*Democrats Raid Social Security*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Just a reminder who's screwing up SS.

An old Social Security card with the "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION" message.
Our Social Security

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,

No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program,

Now 7.65%
on the first $90,000

3) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,

No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,

Under Johnson the money was moved to
The General Fund and Spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Under Clinton & Gore
Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' -- you may be interested in the following:

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That's right!

Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!

------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA),
the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
evolve. Maybe not, some Democrats are awfully
sure of what isn't so.

2. This should open up lots of sleepy eyes.:lol::clap2:

Hey I already know my future with regards to Social Security.The day after I retire there will be some whiney congressman like Anthony Weiner declaring that to his delight the Social Security fund will be dedicated to paying benefits to the millions of illegal aliens that have crossed over and need to collect,today's 99ers will still be unemployed and the Democrats will need to take care of these folks further then the 3000 weeks thy have already collected.The WH will be held by a Lib and congress as well so you know every penny I put into SS will have already been spent so they will tell me that it was Bush's fault.( yes folks 10 years from now they will still be playing the Bush's fault card.).

My fellow GOP/Independent/Republican /Conservative/Tea Party whatever alliance you hail from be prepared to never receive a dime of Social Security money if you are retiring 10 years from now.

The Libs have already spent the money or will spend it before we have the nerve to ask for it.
Hey I already know my future with regards to Social Security.The day after I retire there will be some whiney congressman like Anthony Weiner declaring that to his delight the Social Security fund will be dedicated to paying benefits to the millions of illegal aliens that have crossed over and need to collect,today's 99ers will still be unemployed and the Democrats will need to take care of these folks further then the 3000 weeks thy have already collected.The WH will be held by a Lib and congress as well so you know every penny I put into SS will have already been spent so they will tell me that it was Bush's fault.( yes folks 10 years from now they will still be playing the Bush's fault card.).

My fellow GOP/Independent/Republican /Conservative/Tea Party whatever alliance you hail from be prepared to never receive a dime of Social Security money if you are retiring 10 years from now.

The Libs have already spent the money or will spend it before we have the nerve to ask for it.

Everybody loses if SS fails. Worst case that I heard is that we'd get reduced benefits. The Mexicans won't complain its free money to them, but those of us who worked all our lives and paid into it will get fucked-over. Obama and the GOP had better focus on fixing SS & Medicare. The problem is, no matter who gets elected they just morph into the same DC whores who do only what the lobbyiests pay them to do. Just look at the tax cuts for billionaires as proof.
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The real rate of tax for FICA is 15.3%, it makes no difference whether you pay it or your employer does.

Just ask Milton Friedman:


begin at 2:50
Thing is? there has to be something new devised for savings. Putting this kinda money in front of politicians and bureaucrats in the District Of Criminals is too tempting a target.

The funds should be secured and NO ONE should be able to touch them except the person putting the funds in...Hands off to the crooks in Congress.
Sorry bout that,

1. Just a reminder who's screwing up SS.

An old Social Security card with the "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION" message.
Our Social Security

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,

No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program,

Now 7.65%
on the first $90,000

3) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,

No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,

Under Johnson the money was moved to
The General Fund and Spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Under Clinton & Gore
Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' -- you may be interested in the following:

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That's right!

Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!

------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA),
the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
evolve. Maybe not, some Democrats are awfully
sure of what isn't so.

2. This should open up lots of sleepy eyes.:lol::clap2:


Well, I guess you know the demonRats just stole 960 billion dollars from the medicare fund without blinking an eye, what you get in return is a chance to talk to your doctor every year so you can tell him how you want to die. course it will be a lot earlier than you figured on dying but that's what happens when they take your care away from you. It's called death panels. And then to pour salt into your dying wounds they swagger around telling everyone what greatness they've acheived.
When SS does go, they'll just go after what's left of our 401's.

that's already in their target.. the unions have unfunded pension plans that you will have to pay for.

True DAT.

Democrats in the Senate on Thursday held a recess hearing covering a taxpayer bailout of union pensions and a plan to seize private 401(k) plans to more "fairly" distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee heard from hand-picked witnesses advocating the infamous "Guaranteed Retirement Account" (GRA) authored by Theresa Guilarducci.

(You can find the blistering interview with Guilarducci by radio talk show host Mark Levin in 2007 at the link).

In a nutshell, under the GRA system government would seize private 401(k) accounts, setting up an additional 5% mandatory payroll tax to dole out a "fair" pension to everyone using that confiscated money coupled with the mandated contributions. This would, of course, be a sister government ponzi scheme working in tandem with Social Security, the primary purpose being to give big government politicians additional taxpayer funds to raid to pay for their out-of-control spending.

New Lame Duck Threat to Bailout Union Pensions
Sorry bout that,

1. Whats really funny!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
2. Is how some people in a sinking ship can still throw stones at the others pointing out the location of said leak.
3. And we all know who is worng in this.
4. The *libtards*.

Sorry bout that,

1. Whats really funny!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
2. Is how some people in a sinking ship can still throw stones at the others pointing out the location of said leak.
3. And we all know who is worng in this.
4. The *libtards*.


No it isn't the libtards, you just want to believe that. It is the politards and the teatards and the electoratards who elect repubs and dens to office.

But I would like to see some factual info about which party raised the FICA rate from about 1% in the 40's to 15.3% today.

15.3% is a HUGE tax. Who is responsible for that increase?
Hey I already know my future with regards to Social Security.The day after I retire there will be some whiney congressman like Anthony Weiner declaring that to his delight the Social Security fund will be dedicated to paying benefits to the millions of illegal aliens that have crossed over and need to collect,today's 99ers will still be unemployed and the Democrats will need to take care of these folks further then the 3000 weeks thy have already collected.The WH will be held by a Lib and congress as well so you know every penny I put into SS will have already been spent so they will tell me that it was Bush's fault.( yes folks 10 years from now they will still be playing the Bush's fault card.).

My fellow GOP/Independent/Republican /Conservative/Tea Party whatever alliance you hail from be prepared to never receive a dime of Social Security money if you are retiring 10 years from now.

The Libs have already spent the money or will spend it before we have the nerve to ask for it.

Everybody loses if SS fails. Worst case that I heard is that we'd get reduced benefits. The Mexicans won't complain its free money to them, but those of us who worked all our lives and paid into it will get fucked-over. Obama and the GOP had better focus on fixing SS & Medicare. The problem is, no matter who gets elected they just morph into the same DC whores who do only what the lobbyiests pay them to do. Just look at the tax cuts for billionaires as proof.

The current Social Security System is broken and soon will be broke.
There are too few workers contributing to the system and too many retired workers taking money out.
The federal government has already ruined it, so I have no idea why some people are so worried about it. The only concern one should have about a burning house after everyone has exited safely is to insure adjacent properties are not harmed. In other words, let SS fail.
A new system of retirement savings is needed. One the greedy sticky paws of DC politicians cannot touch.
Lobbyists didn't have anything to do with the extension of tax cuts. BTW those tax cuts went to all taxpayers. The class envy thing is passe. Stop using it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Seriously I post some info about how screwed up SS is, and I get attacked for it.
2. I make some statements that are obvious, and yet I get attacked!
3. Anyone who disagrees with my OP, can stuff it!!!:evil:
4. I said what I said, and I stand by it!:clap2:
5. I can't help it when the ships going down and all I get is baboons jumping up and down on barrels while making monkey sounds as we all sink togther!:confused:

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Did you even look at the snopes link chess???

If you will not address that link then you must be written off as a useless hack.

BTW - I am a conservative and I agree that the SS system is broken but evidence is evidence and it needs to be addressed.
Members of both parties "serving" in Congress or the White House over decades are responsible for the SS mess and the trillions in debt our federal government has racked up and continues to rack up annually.

Ultimately though IMO it's all of our faults for electing these bastards and letting them get away with what they've done. It's time to wake up, America! We should have gotten mad as hell about this stuff a long time ago.

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