Democrats Panic In Response To Donald Trumps Immigration Plan

Win or lose Trump is forcing Democrats to consider what ordinary people are thinking and realize that, should they by some fluke win, they'll have to get some shit done or face being permanently out of office.

I sure as hell am not voting for Hillary or any progressive give away program supporting presidential candidates.

I'll vote for whoever wants to lower my own personal taxes instead of lining their own pockets with what I make through more government programs.



Then don't drive on our roads, expect the police to come to help you or send your children to our public schools. If you do then you're the bum.


So that means I don't have to pay taxes anymore also?


Message center memo.... We're tired of the PC BS and its time Americans take control of OUR country again.

What a great time in America as we start to squeeze those who are bleeding us

I support you Mr Trump


"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants

You’re going to love me on immigration," Donald Trump told a crowd of reporters and fans who gathered in Iowa to hear the billionaire speak after he landed in a $7 million Sikorsky.

Trump, who drew sharp criticism in some circles after suggesting that Mexican immigrants were responsible for rape and drug addiction in the US, hasn’t backed down on calls for a tougher stance on immigration and to be sure, some voters share his views, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the rather uncouth way in which they were presented.

Trump’s call for the construction of a "wall" along America’s southern border is diametrically opposed to President Obama’s push to shield nonviolent immigrants from deportation. An executive order from the President designed to speed up efforts to overhaul immigration
drew sharp criticism from Republican governors who moved to block the order earlier this year.

On Saturday, Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd that if he were elected in 2016, Obama’s executive order would be immediately rescinded. In an exclusive interview given aboard Trump’s
private 757, the GOP frontrunner also told Todd that he would deport all illegal immigrants. “They have to go,” he insisted. Here’s more:

Donald Trump would reverse President Obama's executive orders on immigration and deport all undocumented immigrants from the U.S. as president, he said in an exclusive interview with NBC's Chuck Todd.

"We're going to keep the families together, but they have to go," he said in the interview, which will air in full on NBC's "Meet the Press" this Sunday.

They Have To Go Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants Zero Hedge
Democrats Panic In Response To Donald Trumps Immigration Plan

No panic is necessary. DT has no idea how the constitution works, and neither do you...
Democrats Panic In Response To Donald Trumps Immigration Plan

No panic is necessary. DT has no idea how the constitution works, and neither do you...

STFW? Why you care? After all these years under Obama and now you start calling for adherence to the Constitution?


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