Democrats Hate America and Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Hate America and Americans
Dems have always hated America and Americans. Now they no longer even pretend otherwise.
July 19, 2019 ~ By William L. Gensert
Recently, I wrote an article expounding on the theory that Barack Obama didn’t hate America, he hated Americans. , he hated Americans. Current events involving prominent (heck, all) Democrats, however, have given me a reason to doubt my hypothesis. I now believe he hates both America and Americans; and at this point, looking at the slate of Democrats who seek the presidency, as well as the constant and visceral provocations of the four female morons of the ideocracy, he is not alone.
In fact, the Democratic Party (let’s just call them the “New Woke Party”) have metamorphosed from an entity concerned with politics into a religion steeped in a comprehensive creed of hatred and resentment.
Eight years of Obama decimated the Democratic Party. Politically, Americans are mostly center-right and during his presidency, they voted out Democrats in droves. Yet, those of the “New Woke” choose to believe this was not because Americans didn’t support his “I hate America and Americans” domestic and foreign policies. He simply did not move far enough to the left and that his failure was the result of him merely not hating us enough.
The New Woke creed preaches that America was created by genocide, slavery, and greed. Unique in the world, we are a nation with no redeeming qualities. As Barry’s pal Jeremiah Wright said, “God damn America.” At the time he said it and Barry cheered, however, they were outliers. Now it is Democratic Party policy that America is deserving of neither respect nor admiration, much less love.
Therefore, you will never hear a Democrat, especially one running for president, ever say anything positive about this country or its citizenry. The New Woke believe there is nothing positive that can be said and that all Americans who don’t believe exactly as they do are evil.
Believe it or not, this really isn’t about Trump. The New Woke would hate any president who stands between them and power. Yet, we should be grateful we have a man like Trump who will fight for us as he does every day. He may never be “politics as usual” but he will not mince words because he doesn’t care what they say. It’s been a long time since we’ve had someone like that on our side… too long.
The New Woke Party hates America and Americans. Should Trump lose his bid for reelection in 2020 to any one of these nuts, they will surely show us just how much.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Deep Stater's are like ISIS. Just think about what that means. Actually this isn’t new, PMS/DSA Dems have shown their hate for America and undercut it vs. foreign adversaries and hostile ideologies since the 1960's (a powerful argument could be made to bring that back to the early 1900s). What is new is that they are out in the open and proud of it now.
A president who won in 2016 by any other name but Trump would have suffered the same hate that president Trump is going through today.
Race relations seemed to get much worse during the Obama years. Up until Obama took office, racial relations were better and better. Then suddenly everything was reversed. Is it the internet, Smart phones, Social media?
The PMS/DSA Dem Left has been covertly working to take over America since the 1940's. Go online and pull up "communist manifesto of 1963" and read all the points of their planned high jacking. The list includes, for example, takeover of the media, education, movies, infiltration of government, etc. They went totally berserk in 2016 upon Creature Clinton's loss that they thought would put them into the final phase of "fundamentally changing America" and have since revealed for the first time their real communist goals for US. It's not gonna happen without a street fight beyond their lunatic imagination.
Joseph McCarthy the U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin was correct to go after Commies. To bad he couldn't clean out the rats nest.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Deep Stater's are like ISIS.
our children are listening. our silence is complicity. when is this gonna stop...ON BOTH SIDES.

this is what race hate does to our kids. it attacks them without warning. it makes them develop a rough exterior and they lose their youthfulness as they combat the flow of racial insanity into their minds.

luckily, i taught my son not to be racist, and he has the wisdom that only some children in america possess at such an early age
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
....well, American citizens recently showed they aren't too fond of Democrats - especially Omar - either....

Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

Democrats stood with human/sex traffickers, Drug Smugglers, MS-13, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers against US citizens in order to shut the govt down to prevent any effort to secure our borders, stop illegal immigration, and to shut down federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities...and ever since then Democrats have denied the existence of the national security / humanitarian crisis they helped create and have talked about nothing but what they can give illegals or do for illegals while forcing American citizens pay for it all...

Obama and Democrats did fight for health care - they rammed Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it...AFTER lying to Americans by claiming it would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and that Americans could keep their doctors and plans they liked. They included a punitive fine (a tax) against Americans who did not purchase health insurance or who were too poor to afford it. Harry Reid admitted after it had passed that Obamacare was CREATED TO FAIL and was designed to 'herd' Americans toward govt run/controlled 'Single Payer'.

President Trump and the GOP eliminated the fine / tax when they lowered Americans' tax rates. Democrats realize one of their mistakes was leaving US citizens with a CHOICE of whether to buy health insurance or not, and this time they want to correct that mistake by making private health insurance ILLEGAL. Yeah, trying to strip American citizens of 'CHOICE' and attempting to force them under more govt control is a great sign that the Democrats are doing all of it for the US citizens they 'love'. :p

Fair Wages? You are obviously talking about the Democrats' recent passage of a govt-mandated/controlled minimum wage set at $15 an hour. This is another example of the failed economic policies and choices that kept the US economy shackled during the Obama era. It also demonstrates the Democrat's desire to control the economy through govt control, like through oppressive govt regulations (that Trump has thankfully gotten rid of, freeing the US economy to grow / succeed).

Civil Rights? Democrats opposed civil rights, and it was the GOP who got them / it passed into law. Democrats claim to be the salvation and advocate for minorities like blacks and Latinos. They, however, demonstrated to Latinos (for example) by vowing to pass DACA, but when the GOP offered it to them on a silver platter the Democrats turned their backs on their promise because they preferred to have DACA as an election year ISSUE rather than a promise kept. Latinos wised up and began to walk away from the liars.

All of your claims are the same BS and propaganda the Democrats have spewed for decades...
our children are listening. our silence is complicity. when is this gonna stop...ON BOTH SIDES.

this is what race hate does to our kids. it attacks them without warning. it makes them develop a rough exterior and they lose their youthfulness as they combat the flow of racial insanity into their minds.

luckily, i taught my son not to be racist, and he has the wisdom that only some children in america possess at such an early age
Things change over time.
blacks hate America--undeniable
Obama =god damn America
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
hate whites
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
.....Obamas NEVER proud of America---THIS is the blacks for you!!!!!!!!!.....we help the world so much more--we are not perfect, but we help the world so much--and they were never proud of America---bastards
Michelle Obama Quotes
They still have the right to speak as they like-just as Trump does-which must bother Michelle no end.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
I'm independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happened to be a minority. I thing the GOP is a danger not only to minorities, peace, prosperity for all but it's destructive what america stands for. It's a light Nazi like party.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
I'm independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happened to be a minority. I thing the GOP is a danger not only to minorities, peace, prosperity for all but it's destructive what america stands for. It's a light Nazi like party.
I am an Independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happens to be a white. I think the new Democratic LEFT is a danger not only to minorities but to everybody and to peace and prosperity for all. They are destructive to what America stands for. Its like a light Communist party. Isn't it amazing how people can have similar views overall, but be so different in implementing those views.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
You'd had 8 years from 2008 -2017 to do these things but failed. Now it's Trump's turn.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
I'm independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happened to be a minority. I thing the GOP is a danger not only to minorities, peace, prosperity for all but it's destructive what america stands for. It's a light Nazi like party.
Please go back to your shithole.
Most Democrats are angry that no matter how many advantages they had over to minorities since the Nixon era, giving them control over their own schools, cities, quotas,and job preferences, they remain under-performers and many remain criminal street thugs. They know what the real problems are, they just want them ignored and want to promote violence and racism instead of fixing the real problems. See the glorification of rap and hip hop garbage, mass urban political corruption in black run cities, and the enthusiasm for hate crimes for just the tip of the iceberg. Blacks and latinos who follow the traditional Christian WASP culture and business practices and are positive and patriotic are doing just fine, which also angers the criminal left wing vermin and political gangsters no end. Many of them live out in the burbs and have no fondness or empathy for hood rat vermin.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
I'm independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happened to be a minority. I thing the GOP is a danger not only to minorities, peace, prosperity for all but it's destructive what america stands for. It's a light Nazi like party.
Please go back to your shithole.
Make me asshole.
Oh yes . Dems hate Americans so much . That’s why the fight for healthcare, fair wages , civil rights, elimination of gun violence, education etc... for all those Americans they hate.

What does the GOP fight for ?
GOP fights for whites, KKK, bullying, lowering wages, lowering taxes for the rich and corporations, getting help from Russia, alienating minorities, promoting racism.....!!!
Most importantly, stopping crazy Democrats.
I'm independent with both liberal and conservative values who also happened to be a minority. I thing the GOP is a danger not only to minorities, peace, prosperity for all but it's destructive what america stands for. It's a light Nazi like party.
Please go back to your shithole.
Make me asshole.
Don't whine. Just go back to your shithole.
blacks hate America--undeniable
Obama =god damn America
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
hate whites
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
.....Obamas NEVER proud of America---THIS is the blacks for you!!!!!!!!!.....we help the world so much more--we are not perfect, but we help the world so much--and they were never proud of America---bastards
Michelle Obama Quotes
They still have the right to speak as they like-just as Trump does-which must bother Michelle no end.
even racist remarks/cop hate?
no -when whites speak the truth/etc, they get punished
when blacks speak hate, the MSM says nothing/downplays it/turns it 180
do I even need to link this?

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