They needed time in opposition to figure out what their message was. ANd to clean out some of the old guard (anyone seen Denny Hastert recently?) Now the Dems are back to harping on their old themes: racial warfare, class warfare, grievances. Not that they can actually solve any of those if they even existed. They just stoke them hoping it will spill over into general anger at the GOP for...well I dont know for what since those things became worse under Democrat rule.
They strive to bring out the worst in people and Obama sets the tone with his divisive rhetoric. They are the nastiest people on the planet with the possible exception of the terrorists they support.

Either you are a big fat liar or you are stupid. Because we know know it was the GOP who started using religion as a wedge issue.

And it was the GOP that moved to the far right and then said ok start negotiating with us starting here. Be honest. Even Reagan today would be considered a left wing liberal freak in the GOP. He wouldn't even get nominated.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...[/QUOTE
True to form, an Alinksyite Dem steps in, and accuses the GOP of Dem tactics.
Professor Ayres awards you an A+.
First, you say there is no such things as racial or class welfare, grievances, then you say they got worse under the Dems.

A 14 year old would take you apart in a debate.
Back to the OP.
The Dems are exhibiting symptoms of ruling exhaustion. The GOP had the same thing in 2006. Thats why I wasnt too sorry to see them lose. They needed time in opposition to figure out what their message was. ANd to clean out some of the old guard (anyone seen Denny Hastert recently?) Now the Dems are back to harping on their old themes: racial warfare, class warfare, grievances. Not that they can actually solve any of those if they even existed. They just stoke them hoping it will spill over into general anger at the GOP for...well I dont know for what since those things became worse under Democrat rule.

I do believe this is the GOP strategy. Eventually people will get sick of the party in power and replace them so the GOP don't have to change their ways, just wait it out.

And I hope you are right about the GOP run Gov, House and Senate in Michigan. I hope voters are tired of them and vote them all out. They've done a lot of damage in the last few years. Snyder made Michigan a right to work state. ALEC has introduced lots of anti labor legislation in Michigan. I hope voters have wised up. We kicked the tea bagger Kerry Bentivolio out so maybe there is hope for us still.
Well, we better come up with something, gramps, because the Dems had no trouble beating us like a drum since 2006 with "Nothing". If that is true, then that means we are worse than "Nothing."

We have a good chance if, and we should, take the Senate. But if we stand on our laurels and fail to act, the Dems will beat us again with "Nothing."

We haven't had much trouble beating Democrats around here since 2009. The bullshit coming out of DC backed up by wishy-washy struggling in the Moderate ranks have given Conservatives a far more appealing platform.

I am certain it isn't the case across most of the country ... But if Conservatives around here can keep control of the dialog out of liberal or moderate hands ... Then clear focus and solid ideas will continue to keep our gains up and probably assist in stripping Senator Reid of his current title.


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