Democrats got us into this mess and Obama being one won't get us out of it

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.
W was a stupid piece of shit and along with the right wingers, taking the biggest surplus in US history, to the biggest deficit. It takes some real idiots to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.
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W was a stupid piece of shit and along with the right wingers, taking the biggest surplus in US history, to the biggest deficit. It takes some real idiots to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.

The so called surplus was a paper numbers gimmick. Debt is debt
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.
Democrats AND republicans got us into this mess.
And further more many of us were pleased as the house of cards was built up.
Homeowners were happy that their home value was increasing at an unbelievable rate.
Finiancial institutions were happy that they could sell junk mortgage packages for good money and have them rated AAA by S&P and Moodys.

And many/most of us kept re-electing those responsible for this mess.
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That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.


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That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

My post is the same shit everyone else drivels on about. Except it's pointed at your side. Want facts, look them up. I'm not your fucking Secretary
The roots of this problem started back under Reagan or slightly before.
Didn't the finiancial dereg start under Carter?
And every administration since has deregged it further.

When Reagan took office the debt was something like 600 billion.
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That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.




Haven't drank in several days. Got the damn flu from the rain and weather change. But thanks for your concern
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

Wrong again, Gramps.

Democrats controlled Congress for just 11 months before the December 2007 recession began.

It took years to get into this ‘mess,’ and it can’t be ‘fixed’ in just short of four.

One might make the argument that GWB wasn’t solely responsible, that the actions of previous administrations and Congresses contributed to the recession, but it’s a fact Obama and the democrats weren’t the cause of it.
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

Wrong again, Gramps.

Democrats controlled Congress for just 11 months before the December 2007 recession began.

It took years to get into this ‘mess,’ and it can’t be ‘fixed’ in just short of four.

One might make the argument that GWB wasn’t solely responsible, that the actions of previous administrations and Congresses contributed to the recession, but it’s a fact Obama and the democrats weren’t the cause of it.

Fair enough but one fact remains. Obama and company are incapable of fixing it.
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

There is little doubt that both Democrats and Republicans share the blame for the huge deficits and the mounting debt, but that is not what caused the economic problems we face today. Almost all of our problems stem from federal government interference in the economy.

Many liberal/socialists want to return to the tax structure of the nineties, just to punish those rich bastards that live well, while they struggle for a living. But, none of them would be willing to return to the regulatory structure that existed in the nineties. Back to the days that people could actually start new businesses without having to pay off or fight the regulators.

Gibson Guitar Company is a good example of what happens when you don't play the game. And, they are not alone. Thousands of Americans are finding out that federal regulators are a law unto themselves. And, the regulations just keep on coming. So many, that the federal government cannot even catalog them all, and every one contains stiff fines for failing to comply.

That is why businesses and people are reluctant to put their money into this economy. No one can even guess what is coming next.
The roots of this problem started back under Reagan or slightly before.
Didn't the finiancial dereg start under Carter?
And every administration since has deregged it further.

When Reagan took office the debt was something like 600 billion.

Bingo. This absolutely silly notion that this situation just happened recently, or that something this massive is "the fault" of one group of people, is absurd in the extreme. I have a difficult time believing that people actually buy this stuff. This has to just be partisan rhetoric, not serious.

That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

My post is the same shit everyone else drivels on about. Except it's pointed at your side. Want facts, look them up. I'm not your fucking Secretary

Gee, Grumps posting with a football buzz and being full of shit while he's at it. That only happens every Sunday.
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

My post is the same shit everyone else drivels on about. Except it's pointed at your side. Want facts, look them up. I'm not your fucking Secretary

Yea, your post is the same same shit everyone on the right drivels on about

So, we now know you have NOTHING, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

No facts from 'your side', so I will provide the facts...

Here is what we DO know:

1) The financial crisis was not caused by low and middle income families buying a home.

2) It was not caused by dead beat poor people.

3) Fannie and Freddie were not to cause.

4) The Community Investment Act was not the culprit either.

The crisis was caused by private lending, to mostly upper middle class and the wealthy. ONLY 6% of of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas. The majority of those foreclosed on were wealthy and upper middle class, plus a large segment of buyers who were wealthy home flippers looking for a fast buck. They strategically walked away from their mortgages, leaving people who bought homes to live in with lower values on their house and neighborhood.

AND, what really sucks for the right wing propaganda of lies, all the way back to the late '90's there was one very outspoken and vocal critic of predatory lending practices, they even held protests at companies like Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers...ACORN

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA - The Sequel

Reuters - UPDATE 2-Lending to poor didn't spur crisis

Don't Blame the Community Reinvestment Act

Business Insider - Here's Why Fannie And Freddie Are Not At Fault For The Housing Bubble

Center for Responsible Lending - CRA is not to Blame for the Mortgage Meltdown

Don't blame Fannie and Freddie

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis - ACORN - Progress in the Fight Against Predatory Lending

Acorn Led Financial Sector With Warnings on Lending

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

The Millionaire Foreclosure Club

Foreclosure double standard: Why the rich get away with defaulting

More Rich People Default On Mortgages

The rich bail faster on mortgages

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

Rich Borrowers More Likely to Default on Mortgage

Foreclosures & Walking Away: 60 Minutes Eyes an ‘Epidemic’

Speculation By Investors Largely Cause Of Foreclosure Crisis

How the Foreclosure Crisis Started: Investors, Speculators, Mortgage Fraud & Lax Lending Standards

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The roots of this problem started back under Reagan or slightly before.
Didn't the finiancial dereg start under Carter?
And every administration since has deregged it further.

When Reagan took office the debt was something like 600 billion.

Bingo. This absolutely silly notion that this situation just happened recently, or that something this massive is "the fault" of one group of people, is absurd in the extreme. I have a difficult time believing that people actually buy this stuff. This has to just be partisan rhetoric, not serious.



Which is why I don't buy what either candidate says they will do on the economy; Presidents are hostage to the House and the Senate and Houses and Senates of all stripes have been out to lunch fiscally.

Vote for the guy who shares your ideals and your ideas. Whether or not it's the Governor or the President. I support the President because of those ideas and ideals.

In the end, thats all that the President can really effect on his own.
List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

My post is the same shit everyone else drivels on about. Except it's pointed at your side. Want facts, look them up. I'm not your fucking Secretary

Gee, Grumps posting with a football buzz and being full of shit while he's at it. That only happens every Sunday.

Covered this already. I'm too sick to drink. Got the flu early this year. Sucks

Pub cronyism and corruption with Wall St and financial institutions did it again. Dems outlawed redlining and made it possible for worthy poor to get a mortgage- Pub crony regulators lookung the other way made it possible for ANYONE to get a mortgage, bundled pure junk as A+ assets, insured them, and sold them around the world. BRILLIANT!! F+F's share went from 75% to 25%. Pubs do it again, YOU pay.

Dems are getting us out of a 30 year PLUS Reaganist/Pub/voodoo mess- AND a DEPRESSION.Pub dupes!!
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

you're aware, are you not, that no bill ever came to the presidents' desk unless it could be passed with only GOP votes, right?

i guess not.

you've lost it gramps.
That's right. Dems controlled both houses and drove us straight into the ground. Bush was complicit as well but it was democratic policies and spending bills that got us here.

I will accept that Bush spent like a fool but I bet you all will excuse the democratic congress.

List the bills Democrats authored and Bush signed that drove us straight into the ground.

Otherwise, your post is sheer bullshit, whining and a childish temper tantrum.

My post is the same shit everyone else drivels on about. Except it's pointed at your side. Want facts, look them up. I'm not your fucking Secretary

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