Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript

Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript
11-17-2019 ~ By Joel B. Pollak
Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released the long-awaited transcript from senior National Security Council official Tim Morrison on Saturday, and immediately distorted it for the benefit of the anti-Trump media.
It was a typical example of how Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and his staff have tried to skew the fact-finding process in an effort to inflate public support for impeachment, believing few will read the lengthy transcripts for themselves.
First, the committee withheld the transcript since October 31, only releasing it after the first public hearings began last week. Morrison’s testimony was rumored to be very good for President Donald Trump’s defense — Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had described Democrats in the room during the closed-door hearing as “sucking lemons” — and Republicans would have made good use of it, had they had the transcript available. But it was not provided.
In the interim, Democrats had sole possession of the document. Schiff does not allow copies of the transcripts to be released to Republicans, either in paper or electronic form. If they want to read transcripts, they must do so one by one, in the presence of a Democrat committee staffer. Not only is that rule humiliating, but it also allows Democrats to control the flow of information and to prepare their public arguments with no fear of timely Republican rebuttal.
In the Morrison case, Democrats released “key excerpts” that highlighted the few facts in his testimony that, they believe, help push the case for impeachment. Chief among these is that Morrison confirmed that he heard U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland claim that he told a Ukrainian official, in a private “sidebar” meeting, that aid would be released if the Ukrainian prosecutor general would publicly announce an investigation into Burisma.

If the Democrats actually have the guts to go through with impeachment, the Republicans in the Senate will immediately move for an acquittal based upon a biased investigation. This particular incident described here will be one of the many different counts of bias. There are multiple cases of them refusing to allow the Republicans to have access to evidence, or to ask questions of witnesses, or to even call their own witnesses who might possibly rebut what the investigation is clearly intended to conclude. In addition, Schiff’s refusal to allow Stefanik and Jim Jordan to speak when he made a point of order is a gross violation of the rules of the House, and if this was a trial or even a grand jury anywhere else, that one incident would result in a mistrial.
This is the hill Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA have chosen to die upon - don't get in their way when they keel over. .
I've pointed out in other threads that Saturday’s Morrison testimony has been released and is helpful to the President. His characterization of Vindman is less than flattering and he calls out that he is a leaker. He also is less than complimentary about Sondland making him appear as a self aggrandizing fool.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA will tell you that they know Donald Trump did “something wrong”, they can't find any so they are creating their own actual charges to be determined at a future time, so this is the only way to treat him.
If this sort of treatment was administered to a suspect while in custody at a county jail, the sheriff and any deputies involved would be subject to trial, face serious fines dismissal and prison time.
But this, is just PMS/DSA Dem blood sport.
Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript

Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript
11-17-2019 ~ By Joel B. Pollak
Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released the long-awaited transcript from senior National Security Council official Tim Morrison on Saturday, and immediately distorted it for the benefit of the anti-Trump media.
It was a typical example of how Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and his staff have tried to skew the fact-finding process in an effort to inflate public support for impeachment, believing few will read the lengthy transcripts for themselves.
First, the committee withheld the transcript since October 31, only releasing it after the first public hearings began last week. Morrison’s testimony was rumored to be very good for President Donald Trump’s defense — Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had described Democrats in the room during the closed-door hearing as “sucking lemons” — and Republicans would have made good use of it, had they had the transcript available. But it was not provided.
In the interim, Democrats had sole possession of the document. Schiff does not allow copies of the transcripts to be released to Republicans, either in paper or electronic form. If they want to read transcripts, they must do so one by one, in the presence of a Democrat committee staffer. Not only is that rule humiliating, but it also allows Democrats to control the flow of information and to prepare their public arguments with no fear of timely Republican rebuttal.
In the Morrison case, Democrats released “key excerpts” that highlighted the few facts in his testimony that, they believe, help push the case for impeachment. Chief among these is that Morrison confirmed that he heard U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland claim that he told a Ukrainian official, in a private “sidebar” meeting, that aid would be released if the Ukrainian prosecutor general would publicly announce an investigation into Burisma.

If the Democrats actually have the guts to go through with impeachment, the Republicans in the Senate will immediately move for an acquittal based upon a biased investigation. This particular incident described here will be one of the many different counts of bias. There are multiple cases of them refusing to allow the Republicans to have access to evidence, or to ask questions of witnesses, or to even call their own witnesses who might possibly rebut what the investigation is clearly intended to conclude. In addition, Schiff’s refusal to allow Stefanik and Jim Jordan to speak when he made a point of order is a gross violation of the rules of the House, and if this was a trial or even a grand jury anywhere else, that one incident would result in a mistrial.
This is the hill Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA have chosen to die upon - don't get in their way when they keel over. .
I've pointed out in other threads that Saturday’s Morrison testimony has been released and is helpful to the President. His characterization of Vindman is less than flattering and he calls out that he is a leaker. He also is less than complimentary about Sondland making him appear as a self aggrandizing fool.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA will tell you that they know Donald Trump did “something wrong”, they can't find any so they are creating their own actual charges to be determined at a future time, so this is the only way to treat him.
If this sort of treatment was administered to a suspect while in custody at a county jail, the sheriff and any deputies involved would be subject to trial, face serious fines dismissal and prison time.
But this, is just PMS/DSA Dem blood sport.

This is starting to back fire on the Ds as in the way the incumbent Dem LA governor ran for reelection on Trump's platform.
Fuck the Democrats. They are disgusting and pathetic excuses for humans. That whole part needs to be in jail or in the sewer with the other rats.

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The Transcript was written as Democrat campaign propaganda , not as a legal document, what did you expect?

The Dems really need to provide restitution to the government for the expenses here. Asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for their own bullshit and opposition research is a bit much.

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