Democrats - I'm NOT impressed


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Democrats, I know you want to defeat President Trump and retake control of Congress, but I'm not impressed with you folks so far. Your first state caucus in Iowa was a mess, your candidates are either too old, too extreme, too gay, or (in the case of billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer) simply moderate Republicans trying to buy their way into your party. How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world, when you can't even run your state caucuses, and your own party correctly? I'm not a Trump supporter, but if you folks can't pull things together and operate better than you have, then get ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump and Republican rule.

Those are the facts, Jack; just the facts!
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,

Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.

Three cheers for President "Corleone"!
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,

Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.

Three cheers for President "Corleone"!

Why do you say most when you know for a fact it's an absolute lie and becoming more so every day?
I think it's because you are mostly full of shit.
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together. Three cheers for President "Corleone"!


BlindBooBoo's idea of Public Enemy Number One


Just like Barry and Hillary: Ever-Investigated, Constantly-Charged, But never prosecuted of anything.

That makes him just as innocent.

America loves our president.

Just saw him cheered by all at Daytona 500 just yesterday.

You know, 50,000 of Hillary's deplorables.

Democrats, I know you want to defeat President Trump and retake control of Congress, but I'm not impressed with you folks so far. Your first state caucus in Iowa was a mess, your candidates are either too old, too extreme, too gay, or (in the case of billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer) simply moderate Republicans trying to buy their way into your party. How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world, when you can't even run your state caucuses, and your own party correctly? I'm not a Trump supporter, but if you folks can't pull things together and operate better than you have, then get ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump and Republican rule.

Those are the facts, Jack; just the facts!
I too am an Independent - the Dem Party having left me decades ago - and also see the mess that "progressives" have made of my former party. We are not alone:
Van Jones: Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.
And you are exactly what rational Americans see as what is wrong with so many Dems ... angry, bitter, petulant, and childish.

And those are your least obnoxious qualities. Grow up snowflake.

Democrats, I know you want to defeat President Trump and retake control of Congress, but I'm not impressed with you folks so far. Your first state caucus in Iowa was a mess, your candidates are either too old, too extreme, too gay, or (in the case of billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer) simply moderate Republicans trying to buy their way into your party. How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world, when you can't even run your state caucuses, and your own party correctly? I'm not a Trump supporter, but if you folks can't pull things together and operate better than you have, then get ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump and Republican rule.

Those are the facts, Jack; just the facts!
I too am an Independent - the Dem Party having left me decades ago - and also see the mess that "progressives" have made of my former party. We are not alone:
Van Jones: Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.
And you are exactly what rational Americans see as what is wrong with so many Dems ... angry, bitter, petulant, and childish.

And those are your least obnoxious qualities. Grow up snowflake.

Because I call Trumpybear corrupt, or that many American will vote against him because they don't feel he is fit for office and everyone of the Democrats running are qualified so, no matter who wins they will all coalesce behind that one?

Nah, pretend to be a rational adult in the room.

They're all Democrats, except the little boy in the front. You can tell he's a Republican, because:

(a) He's whining;

(b) It's unfair that his mom is holding his sister and not him;

(c) He believes that his all of his toys are clothing are being taken away from him and passed on to his younger siblings. He "earned" those toys, and the baby does NOTHING but lay around demanding everybody in the family look after her.

(d) He's unable to string a complete sentence together in a coherent way, so screaming about how the unfairness of it all, is his only recourse.

Democrats, I know you want to defeat President Trump and retake control of Congress, but I'm not impressed with you folks so far. Your first state caucus in Iowa was a mess, your candidates are either too old, too extreme, too gay, or (in the case of billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer) simply moderate Republicans trying to buy their way into your party. How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world, when you can't even run your state caucuses, and your own party correctly? I'm not a Trump supporter, but if you folks can't pull things together and operate better than you have, then get ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump and Republican rule.

Those are the facts, Jack; just the facts!
I too am an Independent - the Dem Party having left me decades ago - and also see the mess that "progressives" have made of my former party. We are not alone:
Van Jones: Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.
And you are exactly what rational Americans see as what is wrong with so many Dems ... angry, bitter, petulant, and childish.

And those are your least obnoxious qualities. Grow up snowflake.

Because I call Trumpybear corrupt, or that many American will vote against him because they don't feel he is fit for office and everyone of the Democrats running are qualified so, no matter who wins they will all coalesce behind that one?

Nah, pretend to be a rational adult in the room.

When it smells like someone may have shit their pants and everyone else around moves away from you. You just might get the notion that it just might be you and you'd do well to excuse yourself and go have a look.

Democrats, I know you want to defeat President Trump and retake control of Congress, but I'm not impressed with you folks so far. Your first state caucus in Iowa was a mess, your candidates are either too old, too extreme, too gay, or (in the case of billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer) simply moderate Republicans trying to buy their way into your party. How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world, when you can't even run your state caucuses, and your own party correctly? I'm not a Trump supporter, but if you folks can't pull things together and operate better than you have, then get ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump and Republican rule.

Those are the facts, Jack; just the facts!
I too am an Independent - the Dem Party having left me decades ago - and also see the mess that "progressives" have made of my former party. We are not alone:
Van Jones: Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump
How in the name of all that's holy can you expect Americans to trust you folks to run the most powerful nation in the world,
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated as the cause that brought the New Democrat coalition together.
And you are exactly what rational Americans see as what is wrong with so many Dems ... angry, bitter, petulant, and childish.

And those are your least obnoxious qualities. Grow up snowflake.

Because I call Trumpybear corrupt, or that many American will vote against him because they don't feel he is fit for office and everyone of the Democrats running are qualified so, no matter who wins they will all coalesce behind that one?

Nah, pretend to be a rational adult in the room.

When it smells like someone may have shit their pants and everyone else around moves away from you. You just might get the notion that it just might be you and you'd do well to excuse yourself and go have a look.

Ted? Is that you? Or did you get that smelly little diddy from Ted, Dick?
Just saw him cheered by all at Daytona 500 just yesterday.

You know, 50,000 of Hillary's deplorables.

I'm sure he gets standing ovations by everyone at the WWE events too.

I guess I was wrong. When you folks argue for voter ID and illegals, and disenfranchised voters that every vote counts, I should have realized you meant only voters whom you think you can rook into voting for Leftist candidates.
Just saw him cheered by all at Daytona 500 just yesterday.

You know, 50,000 of Hillary's deplorables.

I'm sure he gets standing ovations by everyone at the WWE events too.
Please elaborate on how you have been personally hurt (exclude butt hurt) as a result of Trump’s Presidency.

He made my mama want to see that Sorros guy blown to pieces. I always though she was a saint! The trauma was almost unbearable...........
I too am an Independent - the Dem Party having left me decades ago - and also see the mess that "progressives" have made of my former party. We are not alone:
Van Jones: Let's Be Real, None of These Democrats Can Beat Trump
Because most Americans do not want to continue under such a corrupt regime. The end of Trumpybear's corrupt rule will be celebrated ....
And you are exactly what rational Americans see as what is wrong with so many Dems ... angry, bitter, petulant, and childish. And those are your least obnoxious qualities. Grow up snowflake.
Because I call Trumpybear corrupt, or that many American will vote against him because they don't feel he is fit for office... Nah, pretend to be a rational adult in the room.
Full grown men do not play "pretend," Princess. That is strictly a childish, leftarded game.

Fewer Than Half of Democrats Think Trump Can Be Beat in 2020, New Poll Finds
Less than half of Democrats are confident their party’s candidate will win the presidency this year, a stark contrast to Republicans who were overwhelmingly positive about President Donald Trump’s chances, a national survey released Thursday found. Only 44 percent of Democratic voters told Pew Research they expect victory while a staggering 80 percent of Republicans say Trump will either probably or definitely win.

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