Democrats Hate Trump Because He Lies


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
Name one lie that hurt someone.
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
Name one lie that hurt someone.
All.of them. Every single one of those thousands upon thousands of lies hurt someone. Lying is not a victimless crime.
Beto may have been arrested, but the charges were dropped on both accounts and he was never convicted.

Beto DUI, burglary charges stem from 1990s incidents, came up in past campaigns

When Beto O'Rourke first ran for public office in 2005, the incumbent city representative he was challenging accused O'Rourke of being arrested for burglary and DUI. The charges came up again when O'Rourke challenged U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes to represent El Paso in Congress.

O'Rourke has said that he "owned up" to those charges since his run for El Paso City Council. He described the burglary charge, which was later dropped, as his and some friends' "horsing around" at the University of Texas at El Paso.

"We snuck under the fence at the UTEP physical plant and set off an alarm," he told the El Paso Times in 2005. "We were arrested by UTEP police. ... UTEP decided not to press charges."

O'Rourke has acknowledged that the more serious charge came in 1998, when the then-26-year-old was arrested on a drunk-driving charge. The charged was dismissed in 1999 after he completed a court-recommended DWI program.
Actually, we hate Trump because he is EVIL. Satanic EVIL.

While I'm inclined to agree with you that Trump is evil, I don't think he rises to the point of "Statanic evil", he doesn't have the intelligence to be that evil. I'd be willing to bet that when he sold his soul, he signed it away with an "x".
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
The question is, is lying the worst thing you can do?
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
Name one lie that hurt someone.
All.of them. Every single one of those thousands upon thousands of lies hurt someone. Lying is not a victimless crime.
Oh c'mon, it's more like billions, huh.
Beto may have been arrested, but the charges were dropped on both accounts and he was never convicted.

Beto DUI, burglary charges stem from 1990s incidents, came up in past campaigns

When Beto O'Rourke first ran for public office in 2005, the incumbent city representative he was challenging accused O'Rourke of being arrested for burglary and DUI. The charges came up again when O'Rourke challenged U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes to represent El Paso in Congress.

O'Rourke has said that he "owned up" to those charges since his run for El Paso City Council. He described the burglary charge, which was later dropped, as his and some friends' "horsing around" at the University of Texas at El Paso.

"We snuck under the fence at the UTEP physical plant and set off an alarm," he told the El Paso Times in 2005. "We were arrested by UTEP police. ... UTEP decided not to press charges."

O'Rourke has acknowledged that the more serious charge came in 1998, when the then-26-year-old was arrested on a drunk-driving charge. The charged was dismissed in 1999 after he completed a court-recommended DWI program.
Trumps never been convicted, so you voting for him?

BTW- dismissed after his conviction and doing his time in programs.
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And Hillary and Bill didn't??? Are we running around like banchees screaming Democrats lie? Show me a politician that doesn't lie.
Now I'll show you a president that works for all of the citizens of this country instread of certain groups...President Trump. And he's got my vote for that reason.
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And Hillary and Bill didn't??? Are we running around like banchees screaming Democrats lie? Show me a politician that doesn't lie.
Now I'll show you a president that works for all of the citizens of this country instread of certain groups...President Trump. And he's got my vote for that reason.
What rock did you just crawl out from under?
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
The question is, is lying the worst thing you can do?
One of them.
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
Name one lie that hurt someone.
All.of them. Every single one of those thousands upon thousands of lies hurt someone. Lying is not a victimless crime.
Oh c'mon, it's more like billions, huh.
No, it's thousands. They're keeping track.
The real reason why Democrats hate Trump now is not because of his lies but he left the plantation and was able to beat Queen Hillary...

Seeing he is no longer donating to their political party mean he is now the reincarnation of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Puting pimple on his butt or something stupid...
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Trump lies every fucking day of his fucking miserable con man life.

Quit trying to justify this because someone else told a lie.

Furthermore, Warren never lied about her heritage.. You are a fucking moron and a God damn liar. Warren had a test done. Between 1/61 & 1/1024. Not 1/1024Asfuck.

You & Trump are twins. A couple of dumbasses who lie all the time.
Beto was arrested for burglary and DWI.

Joe says white collar crimes (Bernie Madoff) should not be punishable with prison time.

1/1024 lied about her ancestry to steal jobs from people more qualified.

Bernie has too many lies to list, Leftist Politifact sums up a few.

All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
And even with all of that added up tRump still lies more in a week than they have this decade.
Name one lie that hurt someone.
All.of them. Every single one of those thousands upon thousands of lies hurt someone. Lying is not a victimless crime.
Oh c'mon, it's more like billions, huh.
No, it's thousands. They're keeping track.
He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

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