Democrats need to understand what evidence means

Ah, the "If you laugh at our delusions, it means you're secretly worried we're correct!" defense.

Cult boi, don't look for a deeper meaning. When people laugh at your delusions, they're doing it because they think your delusions are funny.
Good luck with all that. I dont think its going to help you in the next election.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

After six years of not having absolute proof against Trump, they should know this by now.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

We have Biden bragging on video about extorting Ukraine.

Actual and absolute proof.

But the cult is a cult.

Cults deny any reality not authorized for general belief.

And they embrace fantastic falsehoods.

Evidence is that thing you have zero actual examples of.

Being a conservative, you don't seem to understand that someone _saying_ they have evidence is a different thing from having evidence. You're unable to grasp that people, especially your masters, make stuff up.
Biden bragging about extorting Ukraine on video.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Nothing will come of this and then you'll sit around calling everyone a commie as your coping mechanism.
Evidence is that thing you have zero actual examples of.

Being a conservative, you don't seem to understand that someone _saying_ they have evidence is a different thing from having evidence. You're unable to grasp that people, especially your masters, make stuff up.
So the registered democrat who is a gay male married to a male, works as an international investigator for the IRS is making stuff up about Joe Biden. Where's your evidence?
So the registered democrat who is a gay male married to a male, works as an international investigator for the IRS is making stuff up about Joe Biden. Where's your evidence?
Can youtell us more about whatever that's supposed to mean?

Remember, the normal people don't get the benefit of your cult brainwashing, so they don't know what you're babbling about.
Can youtell us more about whatever that's supposed to mean?

Remember, the normal people don't get the benefit of your cult brainwashing, so they don't know what you're babbling about.
The fact you're uninformed and dumber than a retarded goose isn't my responsibility. You should be up to speed when you show up here. However, you and your pals seem to always embarrass yourselves. Carry on.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

What is increasingly clear is that Republicans have nothing. That is why they keep moving the goalposts. Republican garbage like you have no clue what evidence is. These so-called whistle blowers are accusing the Trump Administration of wrongdoing. Archer says he never talked business with Joe Biden. Burisma has been long discredited. SARs do not mean anything except certain financial transactions meet certain criteria. The Trump DOJ found no reason to do anything with them. There are no shell companies and Joe Biden has received nothing. Take your shit and shove it up your ass. That is what it is worth.
Your denial of the mountain of evidence isnt going to help Joe. It just makes you look dishonest and stupid. Find a better debate angle for Christ sake. Your laziness and lack of imagination offends me.

The only mountain is the mountain of manure that you are pushing. You are the one who is dishonest. Your imagination is not evidence.
The fact you're uninformed and dumber than a retarded goose isn't my responsibility. You should be up to speed when you show up here. However, you and your pals seem to always embarrass yourselves. Carry on.

You are describing yourself and you work very hard at it. You are the ones making it up.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Agreed. There is direct evidence--the fingerprint on the murder weapon matches that of the suspect or the dna samples place the suspect at the scene or credible eye witnesses report seeing the crime committed.

And there is circumstantial evidence--large deposits in a bank account without adequate verification of their origin. . .the robber/murderer/rapist was masked and wearing a blue shirt and witnesses observed the suspect, wearing a blue shirt, hurriedly leaving the premises. . .

That classified documents were found in Biden's garage is not direct evidence that he took them and/or put them there, but it is circumstantial evidence.

The appearance that Hunter used his father to bribe or extort a lot of money from foreign officials currently is circumstantial evidence as is the assumption that Biden knew what Hunter was doing. The purpose of a valid investigation--I'm pretty sure Weiss, with his track record, isn't going to do a valid investigation and he is illegally serving in that role anyway--is to determine if there is any direct evidence to corroborate the circumstantial evidence.

But you are quite right. It is all evidence. And there have been many convictions based on circumstantial evidence alone if there was enough of it to remove all reasonable doubt.
I doubt you’re aware of any jobs, kid. Collecting welfare isn’t a job.
Irony? How about you argue as an adult instead of a cosplayer and fan fiction writer. Hunter Biden does appear to be guilty of crimes. Those crimes are tax evasion and failing to register with FARA. Getting paid millions of dollars by companies, foreign or domestic, because your Daddy is in a position of power is not illegal. And to be clear I'm not claiming Joe Biden isn't corrupted by relationships and donations from companies and industries, it's just an unfortunate fact that thanks to Republican Supreme Court Justices, that type of bribery and incestuous behavior is completely legal.

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