Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

Republicans have been branded as a party of white, Christian wealthy people

What have they done to prove otherwise?
What do you mean what have they done to prove otherwise ? Christians have been some of the most charitable people in this nation, and that means towards all people of this nation. Wealthy people have done some of the greatest things also, and they have taken care of this nation for centuries in war time and in peace time, and the only reason that people have the nation that they have today, is because of these peoples contributions throughout time. Now these days a lot of these people have changed or morphed into something that is not recognizable anymore, but so has many others who are doing the same things just as well. One problem at a time needs to be addressed and solved in these situations or agenda's being found in these groups, and this nation needs Americans of all walks of life doing the right thing to solve these issues together, otherwise instead of all this division that has been created now or that is going on.

Hispanics are Christians
Who said that they aren't or at least some of them maybe ? Your point ?
What do you mean what have they done to prove otherwise ? Christians have been some of the most charitable people in this nation, and that means towards all people of this nation. Wealthy people have done some of the greatest things also, and they have taken care of this nation for centuries in war time and in peace time, and the only reason that people have the nation that they have today, is because of these peoples contributions throughout time. Now these days a lot of these people have changed or morphed into something that is not recognizable anymore, but so has many others who are doing the same things just as well. One problem at a time needs to be addressed and solved in these situations or agenda's being found in these groups, and this nation needs Americans of all walks of life doing the right thing to solve these issues together, otherwise instead of all this division that has been created now or that is going on.

Hispanics are Christians
Who said that they aren't or at least some of them maybe ? Your point ?

Beats me....what did your post have to do with Hispanics?
Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.

The Democrats controlled all 3 branches at one point.. Why didn't they pass it then?

They were busy passing the biggest domestic fuckup since LBJ's War on Poverty.
Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.

George Bush had the same strategy on immigration reform as Obama

However, the far right blocked him, just like they are blocking Obama

The Republican Party is paying the price

The Far Right saw Bush's immigration policy as a big disaster, just like Obama's.
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

yada yada yada

José's waiting for his kiss, FakeRightWinger.
What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

Sure helps when you flood these states with brown folks.

Dishonest Democrats can bus their asses to the polls as if they were actual citizens.

What makes you think that Democrats will follow election laws?

Obama is flooding America with brown folks that are dependent on the government.

They will, by hook or by crook, get them to the polls, be it in buses or by applying for absentee ballots once they establish a residence.

Noncitizens do not vote, you are welcome to prove they do

Not yet they don't. State Critters in New York are looking to change that.
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

yada yada yada

José's waiting for his kiss, FakeRightWinger.

Jose is as American as you are

Republucans have to realize that
What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

yada yada yada

José's waiting for his kiss, FakeRightWinger.

Jose is as American as you are

Republucans have to realize that

If Hispanic Americans have a brain and can think for themselves they will realize that it is bad for all Americans, including themselves, to allow more low wage and no wage earners into this country. Period.
yada yada yada

José's waiting for his kiss, FakeRightWinger.

Jose is as American as you are

Republucans have to realize that

If Hispanic Americans have a brain and can think for themselves they will realize that it is bad for all Americans, including themselves, to allow more low wage and no wage earners into this country. Period.
The main thing is that it will be bad for their American children who will grow up to become workers in all fields just as it should be one day in America, and this will be bad for them because the situation breeds a very bad disrespect as well as a disconnect between worker and employer relationship. This has been the case for the low wage workers of today in America, (where as if they go into a field where these low wage immigrants will be working), then they will get a surprise because they will be treated sadly as less than dirt in the minds of their employers, because the low wage immigrants are be being treated or thought of like this, and that is a travesty in today's workplace America. The lie that was being touted from the hill top, that said these people are just doing the job's that Americans won't do, should have come with arrest being made for those who were telling such a lie. America should never be about re-living the 1800's in no form or fashion, because we have come to far for that kind of thinking again to continue on and on, so Americans beware and open your eyes to these things before it is to late. Don't let the rich who are guilty of this thinking, fool you into their traps. Immigrants need to come here through the proper channels and programs, and this idea of breaching our borders in the ways that it is going on now, needs to stop immediately.

People have to listen to Obama when he speaks, where he said that the people don't need to send their children ((((((Unaccompanied))))) to the border, where as he should have been more clear by saying to them (((((DON"T send your kids to the border))))))), or we will just load them up and send them back to you immediately. Then he should have said to the governments of those places (((( Do not allow for your peoples to send their children to the American border, or you will be dealing with us in the most aggressive way on such an issue, so get your house in order there quickly. We will not tolerate a flood of refugee's to our nation like this, as it suggest that there is a failure in your government in which we will be investigating next. What does it mean to say don't send your kids unaccompanied to the border anyway ? Does it mean send them OK, just make sure you escort them to the pick up point, and then go back home ??
Jose is as American as you are

Republucans have to realize that

I realize that everywhere in the Western Hemisphere is in America, but he's not as much a member of this nation as I, unless he is a citizen.

We are talking Hispanic voters

They are as American as you are. Get used to it
Not the illegals or the gate crashers, so how about you and your friends getting used to that finally. Find some other way to transform America in which you loath so much. Better yet move to another country and try your bull crap there instead. Hey now that's an idea, but oh that's right, it won't work in other countries for you like that now will it ? Aren't you all glad that you are here, because anywhere else your Bull Crap wouldn't fly so easily now would it ?

Sovereignty and border control is what keeps a nation a nation, and it is what separate's the builders of a nation from those whom have other ideas about a nation's security and it's identity. The anti-Americans must remain separated from those who have already established the nation in the ways that it has been established, and this is for the ones whom have done the hard work that is found through out the nations history as is known in it all.

No borders or lax in border security protocol is a fools game, and people are going to get tired in this nation of being played for fools someday.

The Obama administration currently seems to be creating situations due to their leadership or lack there of, where as then they find themselves requesting millions to straightened things back out ? How nice! Sounds mighty fishy to me as always. Keep your eyes on the money America, because these seem to be generated or non-generated crisis taking place, and it is costing this nation big time. Keep a close eye on where all that money is going is what I say, because millions upon millions went missing in Iraq, and during 9-11 in the charity scandals the same, and on and on it all goes. It has happened in other crisis that had taken place according to the watchdog accounts and recollections when looking back on these types of things, so just remain aware of such things always. There are many ways to distribute or redistribute the tax payers money in a corrupt way, and it seems that it has become a common thing going on anymore with these people, so beware America.
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