Democrats: Now That We’re Finished With the Mueller Probe, We Can Finally Tackle Flat Earth Issue


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
WASHINGTON (AP) – With the release of the full Mueller report indicating that there was no collusion or criminal behavior on the part of President Trump, Congressional Democrats have announced that they will now focus their resources on other, less ridiculous conspiracy theories, such as whether the Earth is flat.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fully embraced the shift in focus, sounding anxious to move on.

“OK, maybe we’ve been a little overzealous the last couple years,” admitted Pelosi. “Outside of a little Russian dressing on a salad and Trump’s unkempt hair looking like a blond ushanka, I guess we always knew the evidence for a Russian connection was kinda thin. But you know what’s NOT thin? The evidence for the Earth being flat! Look out your window. Does the horizon curve down at the edges? Nope! Straight line! Let’s see you redact THAT, Bob Barr!”

Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff enthusiastically turned his sails to the fresh wind now sweeping through Washington.

“We spent a lot of time and money,” said Schiff, “trying to prove that that smug little orange troll in the White House was conspiring with America’s sworn enemy, Russia, with whom I’m pretty sure we’re fighting a war in Europe or Japan or one of those continents. India? I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. But you know what DOES matter? Now we can go after the REAL money. The money that goes into NASA’s budget for them to make fake “space station” videos. See, the thing is, we’ve seen Ron Howard’s “Apollo 13″, whose very existence proves that space videos can be faked. And for a lot cheaper than going to the actual moon, which is just painted on the sky, anyway. So the question is, what’s NASA doing with all the money they’re not spending on space missions? Show me the money! Then give it to me! So I give it to people who vote for me!”

Rock-star House freshman Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was quick to lock her eyes on the new prize, as well.

“So the Mueller report didn’t pan out,” shrugged AOC. “Win some, lose some, que sera sera. But you know what we’re NOT going to lose? The fight against climate change! And you know why? Because if flat Earth theory is true – and I’m not aware of any settled science to indicate otherwise – then “Antarctica” is actually a 150-foot high ice wall that surrounds the edge of our pancake planet and keeps the oceans from draining off into the Great Nothing beneath us. Know what would happen if the oceans drained off? Sea levels would go down, people would stop believing in climate change, and that would leave Democrats with no power, no money, and no cute little videos full-to-inexplicable-overflowing with people wearing hard hats and safety vests. Ugh! I’d rather wear sub-$600 shoes!”

President Trump’s tweeted response seemed unperturbed.

“The Earth is round, Elvis is dead, and the Pixar Universe Theory is all just coincidence. Chupacabra’s real though. He’s at an ICE detention facility in San Diego, about to get deported to Tijuana. Undocumented!”

Democrats: Now That We’re Finished With the Mueller Probe, We Can Finally Tackle the Flat Earth Issue
Thankfully the earth is flat or we'd all roll around lost like Weatherman. But that said some conservatives get it and instead of ignorance show a bit of that American intelligence.

Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now. But two things are kinda amazing the dumbness of Trump and family and the stand on your head apologetic for these fools. Who knew we were colluding and conspiring? Not us we were busy using public email and getting top secret security clearances. The American right is becoming the land of dumb tools, sad as Donnie John would say. Tribalism will fight hard to keep even the worst person in power. Conservative below sees it differently.

The Mueller report is clear, Pres Trump and family colluded and conspired but Robert Mueller only gave the facts, it is up to Americans to decide whether a family that seems so out of touch with American principles still represents their values? Conservative below sees it differently. Conservative tears into 'unfit' Trump after Mueller report: 'He's got to go'

Conservative CNN host tears into 'unfit' Trump after Mueller report: 'He's got to go'

"...the cries of vindication do not survive even the most cursory examination of the document itself.'

What Mueller Found on Russia and on Obstruction: A First Analysis

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
Thankfully the earth is flat or we'd all roll around lost like Weatherman. But that said some conservatives get it and instead of ignorance show a bit of that American intelligence.

The post immediately above starts off by proclaiming the Earth is flat......
Then proceeds to call others "dumb-asses". ?


I think we found a Hillary voter.
Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now.
Indeed, tribalism is powerful mind control.

Submission to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

And it exists on both ends of the spectrum.

One of its primary symptoms is an intellectual myopia that prohibits the afflicted with seeing the faults of their own tribe - only the faults of the other.
Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now.
Indeed, tribalism is powerful mind control.

Submission to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

And it exists on both ends of the spectrum.

One of its primary symptoms is an intellectual myopia that prohibits the afflicted with seeing the faults of their own tribe - only the faults of the other.

Excuse you but let me explain in a kindly manner how my side is never wrong, wait get off my fence damn it you fence sitting #%^##&@#!

Now as you can see Nancy Pelosi must prove the Democrats are the center of the Universe and not the GOP and everything must revolve around them.

We must be adherently loyal to our Democratic Masters and to mock them should be met with stiffly worded responses...

( Stop trying to get back on my fence post damn it! )

So I applaud Nancy Pelosi and hope Cortez put on her thinking cap and discover how cow farts have cause the Earth to spin while it is flatter than a Filipino Prostitute breats...

Now remember has you laugh am I joking or am I serious...



Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now.
Indeed, tribalism is powerful mind control.

Submission to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

And it exists on both ends of the spectrum.

One of its primary symptoms is an intellectual myopia that prohibits the afflicted with seeing the faults of their own tribe - only the faults of the other.

Excuse you but let me explain in a kindly manner how my side is never wrong, wait get off my fence damn it you fence sitting #%^##&@#!

Now as you can see Nancy Pelosi must prove the Democrats are the center of the Universe and not the GOP and everything must revolve around them.

We must be adherently loyal to our Democratic Masters and to mock them should be met with stiffly worded responses...

( Stop trying to get back on my fence post damn it! )

So I applaud Nancy Pelosi and hope Cortez put on her thinking cap and discover how cow farts have cause the Earth to spin while it is flatter than a Filipino Prostitute breats...

Now remember has you laugh am I joking or am I serious...



Hey, if I start BELIEVING stuff here, I'm in TROUBLE.

Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now.
Indeed, tribalism is powerful mind control.

Submission to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

And it exists on both ends of the spectrum.

One of its primary symptoms is an intellectual myopia that prohibits the afflicted with seeing the faults of their own tribe - only the faults of the other.

Excuse you but let me explain in a kindly manner how my side is never wrong, wait get off my fence damn it you fence sitting #%^##&@#!

Now as you can see Nancy Pelosi must prove the Democrats are the center of the Universe and not the GOP and everything must revolve around them.

We must be adherently loyal to our Democratic Masters and to mock them should be met with stiffly worded responses...

( Stop trying to get back on my fence post damn it! )

So I applaud Nancy Pelosi and hope Cortez put on her thinking cap and discover how cow farts have cause the Earth to spin while it is flatter than a Filipino Prostitute breats...

Now remember has you laugh am I joking or am I serious...



Hey, if I start BELIEVING stuff here, I'm in TROUBLE.


Well I have told I am a Russian Troll from all sides, so I have data to sell about how flat the earth really is and got it from the DNC emails...

( as Mueller send investigators to see if I am telling the truth )
Thankfully the earth is flat or we'd all roll around lost like Weatherman. But that said some conservatives get it and instead of ignorance show a bit of that American intelligence.

Tribalism is a powerful mind control, conservatives and Trump snowflakes will apologize for anything now. But two things are kinda amazing the dumbness of Trump and family and the stand on your head apologetic for these fools. Who knew we were colluding and conspiring? Not us we were busy using public email and getting top secret security clearances. The American right is becoming the land of dumb tools, sad as Donnie John would say. Tribalism will fight hard to keep even the worst person in power. Conservative below sees it differently.

The Mueller report is clear, Pres Trump and family colluded and conspired but Robert Mueller only gave the facts, it is up to Americans to decide whether a family that seems so out of touch with American principles still represents their values? Conservative below sees it differently. Conservative tears into 'unfit' Trump after Mueller report: 'He's got to go'

Conservative CNN host tears into 'unfit' Trump after Mueller report: 'He's got to go'

"...the cries of vindication do not survive even the most cursory examination of the document itself.'

What Mueller Found on Russia and on Obstruction: A First Analysis

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

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