Democrats: Reverse logic and always rooting for the underdog


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on...I’m wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?
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Only during election years. When not running, they are practically Wall Street Board Members.
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on..,.im wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?

There is no explanation for a unicorn either, your fantasy about Democrats has no basis in reality.
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on..,.im wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?

Legal marijuana, and a fast internet connection.
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on..,.im wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?

Bad guys root for the bad guys?

Wow... BrokeLoser, this may be even too obvious.
we need what i call "The 3 AM agenda", a president who focuses on the issues that keep folks awake in the middle of the night!
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Just to be’re saying you trick yourselves into believing good is bad and bad is good by being non binary thinkers?
You do realize that all intelligent people seek to simplify matters...right? That’s how problems get solved. Those who like to pretend there are extreme complexities in everything tend to never solve problems...Sound familiar?
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Just to be’re saying you trick yourselves into believing good is bad and bad is good by being non binary thinkers?
You do realize that all intelligent people seek to simplify matters...right? That’s how problems get solved. Those who like to pretend there are extreme complexities in everything tend to never solve problems...Sound familiar?
It is natural to seek simplicity but oversimplification is but a symptom of the collection of automatic knee-jerk reactions you call your political beliefs. There are no moral absolutes in the real world.
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Just to be’re saying you trick yourselves into believing good is bad and bad is good by being non binary thinkers?
You do realize that all intelligent people seek to simplify matters...right? That’s how problems get solved. Those who like to pretend there are extreme complexities in everything tend to never solve problems...Sound familiar?
It is natural to seek simplicity but oversimplification is but a symptom of the collection of automatic knee-jerk reactions you call your political beliefs. There are no moral absolutes in the real world.
Says a politically correct piece of shit
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on..,.im wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?

I would refer you, Broke, once again to the governing ideology of the modern radical American Left, which is postmodernism. Now, why would otherwise highly educated, normally upstanding and law abiding fellow Americans subscribe their lives to such an anti-human, anti-civilization ideology/philosophy/religion? For starters postmodernism is both an excuse and a great justification for doing any action one wishes to do, without consequence or punishment or judgement, which is a key attraction of the ideology. For instance, under postmodernism one can embrace publicly any perversion or unreality and still be viewed as "normal" due to postmodernism's leading tenets which are moral relativism and the belief that every last aspect of human existence can be redefined because it is nothing more than a social construct constructed by some old white man somewhere down through ancient history. These tenets are very powerful and very quickly become addictive for those who follow them by the letter in groups or mobs, particularly on social media. Think about a society where any act, no matter how depraved, can be repeated over and over again without persecution or judgement. That is a prime motivation for many to convert their ideological brains to postmodernism; to join the postmodernist religious cult.

Further, postmodernism expects its adherents to question everything, believe in nothing, and if whatever aspect of reality does not, never will fit within the bounds of established reality, to then redefine and recreate reality until reality itself cooperates with the ideology of postmodernism. In this way even centuries or millennia established and scientifically or traditionally recognized facts can be changed; re-written, redefined or fully ignored . . . all in the name of adhering to and following the ideology. In essence, there's no way to refute postmodernism because postmodernism is a panacea, a skeleton key for defeating all sensible, reasonable or factual argument, debate and dialectic by changing fact, history, reality themselves. From what I have observed personally at my own university, hardcore postmodernists thrill over such power to defy the longest standing facts of the human condition, such as the eternal and primordial difference between a man and a woman. You just can't get through the ideological brainwashing to get them to see reality; reality as it has always been. Cult-like mind conditioning on high overdrive.

To better know the enemy of Western Civilization and the human race as a whole . . . postmodernism . . . do some research at your local public or college library; the sooner, the better. Investigate the connection between postmodernism, atheism and Marxism and sadism . . . do that and all of your confusion over the behavior of radical Leftists in America and around the globe will begin to become real clear.
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Intelligent liberals exist?? :eusa_eh:
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Just to be’re saying you trick yourselves into believing good is bad and bad is good by being non binary thinkers?
You do realize that all intelligent people seek to simplify matters...right? That’s how problems get solved. Those who like to pretend there are extreme complexities in everything tend to never solve problems...Sound familiar?
It is natural to seek simplicity but oversimplification is but a symptom of the collection of automatic knee-jerk reactions you call your political beliefs. There are no moral absolutes in the real world.

Moral absolutes, or rather an overarching set of codes for good moral behavior, are exactly what Western Civilization--the US of A in particular--is founded upon. Without our ancient moral codes which very clearly distinguish for us the difference between right and wrong . . . America would not exist.
Intelligent people are able to deal with the fact that nothing is black and white. I know ambiguity and complexity is difficult for you as it is for most conservatives. There does not seem to be a cure for binary thinking, it's a mental rut deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Just to be’re saying you trick yourselves into believing good is bad and bad is good by being non binary thinkers?
You do realize that all intelligent people seek to simplify matters...right? That’s how problems get solved. Those who like to pretend there are extreme complexities in everything tend to never solve problems...Sound familiar?
It is natural to seek simplicity but oversimplification is but a symptom of the collection of automatic knee-jerk reactions you call your political beliefs. There are no moral absolutes in the real world.

That’s a lot of circle talk.
I think what you’re saying is that lowlife pieces of shits hate the fact that there are definitely “moral absolutes” in a united, prosperous, first world nation...right?
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on...I’m wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?
Some people will always root for the underdog-need to be needed and all that.
we need what i call "The 3 AM agenda", a president who focuses on the issues that keep folks awake in the middle of the night!

Well, trump has the time, he spends time tweeting his thoughts in the middle of the night. Maybe if he had an agenda, to support and defend the Constitution and represent all of the citizens of the United States; not only those who kiss is ass, maybe if he had that agenda, he might appear competent and the chaos he has brought to our nation could be mitigated.
It seems as though they have a inherent desire to always hope the ‘good guy’ loses and or to stand against the ‘good guy’...I believe their ability to do this is in twisting basic logic to view things in a reverse or backwards state.
Think about it...
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus
Natives Americans have a right to sovereignty, Americans have no sovereign right
Walls are good for my house, walls are bad for my nation
Muslims good, Christians bad
Poor and dependent good, Wealthy positive contributors bad
Heterosexuals too basic, gay and lesbians, cool and progressive
Hate income inequality, love Mexifornia GDP and their feast or famine ways
Love free speech, hate free speech that doesn’t align with their speech

I could go on and on..,.im wondering how seemingly intelligent people can somehow accept and follow all the backward, weird philosophies pushed by Democrats..,how does that work exactly?

There is no explanation for a unicorn either, your fantasy about Democrats has no basis in reality.
He is spot on.

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