Democrats Lies & Threats to Women...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
So anyway, are women really so pathetically stupid that their falling for this crap about loosing their (mostly free) rights to sexual and reproductive information, contraceptives, family planning and treatment for (STDs) sexually transmitted diseases?... if Mitt Romney is elected.

..and why don't the Democrat Party leaders and the liberal media give women a lot more credit for having common sense?.. this bugs me...:wtf:
When are they bringing it up? I only see Dems bringing it up, and lying about it constantly.
Dems are fear mongering, but pubs make it easier for them by bringing up women's health issues so much.

I tend to believe Democrats bring up the issue much more because they have to firm up their political base especially in a downed economy. Republicans/conservatives tend to bring it up on a reactionary basis, such is the case for this OP...
Dems are fear mongering, but pubs make it easier for them by bringing up women's health issues so much.

I tend to believe Democrats bring up the issue much more because they have to firm up their political base especially in a downed economy. Republicans/conservatives tend to bring it up on a reactionary basis, such is the case for this OP...

Yep, it's propaganda to scare the unwashed masses out there. You'd think that more people would be insulted by the Dems playing them for fools, but I guess there really are a lot of fools out there unfortunately.
Dems are fear mongering, but pubs make it easier for them by bringing up women's health issues so much.

I tend to believe Democrats bring up the issue much more because they have to firm up their political base especially in a downed economy. Republicans/conservatives tend to bring it up on a reactionary basis, such is the case for this OP...

I would agree dems bring it up more, but it's a toxic issue that pubs should avoid, yet they bring up enough that you have to wonder what they're thinking.
Dems are fear mongering, but pubs make it easier for them by bringing up women's health issues so much.

I tend to believe Democrats bring up the issue much more because they have to firm up their political base especially in a downed economy. Republicans/conservatives tend to bring it up on a reactionary basis, such is the case for this OP...

I would agree dems bring it up more, but it's a toxic issue that pubs should avoid, yet they bring up enough that you have to wonder what they're thinking.

Maybe they're standing up for what they feel is morally right regardless of what the consequences are, that's what responsible adults do.
I think we should go by what it says in the Republican Party Platform. And assume what they said they stand for is what they stand for.

Brutal rapists have the right to be a "dad". Yea for the "Akin Amendment", the core of the GOP Party Platform.
I think we should go by what it says in the Republican Party Platform. And assume what they said they stand for is what they stand for.

Brutal rapists have the right to be a "dad". Yea for the "Akin Amendment", the core of the GOP Party Platform.

Why do you push such ridiculous charges.. Akin is a nut .. you may have that in common..
I tend to believe Democrats bring up the issue much more because they have to firm up their political base especially in a downed economy. Republicans/conservatives tend to bring it up on a reactionary basis, such is the case for this OP...

I would agree dems bring it up more, but it's a toxic issue that pubs should avoid, yet they bring up enough that you have to wonder what they're thinking.

Maybe they're standing up for what they feel is morally right regardless of what the consequences are, that's what responsible adults do.

That's fine, but don't complain that the other side is making you look bad.
I would agree dems bring it up more, but it's a toxic issue that pubs should avoid, yet they bring up enough that you have to wonder what they're thinking.

Maybe they're standing up for what they feel is morally right regardless of what the consequences are, that's what responsible adults do.

That's fine, but don't complain that the other side is making you look bad.

mmm.. just wondering what you mean by .."look bad" & "toxic issue"..?
Maybe they're standing up for what they feel is morally right regardless of what the consequences are, that's what responsible adults do.

That's fine, but don't complain that the other side is making you look bad.

mmm.. just wondering what you mean by .."look bad" & "toxic issue"..?

Birth control is a toxic issue. Rape based abortion is a toxic issue.

IMO, the birth control issue was highly distorted and I'm not sure if talking about it more, will actually help the GOP.
I didn't catch Clinton's speech.
Did he speak about women's rights, infidelity and blow jobs?
I would bet that many government dependents are that pathetically stupid. Government does everything for them, including thinking.

No one is going to overturn Roe v Wade.

The only beef Dems have is that people don't want to pay for other people to have abortions and they feel that woman have a right to have others pay for them. In order to make their case, they had to stretch the truth and say Republicans will stop abortions. To liberals, not paying for something is the same as denying it because they don't want to pay their own way.

If someone doesn't give them something, they have no idea how else they can get it. It really is pathetic.

I don't think many intelligent woman out there admire Sandra Fluke. She's an activist that was bought in to whine and convince women that they are mistreated. It was a cheap trick on the Dems' part because the hearing she was called as a witness for was meant to debate the constitutionality of forcing religious organizations to pay for abortions and birth control. Rather than bring in a legal scholar to argue the legalities of the matter, they bought a whiny activist who stomped her feet and bitched about having to pay for her own contraceptives. She claimed she'd spend thousands during her time at college. A few people did the math and even if Fluke used birth control pills and condoms, she would have had to have sex 7 times a day to go through the amount of money she claimed. And then she was puzzled when comments were made about her being a slut.
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Democrats drag out the same thing over and over. Reagan was going to take birth control away. Bush was going to tie women down to force them to give birth. No matter how untrue, the democrats bring out the same lies. This reduces women to the level of Pavlov's dogs. Ring the bell, they are supposed to vote the way they are trained.
Democrats drag out the same thing over and over. Reagan was going to take birth control away. Bush was going to tie women down to force them to give birth. No matter how untrue, the democrats bring out the same lies. This reduces women to the level of Pavlov's dogs. Ring the bell, they are supposed to vote the way they are trained.

Aaaaa Yup
So anyway, are women really so pathetically stupid that their falling for this crap about loosing their (mostly free) rights to sexual and reproductive information, contraceptives, family planning and treatment for (STDs) sexually transmitted diseases?... if Mitt Romney is elected.

..and why don't the Democrat Party leaders and the liberal media give women a lot more credit for having common sense?.. this bugs me...:wtf:

WHERE do YOU get "mostly free" contraceptives and treatment for stds?? Is there anything rw's won't lie about? LOL

What the pubs/pots want to take away and what women are afraid of "loosing" is the right to control their own bodies AND the right to buy insurance that includes EXPENSIVE medication, including birth control pills.

As for the D's bringing it up - that's a lie. It was the titular head of the GObP, lushbo who brought it up and it was the Clown Car Candidates (including Ryan) who ran with it.
Mitt is terrified to actually state an opinion on much of anything but we all know he goes wherever Ryan goes.

Daily Kos: No wonder Republicans don't want to talk about their platform
I would bet that many government dependents are that pathetically stupid. Government does everything for them, including thinking.

No one is going to overturn Roe v Wade.

The only beef Dems have is that people don't want to pay for other people to have abortions and they feel that woman have a right to have others pay for them. In order to make their case, they had to stretch the truth and say Republicans will stop abortions. To liberals, not paying for something is the same as denying it because they don't want to pay their own way.

If someone doesn't give them something, they have no idea how else they can get it. It really is pathetic.

I don't think many intelligent woman out there admire Sandra Fluke. She's an activist that was bought in to whine and convince women that they are mistreated. It was a cheap trick on the Dems' part because the hearing she was called as a witness for was meant to debate the constitutionality of forcing religious organizations to pay for abortions and birth control. Rather than bring in a legal scholar to argue the legalities of the matter, they bought a whiny activist who stomped her feet and bitched about having to pay for her own contraceptives. She claimed she'd spend thousands during her time at college. A few people did the math and even if Fluke used birth control pills and condoms, she would have had to have sex 7 times a day to go through the amount of money she claimed. And then she was puzzled when comments were made about her being a slut.

If Rs can/could, they would repeal Roe v Wade. Several have said so, including the MittWit and Ryan. Are they lying?

EXACTLY who has said they want abortions paid for by other than the woman getting it? No whining and no sidestepping with the childish insults. Just answer the question.

Disgusting lushbo gave Sandra Fluke a career. Good for her and I hope she goes into politics because we need more like her. We need people who can fight back against the pubs/pots who want only to take American's rights away from them.
Democrats drag out the same thing over and over. Reagan was going to take birth control away. Bush was going to tie women down to force them to give birth. No matter how untrue, the democrats bring out the same lies. This reduces women to the level of Pavlov's dogs. Ring the bell, they are supposed to vote the way they are trained.

EXACTLY who said Reagan was going to take birth control away?

EXACTLY who said Bush wanted to tie up women for ANY reason?

WHO said these things?

Don't worry, I won't be holding my breathe while I wait for you to admit you lied.
So anyway, are women really so pathetically stupid that their falling for this crap about loosing their (mostly free) rights to sexual and reproductive information, contraceptives, family planning and treatment for (STDs) sexually transmitted diseases?... if Mitt Romney is elected.

..and why don't the Democrat Party leaders and the liberal media give women a lot more credit for having common sense?.. this bugs me...:wtf:

WHERE do YOU get "mostly free" contraceptives and treatment for stds?? Is there anything rw's won't lie about? LOL

What the pubs/pots want to take away and what women are afraid of "loosing" is the right to control their own bodies AND the right to buy insurance that includes EXPENSIVE medication, including birth control pills.

As for the D's bringing it up - that's a lie. It was the titular head of the GObP, lushbo who brought it up and it was the Clown Car Candidates (including Ryan) who ran with it.
Mitt is terrified to actually state an opinion on much of anything but we all know he goes wherever Ryan goes.

Daily Kos: No wonder Republicans don't want to talk about their platform

What information about sexual, reproductive and family planning isn't, "mostly free"? Contraceptives and treatments aren't available for free or determined on ability to pay.

eh..this is why I hardly ever bother with responding to your posts, you lack the ability to communicate in good faith...:eusa_hand:

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