Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency
And if selling-out to a particular ethnic voting bloc is the price of winning, then winning is no longer worth the price.

One should never vote for vote-whores, when it can be avoided.

You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans.
Evolve or perish

And they are future democrat voters. That's what counts and that's why Pelosi is meeting with them. Corrupt. You don't mind offending working people who are paying for this.
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And if selling-out to a particular ethnic voting bloc is the price of winning, then winning is no longer worth the price.

One should never vote for vote-whores, when it can be avoided.

You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans.
Evolve or perish

And they are future democrat voters. That's what counts and that's why Pelosi is meeting with them. Corrupt. You don't mind offending working people who are paying for this.

Why are they future Democratic voters? Are Republicans incapable of convincing Hispanics that their policies are best for them
You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans. Evolve or perish
It is not 'political leanings' that would be recognized.

It would be caving-in to the Hispanic community's insistence upon bringing-in more of their own, so as to give them even greater political and economic power within a generation or two.

Vote for allowing our ethnic brethren and kinfolk into the country, so that we can grab more power in 20 or 30 years, or we will stop voting for you right here-and-now.

Ethnic Blackmail.

No thank you.

I would rather that Republicans put your hypothesis to the test now, and find out, once and for all; taking a firm stand against Shamnesty.

This way, if the answer is 'perish', then, at least, they will have gone down swinging, rather than bending over.

But that's just me.

Then again, the Republicans are almost as far gone - down the path of being vote-whores - as the Democrats, so, I don't have much confidence that they'll find the balls to say: No Shamnesty.
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You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans. Evolve or perish
It is not 'political leanings' that would be recognized.

It would be caving-in to the Hispanic community's insistence upon bringing-in more of their own, so as to give them even greater political and economic power within a generation or two.

Vote for allowing our ethnic brethren and kinfolk into the country, so that we can grab more power in 20 or 30 years, or we will stop voting for you right here-and-now.

Ethnic Blackmail.

No thank you.

I would rather that Republicans put your hypothesis to the test now, and find out, once and for all; taking a firm stand against Shamnesty.

This way, if the answer is 'perish', then, at least, they will have gone down swinging, rather than bending over.

But that's just me.

Then again, the Republicans are almost as far gone - down the path of being vote-whores - as the Democrats, so, I don't have much confidence that they'll find the balls to say: No Shamnesty.

Hispanics read posts like yours and realize they represent the true feelings of the right.

Republicans are doomed
Republicans reaching out to the Hispanic community

English only laws
Show your papers laws
Blocking all attempts at immigration reform

Republicans are a doomed party
You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans. Evolve or perish
It is not 'political leanings' that would be recognized.

It would be caving-in to the Hispanic community's insistence upon bringing-in more of their own, so as to give them even greater political and economic power within a generation or two.

Vote for allowing our ethnic brethren and kinfolk into the country, so that we can grab more power in 20 or 30 years, or we will stop voting for you right here-and-now.

Ethnic Blackmail.

No thank you.

I would rather that Republicans put your hypothesis to the test now, and find out, once and for all; taking a firm stand against Shamnesty.

This way, if the answer is 'perish', then, at least, they will have gone down swinging, rather than bending over.

But that's just me.

Then again, the Republicans are almost as far gone - down the path of being vote-whores - as the Democrats, so, I don't have much confidence that they'll find the balls to say: No Shamnesty.

Hispanics read posts like yours and realize they represent the true feelings of the right.

Republicans are doomed

Hispanics are welcome to participate.

They are not welcome to dominate.

They are also not welcome to stuff the ballot boxes, as a Stalin-esque 20-year-plan, courtesy of the next round of Shamnesty.

They may very well recognize the honesty and lack of ill will connected with such remarks.

Then again, it's becoming increasingly clear that the Republic is doomed anyway.

Especially when non-Hispanics suggest the rest of us bend over and take it.

Especially when such folk have their hand on the wheel of the ship.

We all recognize the "resistance is futile" undercurrent you're pitching here.

A lot of Americans aren't buying into that.

Better to go down, standing up, then to just bend over and take it.

Time to rumble, at the ballot box.

And the Devil take the hindmost.
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It is not 'political leanings' that would be recognized.

It would be caving-in to the Hispanic community's insistence upon bringing-in more of their own, so as to give them even greater political and economic power within a generation or two.

Vote for allowing our ethnic brethren and kinfolk into the country, so that we can grab more power in 20 or 30 years, or we will stop voting for you right here-and-now.

Ethnic Blackmail.

No thank you.

I would rather that Republicans put your hypothesis to the test now, and find out, once and for all; taking a firm stand against Shamnesty.

This way, if the answer is 'perish', then, at least, they will have gone down swinging, rather than bending over.

But that's just me.

Then again, the Republicans are almost as far gone - down the path of being vote-whores - as the Democrats, so, I don't have much confidence that they'll find the balls to say: No Shamnesty.

Hispanics read posts like yours and realize they represent the true feelings of the right.

Republicans are doomed

Hispanics are welcome to participate.

They are not welcome to dominate.

They are also not welcome to stuff the ballot boxes, as a Stalin-esque 20-year-plan, courtesy of the next round of Shamnesty.

They may very well recognize the honesty and lack of ill will connected with such remarks.

Then again, it's becoming increasingly clear that the Republic is doomed anyway.

Especially when non-Hispanics suggest the rest of us bend over and take it.

Especially when such folk have their hand on the wheel of the ship.

We all recognize the "resistance is futile" undercurrent you're pitching here.

A lot of Americans aren't buying into that.

Better to go down, standing up, then to just bend over and take it.

Time to rumble, at the ballot box.

And the Devil take the hindmost.

Spoken like a "real" American
Spoken like a "real" American
Indeed. America is a diverse country. Europeans, Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Natives, you name it, and that's fine. We should not, however, lie down and allow ourselves to be steamrollered by one group or another, just because of its proximity. Whether we will or not remains to be seen; one election and one Shamnesty -repelling sortie at a time. 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens upon US soil without our express prior consent is not an immigration problem. It is an invasion. One that needs to be repelled, so as to discourage future invasions.
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You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans.
Evolve or perish

And they are future democrat voters. That's what counts and that's why Pelosi is meeting with them. Corrupt. You don't mind offending working people who are paying for this.

Why are they future Democratic voters? Are Republicans incapable of convincing Hispanics that their policies are best for them
All depends on where the migrating Hispanics and others are being led in America, and by whom it is that they are being led by when it all comes down to the wire or where there is no wire at all actually. FREE STUFF is the most powerful allure that there is, and our government along with their loyal corporations do love the giving and getting subsidies for the vote in return, and the corps love to receive their government subsidizing for their laborers in this nation, in order to become the super masters over them all as they see themselves being in the scheme of things. Hispanic illegals over the years have loved their role in all of this mess, so on one hand you have the migrating Hispanics and others wanting more of what they had in the past to continue, and then you have corporations wanting what they have had in the past to return once again into full swing also, and that is something very hard to get straightened out you see. Then you have the politicians on the left and the right wanting to win favor in it all again, so what a mess it all is trying to do the right thing in this nation, because what has been going on has been the wrong thing except for the rich who have been playing it all to their favor. Meanwhile they are destroying their own middle class future American workforce in the process. Why do you think that we see all this talk about American whites are going to be a minority by this time or by that time as being spouted by so many now ? Think about what it is that they are seeing, and what it is that it is all leading to, and then look at your kids and tell me what their future is in America going forward as according to the vote whores and the greedy whom have an agenda in it all.
Directed at rightwinger - Republicans or whites are doomed, I mean why don't you just go on and say it ???? You mean whites are doomed don't you ?
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IF Dems win on the Reconquista their base will suffer the worst. That's a small comfort but at least its something
It is not 'political leanings' that would be recognized.

It would be caving-in to the Hispanic community's insistence upon bringing-in more of their own, so as to give them even greater political and economic power within a generation or two.

Vote for allowing our ethnic brethren and kinfolk into the country, so that we can grab more power in 20 or 30 years, or we will stop voting for you right here-and-now.

Ethnic Blackmail.

No thank you.

I would rather that Republicans put your hypothesis to the test now, and find out, once and for all; taking a firm stand against Shamnesty.

This way, if the answer is 'perish', then, at least, they will have gone down swinging, rather than bending over.

But that's just me.

Then again, the Republicans are almost as far gone - down the path of being vote-whores - as the Democrats, so, I don't have much confidence that they'll find the balls to say: No Shamnesty.

Hispanics read posts like yours and realize they represent the true feelings of the right.

Republicans are doomed

Hispanics are welcome to participate.

They are not welcome to dominate.

They are also not welcome to stuff the ballot boxes, as a Stalin-esque 20-year-plan, courtesy of the next round of Shamnesty.

They may very well recognize the honesty and lack of ill will connected with such remarks.

Then again, it's becoming increasingly clear that the Republic is doomed anyway.

Especially when non-Hispanics suggest the rest of us bend over and take it.

Especially when such folk have their hand on the wheel of the ship.

We all recognize the "resistance is futile" undercurrent you're pitching here.

A lot of Americans aren't buying into that.

Better to go down, standing up, then to just bend over and take it.

Time to rumble, at the ballot box.

And the Devil take the hindmost.
I know of another problem in it all... Business owners don't push the vote or try and get their workers to the poles. I have seen this time and time again.. I bet it accounts for a huge negative in people (common every day American working folk) getting out to vote, but for the ones who have all the time in the world to get to the poles, and complete support systems helping them, how can those people fail ?
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Directed at rightwinger - Republicans or whites are doomed, I mean why don't you just go on and say it ???? You mean whites are doomed don't you ?

If you assume Republicans are the white mans party......then yes
My God.. you lefties are so far up Obama's ass, you might as well marry his small intestine

That's just how you Cult-Tards view it from up Limbaugh's.

You can't even judge right from wrong until you find out party affiliation.
Directed at rightwinger - Republicans or whites are doomed, I mean why don't you just go on and say it ???? You mean whites are doomed don't you ?

If you assume Republicans are the white mans party......then yes
This is what the left assumes they are or rather it is what they are trying to brand them as being, and this for their racist agenda against whites in this nation. Funny thing is, is that you have whites working against whites as based upon the assumption that the whites that are being worked against, are whites who need to be put in their place finally.
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Directed at rightwinger - Republicans or whites are doomed, I mean why don't you just go on and say it ???? You mean whites are doomed don't you ?

If you assume Republicans are the white mans party......then yes
This is what the left assumes they are or rather it is what they are trying to brand them as being, and this for their racist agenda against whites in this nation.

Republicans have been branded as a party of white, Christian wealthy people

What have they done to prove otherwise?
If you assume Republicans are the white mans party......then yes
This is what the left assumes they are or rather it is what they are trying to brand them as being, and this for their racist agenda against whites in this nation.

Republicans have been branded as a party of white, Christian wealthy people

What have they done to prove otherwise?
What do you mean what have they done to prove otherwise ? Christians have been some of the most charitable people in this nation, and that means towards all people of this nation. Wealthy people have done some of the greatest things also, and they have taken care of this nation for centuries in war time and in peace time, and the only reason that people have the nation that they have today, is because of these peoples contributions throughout time. Now these days a lot of these people have changed or morphed into something that is not recognizable anymore, but so has many others who are doing the same things just as well. One problem at a time needs to be addressed and solved in these situations or agenda's being found in these groups, and this nation needs Americans of all walks of life doing the right thing to solve these issues together, otherwise instead of all this division that has been created now or that is going on.
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This is what the left assumes they are or rather it is what they are trying to brand them as being, and this for their racist agenda against whites in this nation.

Republicans have been branded as a party of white, Christian wealthy people

What have they done to prove otherwise?
What do you mean what have they done to prove otherwise ? Christians have been some of the most charitable people in this nation, and that means towards all people of this nation. Wealthy people have done some of the greatest things also, and they have taken care of this nation for centuries in war time and in peace time, and the only reason that people have the nation that they have today, is because of these peoples contributions throughout time. Now these days a lot of these people have changed or morphed into something that is not recognizable anymore, but so has many others who are doing the same things just as well. One problem at a time needs to be addressed and solved in these situations or agenda's being found in these groups, and this nation needs Americans of all walks of life doing the right thing to solve these issues together, otherwise instead of all this division that has been created now or that is going on.

Hispanics are Christians

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