Democrats lust after being "normal"


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Democrats are obsessed with having the majority agree with them. This is because they understand that mob rule brings them power, so not having the majority approval regarding anything drives them insane.

For example, gay men account for under 10% of the population, so by the very definition of normal, they are not. In addition, religious teachings look down on that behavior, so it is neither normal or even accepted by the majority. The problem is, the Left has taken it upon themselves to normalize it and for it to be accepted. This is why they insist on pushing the LGTB community in the faces of society, but most importantly the next generation. For you see, for the Leftist, majority consensus = power. And since the majority believe something, it must be right because democracy is their gospel. So if democracy does not agree with their ideology, any part of it, then society must be changed, or as Obama would say transformed. But the real reason for promoting the LGTB lifestyle, is that if they can convince the majority of society to abandon their religion and/or morals regarding anything and everything in favor of the cult of the DNC, they will have taken over society. The DNC will then be their god.

But can they force society to embrace it? In ancient Sparta, they did just that., so it appears society can be reengineered to not only embrace it, but be forced to participate in it. Once they do, the powers that be will know they have complete control over the populace as they did in despotic war like Sparta.

Pederasty, or the sexual love of adolescent boys, was a strong part of Ancient Greek culture. It was age-defined and kept within strict social norms. The lover, or erastes, was a man in his twenties. He would court the youth that took his fancy, buying him presents and helping him to progress. He would also mentor the youth and provide a role model for him.

The beloved, or eromenos, was typically between twelve and seventeen years old. His sexual role in the relationship was always that of a passive receiver, and the relationship was expected to end once the boy became a man himself and looked for his own eromenos.

The state of Sparta made homosexual relationships mandatory

In the military totalitarian city state of Sparta, every aspect of life was fully proscribed by the state. All Spartan males underwent full military training from the age of seven years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, this included taking an erastes from among the older men. This older lover was seen as much as a mentor and role model for the Spartan boy as a lover, and the performance of the boy in battle was now the responsibility of his mentor. Thus it was an educational as much as a sexual role.

While there is no doubt that some of the relationships between Spartan men and their protégés in the army were sexual, they did not have to be. Two of the most well known sources of our knowledge about Sparta; Plutarch and Xenophon, stressed that the relationship should consist of “ideal friendship” and that to sexually consummate it would be “an abomination”. Nonetheless, any man who refused to take on a young boy as his protégé would be punished, as it was seen as a duty to raise another Spartan boy to be as good a fighter as yourself.

The homoerotic element cannot be entirely ignored. The Spartan King Agesilaus was mocked by his friends because he drew back from the offered kiss of a very beautiful boy, Megabates. They called him a coward for being afraid of a boy’s caresses, but Agesilaus eventually said he would rather remain above such things, and keep his liberty.
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But the benefits of society embracing the LGTB community does not end there. As we all know, Left wing governments around the globe have also embraced the Climate cult. And as we all know, every man, woman, and child on earth leaves a carbon footprint.

So just do the math. As more and more embrace the LGTB lifestyle, the less people there are, and the less people there are, the less carbon footprints.

This is also why abortion is also pushed in Left wing governments around the globe, and virtually any policies, such as allowing drug cartels to devastate society.

So, unlike the men of Sparta, the men in the world today will not be expected to have wives and children like they were in Sparta. In fact, they will be expected not to ever have them. For you see, the Left has sold the notion that you can go gay or trans, but can never go back, a notion ancient Spartans would scoff at and deride.
As the DNC gender ideology is being taught in schools across the US and England, gender dysphoria is up 4000%.

So just like in Sparta, the sexual behavior of the populace is being engineered by the state as they were in ancient Sparta, unless you think every last male in Sparta had the gay gene, that is.

Democrats are obsessed with having the majority agree with them. This is because they understand that mob rule brings them power, so not having the majority approval regarding anything drives them insane.

For example, gay men account for under 10% of the population, so by the very definition of normal, they are not. In addition, religious teachings look down on that behavior, so it is neither normal or even accepted by the majority. The problem is, the Left has taken it upon themselves to normalize it and for it to be accepted. This is why they insist on pushing the LGTB community in the faces of society, but most importantly the next generation. For you see, for the Leftist, majority consensus = power. And since the majority believe something, it must be right because democracy is their gospel. So if democracy does not agree with their ideology, any part of it, then society must be changed, or as Obama would say transformed. But the real reason for promoting the LGTB lifestyle, is that if they can convince the majority of society to abandon their religion and/or morals regarding anything and everything in favor of the cult of the DNC, they will have taken over society. The DNC will then be their god.

But can they force society to embrace it? In ancient Sparta, they did just that., so it appears society can be reengineered to not only embrace it, but be forced to participate in it. Once they do, the powers that be will know they have complete control over the populace as they did in despotic war like Sparta.

Pederasty, or the sexual love of adolescent boys, was a strong part of Ancient Greek culture. It was age-defined and kept within strict social norms. The lover, or erastes, was a man in his twenties. He would court the youth that took his fancy, buying him presents and helping him to progress. He would also mentor the youth and provide a role model for him.

The beloved, or eromenos, was typically between twelve and seventeen years old. His sexual role in the relationship was always that of a passive receiver, and the relationship was expected to end once the boy became a man himself and looked for his own eromenos.

The state of Sparta made homosexual relationships mandatory

In the military totalitarian city state of Sparta, every aspect of life was fully proscribed by the state. All Spartan males underwent full military training from the age of seven years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, this included taking an erastes from among the older men. This older lover was seen as much as a mentor and role model for the Spartan boy as a lover, and the performance of the boy in battle was now the responsibility of his mentor. Thus it was an educational as much as a sexual role.

While there is no doubt that some of the relationships between Spartan men and their protégés in the army were sexual, they did not have to be. Two of the most well known sources of our knowledge about Sparta; Plutarch and Xenophon, stressed that the relationship should consist of “ideal friendship” and that to sexually consummate it would be “an abomination”. Nonetheless, any man who refused to take on a young boy as his protégé would be punished, as it was seen as a duty to raise another Spartan boy to be as good a fighter as yourself.

The homoerotic element cannot be entirely ignored. The Spartan King Agesilaus was mocked by his friends because he drew back from the offered kiss of a very beautiful boy, Megabates. They called him a coward for being afraid of a boy’s caresses, but Agesilaus eventually said he would rather remain above such things, and keep his liberty.
You people are completely insane
You people are completely insane
Just for you

Now would you like to actually respond to what I wrote?

Didn't think so.

Insanity is pretending not to know what a woman is and thinking men can have babies fool.
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Democrats are obsessed with having the majority agree with them. This is because they understand that mob rule brings them power, so not having the majority approval regarding anything drives them insane.

For example, gay men account for under 10% of the population, so by the very definition of normal, they are not. In addition, religious teachings look down on that behavior, so it is neither normal or even accepted by the majority. The problem is, the Left has taken it upon themselves to normalize it and for it to be accepted. This is why they insist on pushing the LGTB community in the faces of society, but most importantly the next generation. For you see, for the Leftist, majority consensus = power. And since the majority believe something, it must be right because democracy is their gospel. So if democracy does not agree with their ideology, any part of it, then society must be changed, or as Obama would say transformed. But the real reason for promoting the LGTB lifestyle, is that if they can convince the majority of society to abandon their religion and/or morals regarding anything and everything in favor of the cult of the DNC, they will have taken over society. The DNC will then be their god.

But can they force society to embrace it? In ancient Sparta, they did just that., so it appears society can be reengineered to not only embrace it, but be forced to participate in it. Once they do, the powers that be will know they have complete control over the populace as they did in despotic war like Sparta.

Pederasty, or the sexual love of adolescent boys, was a strong part of Ancient Greek culture. It was age-defined and kept within strict social norms. The lover, or erastes, was a man in his twenties. He would court the youth that took his fancy, buying him presents and helping him to progress. He would also mentor the youth and provide a role model for him.

The beloved, or eromenos, was typically between twelve and seventeen years old. His sexual role in the relationship was always that of a passive receiver, and the relationship was expected to end once the boy became a man himself and looked for his own eromenos.

The state of Sparta made homosexual relationships mandatory

In the military totalitarian city state of Sparta, every aspect of life was fully proscribed by the state. All Spartan males underwent full military training from the age of seven years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, this included taking an erastes from among the older men. This older lover was seen as much as a mentor and role model for the Spartan boy as a lover, and the performance of the boy in battle was now the responsibility of his mentor. Thus it was an educational as much as a sexual role.

While there is no doubt that some of the relationships between Spartan men and their protégés in the army were sexual, they did not have to be. Two of the most well known sources of our knowledge about Sparta; Plutarch and Xenophon, stressed that the relationship should consist of “ideal friendship” and that to sexually consummate it would be “an abomination”. Nonetheless, any man who refused to take on a young boy as his protégé would be punished, as it was seen as a duty to raise another Spartan boy to be as good a fighter as yourself.

The homoerotic element cannot be entirely ignored. The Spartan King Agesilaus was mocked by his friends because he drew back from the offered kiss of a very beautiful boy, Megabates. They called him a coward for being afraid of a boy’s caresses, but Agesilaus eventually said he would rather remain above such things, and keep his liberty.
I don't know. There are plenty of issues where Dems refuse to listen to the majority, often changing the facts to their own cherry picked facts.

They won't listen to this:

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I don't know. There are plenty of issues where Dems refuse to listen to the majority, often changing the facts to their own cherry picked facts.

They won't listen to this:

Naturally, everything the DNC wants to do is against society, which is why they need to try and reengineer society like they attempt 24/7, and why they live on deception and lies. But what public opinion they can't change they simply ignore.

But at the end of the day, if they can't sway public opinion, they will just trample them and continue.

For example, the DNC said Putin caused this horrible inflation and had nothing to do with massive government spending and the war on fossil fuels.

Then they say they could not control inflation

Then they pass an inflation bill to control inflation that they originally said they can't control, but it only seems to make inflation worse with all the spending on climate change it caused..

Then they don't say anything.

Then they go indict Trump.

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Democrats are obsessed with having the majority agree with them. This is because they understand that mob rule brings them power, so not having the majority approval regarding anything drives them insane.

For example, gay men account for under 10% of the population, so by the very definition of normal, they are not. In addition, religious teachings look down on that behavior, so it is neither normal or even accepted by the majority. The problem is, the Left has taken it upon themselves to normalize it and for it to be accepted. This is why they insist on pushing the LGTB community in the faces of society, but most importantly the next generation. For you see, for the Leftist, majority consensus = power. And since the majority believe something, it must be right because democracy is their gospel. So if democracy does not agree with their ideology, any part of it, then society must be changed, or as Obama would say transformed. But the real reason for promoting the LGTB lifestyle, is that if they can convince the majority of society to abandon their religion and/or morals regarding anything and everything in favor of the cult of the DNC, they will have taken over society. The DNC will then be their god.

But can they force society to embrace it? In ancient Sparta, they did just that., so it appears society can be reengineered to not only embrace it, but be forced to participate in it. Once they do, the powers that be will know they have complete control over the populace as they did in despotic war like Sparta.

Pederasty, or the sexual love of adolescent boys, was a strong part of Ancient Greek culture. It was age-defined and kept within strict social norms. The lover, or erastes, was a man in his twenties. He would court the youth that took his fancy, buying him presents and helping him to progress. He would also mentor the youth and provide a role model for him.

The beloved, or eromenos, was typically between twelve and seventeen years old. His sexual role in the relationship was always that of a passive receiver, and the relationship was expected to end once the boy became a man himself and looked for his own eromenos.

The state of Sparta made homosexual relationships mandatory

In the military totalitarian city state of Sparta, every aspect of life was fully proscribed by the state. All Spartan males underwent full military training from the age of seven years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, this included taking an erastes from among the older men. This older lover was seen as much as a mentor and role model for the Spartan boy as a lover, and the performance of the boy in battle was now the responsibility of his mentor. Thus it was an educational as much as a sexual role.

While there is no doubt that some of the relationships between Spartan men and their protégés in the army were sexual, they did not have to be. Two of the most well known sources of our knowledge about Sparta; Plutarch and Xenophon, stressed that the relationship should consist of “ideal friendship” and that to sexually consummate it would be “an abomination”. Nonetheless, any man who refused to take on a young boy as his protégé would be punished, as it was seen as a duty to raise another Spartan boy to be as good a fighter as yourself.

The homoerotic element cannot be entirely ignored. The Spartan King Agesilaus was mocked by his friends because he drew back from the offered kiss of a very beautiful boy, Megabates. They called him a coward for being afraid of a boy’s caresses, but Agesilaus eventually said he would rather remain above such things, and keep his liberty.
The god complex has been a problem for humanity for most of it's existence. Tragically, with advancing technology this god complex problem seems destined to only get worse, @ least for the city folks. Time will tell.
The god complex has been a problem for humanity for most of it's existence. Tragically, with advancing technology this god complex problem seems destined to only get worse, @ least for the city folks. Time will tell.
AI will become their god.

Superior intelligence, and all based on science and controlled by the state.

It's the new Left-wing utopia as it will monitor and direct everything in our lives.

Did I mention AI is incapable of empathy? Now if AI were human, they would call such a person a sociopath, but I digress.
But can they force society to embrace it? In ancient Sparta, they did just that., so it appears society can be reengineered to not only embrace it, but be forced to participate in it. Once they do, the powers that be will know they have complete control over the populace as they did in despotic war like Sparta.

Pederasty, or the sexual love of adolescent boys, was a strong part of Ancient Greek culture. It was age-defined and kept within strict social norms. The lover, or erastes, was a man in his twenties. He would court the youth that took his fancy, buying him presents and helping him to progress. He would also mentor the youth and provide a role model for him.

The beloved, or eromenos, was typically between twelve and seventeen years old. His sexual role in the relationship was always that of a passive receiver, and the relationship was expected to end once the boy became a man himself and looked for his own eromenos.

The state of Sparta made homosexual relationships mandatory

In the military totalitarian city state of Sparta, every aspect of life was fully proscribed by the state. All Spartan males underwent full military training from the age of seven years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, this included taking an erastes from among the older men. This older lover was seen as much as a mentor and role model for the Spartan boy as a lover, and the performance of the boy in battle was now the responsibility of his mentor. Thus it was an educational as much as a sexual role.

While there is no doubt that some of the relationships between Spartan men and their protégés in the army were sexual, they did not have to be. Two of the most well known sources of our knowledge about Sparta; Plutarch and Xenophon, stressed that the relationship should consist of “ideal friendship” and that to sexually consummate it would be “an abomination”. Nonetheless, any man who refused to take on a young boy as his protégé would be punished, as it was seen as a duty to raise another Spartan boy to be as good a fighter as yourself.

The homoerotic element cannot be entirely ignored. The Spartan King Agesilaus was mocked by his friends because he drew back from the offered kiss of a very beautiful boy, Megabates. They called him a coward for being afraid of a boy’s caresses, but Agesilaus eventually said he would rather remain above such things, and keep his liberty.
Their Goddess Was Not Named Hermaphrodite

Gayists have taken over Classical Greek studies. The truth is confirmed by the fact that Socrates was condemned to death for running a pedophile cult. The Trojan War was fought over a woman. Achilles left the battlefield because Agamemnon stole his woman. Lysistrata was not about boytoys going on strike.

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