Democrats Really Screw Israel: Taliban on Way w/ $80B Latest Greatest US Weapons


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Talib leadership likely prefers they not go but even they cannot reign in the young fighters. They are going, and nothing will stop them. They will get there one way or the other.

All Biden had to do was what the best officers were begging him to do, not his Woke yes men. Close Bagram air field last for an orderly withdrawal, blow the guns ammo and hardware. Spike all engine blocks. Now Israel really does have an "existential threat." How many SAMS did Biden leave to take out Israeli helicopters and jets? What they don't have they can buy with the millions in cash Biden left behind.

Instead Biden laughed his stupid laugh and did whatever the fuk he wanted. Little kids and ice cream. Fuk you no one can ever touch me for anything. I'm a Biden. I'm the Big Guy. Leave me alone I'm sniffing this kid's hair. Maybe with the Zionist faction of globalist WEF busy trying to save their last retreat they will all leave us alone.

The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel - After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Let me know when you guys are done blaming Joe Biden for a fight that's been happening since the end of WWII and a timeline set by tRump for removing troops.
Let me know when you guys are done blaming Joe Biden for a fight that's been happening since the end of WWII and a timeline set by tRump for removing troops.
Who is the most powerful man in the world, Trump or Biden.

Of course the obvious error in your idiotic comment is mentioning the long history (which you are incorrect on the beginning date) than trying to somehow blame Trump.

Two wars started while Democrats are in control. It is obvious Democrats are piss poor world leaders.
Talib leadership likely prefers they not go but even they cannot reign in the young fighters. They are going, and nothing will stop them. They will get there one way or the other.

All Biden had to do was what the best officers were begging him to do, not his Woke yes men. Close Bagram air field last for an orderly withdrawal, blow the guns ammo and hardware. Spike all engine blocks. Now Israel really does have an "existential threat." How many SAMS did Biden leave to take out Israeli helicopters and jets? What they don't have they can buy with the millions in cash Biden left behind.

Instead Biden laughed his stupid laugh and did whatever the fuk he wanted. Little kids and ice cream. Fuk you no one can ever touch me for anything. I'm a Biden. I'm the Big Guy. Leave me alone I'm sniffing this kid's hair. Maybe with the Zionist faction of globalist WEF busy trying to save their last retreat they will all leave us alone.

The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel - After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Who didn't see this coming back to bite us in the ass? Seriously.
I had no idea how quickly Biden could fk up the world. I was concerned, but this is ridiculous.

He can fuck up the world in no time....never underestimate all the thugs that work with him, like Barack Ovomit and all the rest of Leftists globalist demonicRats scum.
You remember when the Taliban said, "Kill all Americans. Death to America." Well....I wonder how long its going to take...

The Taliban were recruited as US allies, into the Mujahideen in 1979.
It is the US that illegally and immorally turned on them, and they were completely innocent.
The invasion of Afghanistan was illegal by US and international law.
The Taliban were recruited as US allies, into the Mujahideen in 1979.
It is the US that illegally and immorally turned on them, and they were completely innocent.
The invasion of Afghanistan was illegal by US and international law.
Ahmad Shah Massoud, was not part of the Taliban.
The Taliban were recruited as US allies, into the Mujahideen in 1979.
It is the US that illegally and immorally turned on them, and they were completely innocent.
The invasion of Afghanistan was illegal by US and international law.
They were not recruited at all by the US and the invasion was legal.
Talib leadership likely prefers they not go but even they cannot reign in the young fighters. They are going, and nothing will stop them. They will get there one way or the other.

All Biden had to do was what the best officers were begging him to do, not his Woke yes men. Close Bagram air field last for an orderly withdrawal, blow the guns ammo and hardware. Spike all engine blocks. Now Israel really does have an "existential threat." How many SAMS did Biden leave to take out Israeli helicopters and jets? What they don't have they can buy with the millions in cash Biden left behind.

Instead Biden laughed his stupid laugh and did whatever the fuk he wanted. Little kids and ice cream. Fuk you no one can ever touch me for anything. I'm a Biden. I'm the Big Guy. Leave me alone I'm sniffing this kid's hair. Maybe with the Zionist faction of globalist WEF busy trying to save their last retreat they will all leave us alone.

The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel - After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


It feels like Joe Biden intentionally left those weapons for the asshole Hamas people got their grubs on them. :cranky: The Democrat Party seems to be enjoyint their new status as America-hating creeps, and if I were a Democrat I'd leave that party and never look back at the dirt the Trump-haters are producing in this nation. It's as close to treason as I've ever seen in my lifetime. What I'd like to see is the American press getting an eyeful of what they have begotten through their lies about President Trump, their coverups of Biden's theft of American money and assets for Hillary's palsy walsies who hate Jews in the Middle East, etc. We're so divided right now, big cities are sending their police forces to the grave with character assination and demands to let criminals have their ways in stores that are now closing down due to the arrogance of Biden's puppeteers who were brainwashed by crazy university talking heads in their formative years. How could we let that go as a God-fearing country? What were those airheads thinking? On the other hand, I really don't want to know except what true American justices who love the Constitution would rule on the results of lies, lies, and more lies.
Don't care. I've heard 77% of Jews vote for the dems. Just don't care anymore.

America is imploding right here. We got our own shidder we are being flushed down.

View attachment 840749
Have faith, I.F. Judgment day is coming, and a lot of people are going to change their minds about the DC goings-on now that the chickens have come to roost on the Democrat Party who's been defunding police, in violation of the Constitution that says the President must provide for the common defense. Handing over 80 bn. in weapons left in Afghanistan has come to be viewed as betrayal of the American people's allies who are being punished for nothing by Hamas in criminal acts of hatefulness to the Israelis in their promised land that was sanctioned by the United Nations in or around 1947. Where is Admiral Rockwell Tory when you need to know correct details about past conflicts...?

Oh, wait. Here is a good reminder of what the UN decided in 1947: United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Partition of Palestine" redirects here. For the partition of Palestine into Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, see 1949 Armistice Agreements.
Resolution 181 (II)​
UNSCOP (3 September 1947; see green line) and UN Ad Hoc Committee (25 November 1947) partition plans. The UN Ad Hoc Committee proposal was voted on in the resolution.​
29 November 1947​
Meeting no.​
A/RES/181(II) (Document)​
Voting summary​
  • 33 voted for
  • 13 voted against
  • 10 abstained
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).[1]
The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. The Partition Plan, a four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem. Part I of the Plan stipulated that the Mandate would be terminated as soon as possible and the United Kingdom would withdraw no later than 1 August 1948. The new states would come into existence two months after the withdrawal, but no later than 1 October 1948. The Plan sought to address the conflicting objectives and claims of two competing movements, Palestinian nationalism and Jewish nationalism, or Zionism.[2][3] The Plan also called for Economic Union between the proposed states, and for the protection of religious and minority rights.[4] While Jewish organizations collaborated with UNSCOP during the deliberations, the Palestinian Arab leadership boycotted it.[5]
The proposed plan is considered to have been pro-Zionist by its detractors, with 62% of the land allocated to the Jewish state despite the Palestinian Arab population numbering twice the Jewish population.[6] Consequently, the partition plan was accepted by Jewish Agency for Palestine and most Zionist factions who viewed it as a stepping stone to territorial expansion at an opportune time.[7][5] The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it on the basis that in addition to the Arabs forming a two-thirds majority, they owned a majority of the lands.[8][9] They also indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division,[10] arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.[5][11] They announced their intention to take all necessary measures to prevent the implementation of the resolution.[12][13][14][15] Subsequently a civil war broke out in Palestine[16] and the plan was not implemented.[17]
Also, apparently Biden's advisers apparently convinced him of his new thoughts on the Hamas attack on Israel, according to abc news:

“Hamas wouldn't be around in the way that it is without the support that it's received from Iran over the years,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during interviews on the Sunday news shows, but he acknowledged that “we have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack.”​
Biden spoke on Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Israeli officials. In remarks at the White House on Saturday, Biden called the attacks “unconscionable” and pledged his administration would ensure Israel has “what it needs to defend itself.”​
“Let me say this as clearly as I can: This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage,” Biden said.​
The attack only adds new complications as his administration and Iran are locked in disputes over Tehran’s nuclear program. Iran says the program is peaceful, but it now enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels. Still, the administration hasn't given up hope on reviving a deal brokered during the Obama administration — and scrapped during the Trump White House — that eased sanctions on Iran in return for curbs to its nuclear program.​
Biden administration officials have also been working on brokering a normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the most powerful and wealthy Arab state. Such a deal has the potential to reshape the region and boost Israel’s standing in historic ways.​
I heard from a tv news source, not sure who, who claimed that Biden left the White House before noon yesterday, and I'm not sure what that means except being President must be very tiresome in times of a war on America's allies and whom the United Nations protects.
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