Democrats Fret about Obama's Chances...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Wow. In the New York Times, no less!

Democrats are expressing growing alarm about President Obama’s re-election prospects and, in interviews, are openly acknowledging anxiety about the White House’s ability to strengthen the president’s standing over the next 14 months.

“In my district, the enthusiasm for him has mostly evaporated,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon. “There is tremendous discontent with his direction.”
This was entirely predictable.
He pissed off his Left wing base because while left wing rhetoric sounds good (especially if you're drunk) the realities of governing make their program impossible to implement.
He pissed off the conservatives because he tried to implement much of the left's agenda.
He pissed off independents because he's done the worst fucking job of any president in history. And that includes Warren Harding and Jimmy Carter.
they are pissed at him for caving into the right at every turn.

you just livein conland which is devoid of facts
they are pissed at him for caving into the right at every turn.

you just livein conland which is devoid of facts

yeah yeah yeah...that one gets me very all just keep living in that twilight zone and PRETEND them HISTORIC midterm NOVEMBER elections NEVER HAPPENED. the rest of us will sit back and laugh..:lol:
they are pissed at him for caving into the right at every turn.

you just livein conland which is devoid of facts

You believe that because that's what they tell you to believe. Your a lap dog, nothing more, doing and saying what they tell you to. It's almost as bad as la raza saying they ended their boycott of Arizona because it prevented other states from implementing immigration laws similar. Of course there is no way to prove different so that's the excuse they used, just like the excuse you are using right now, it's a fallicy designed to not make the messiah look bad.
You all should continue to PRETEND that these numbers AREN'T true..if it will help you..:lol:

PrintE-mailShare September 7, 2011
Obama Approval Sinks to New Lows Among Whites, Hispanics
Obama Approval Sinks to New Lows in August Among Whites, Hispanics

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sunday, September 11, 2011 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 21% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22 (see trends).
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Liberals-Democrats just CAN'T BELIEVE the American people would REJECT their Utopian-Socialist-Communist ideas.

The Obama's approvals are DOWN IN THE 40's, in LESS than three years..

But don't worry, I'm sure all them other people not in that 40% JUST don't KNOW what's GOOD FOR THEM:lol:
I'm hoping that a lot of Democrats along with Obama get voted out of office come the next elections. No need to fret. He's a one-term President and it's time for him to go. Past time, really. Worst President we have ever had.
they are pissed at him for caving into the right at every turn.

you just livein conland which is devoid of facts

You know, TM, if you exposed yourself to some news and commentary from other than Huff Po, MSNBC and PBS, you might recognize that people are in worst shape than they were when your messiah took office and in far worse shape than when Democrats took over Congress in 2007.
Honey, take Gypsy off the endless loop on your DVR. Your favorite part,
Honey, everything's coming up roses and daffodils!
Everything's coming up sunshine and Santa Claus!
Everything's gonna be bright lights and lollipops!
Everything's coming up roses for me and for you!

just ain't working out according to people who actually pay attention
I don't think Obama will beat whoever the Republican is at this point... Yes lots can change but Obama has a pretty bad record and has done a horrible job "leading."

I'm in Oregon and yes, most people I talk to did vote for Obama but now view him on the level of Bush. It's not a feeling of Obama just bing pushed around by Republicans as Obama tries to make it out to be, it's a feeling that Obama sold them and the country out and if anything has no clue how to fix things.
If Democrats keep on their heels..yep..they are going to lose. What's needed is to engage..and not compromise. That should be done..from here on to election day.

Republicans have gotten everything they wanted since 2010. Boehner said 98% but it was more.

Time to fight back.
Time to fight back.

tsk tsk, such VIOLENT rhetoric.:lol:
go ahead and FIGHT... I don't think THE PEOPLE are in the mood for you moon bats CRAP any longer. but oh well
If Democrats keep on their heels..yep..they are going to lose. What's needed is to engage..and not compromise. That should be done..from here on to election day.

Republicans have gotten everything they wanted since 2010. Boehner said 98% but it was more.

Time to fight back.

That's right, Keep Hope Alive. ;) You are starting to sound desperate.

Keep up the spirit.

If Democrats keep on their heels..yep..they are going to lose. What's needed is to engage..and not compromise. That should be done..from here on to election day.

Republicans have gotten everything they wanted since 2010. Boehner said 98% but it was more.

Time to fight back.

That's right, Keep Hope Alive. ;) You are starting to sound desperate.

Keep up the spirit.

Swallow is right! The Dems need to cut out all this compromise shit. I want to see them push legistlation to:
1) Repeal the Bush tax cuts. All of them.
2) Implement cap n tax on carbon emissions.
3) Card check for union organizing.
4) Single payer medical care
5) Immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan and Iraq
6) Civilian trials in NYC for all Gitmo detainees.

Push it through! Push it through! Harder! HARDER!
If Democrats keep on their heels..yep..they are going to lose. What's needed is to engage..and not compromise. That should be done..from here on to election day.

Republicans have gotten everything they wanted since 2010. Boehner said 98% but it was more.

Time to fight back.

That's right, Keep Hope Alive. ;) You are starting to sound desperate.

Keep up the spirit.

Swallow is right! The Dems need to cut out all this compromise shit. I want to see them push legistlation to:
1) Repeal the Bush tax cuts. All of them.
2) Implement cap n tax on carbon emissions.
3) Card check for union organizing.
4) Single payer medical care
5) Immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan and Iraq
6) Civilian trials in NYC for all Gitmo detainees.

Push it through! Push it through! Harder! HARDER!

Hehehe in your dreams. Those are on the agenda for the second term. That is why Sallow and TM and so many other liberals are so desperate to make Obama seem moderate at this point in time.

That's right, Keep Hope Alive. ;) You are starting to sound desperate.

Keep up the spirit.

Swallow is right! The Dems need to cut out all this compromise shit. I want to see them push legistlation to:
1) Repeal the Bush tax cuts. All of them.
2) Implement cap n tax on carbon emissions.
3) Card check for union organizing.
4) Single payer medical care
5) Immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan and Iraq
6) Civilian trials in NYC for all Gitmo detainees.

Push it through! Push it through! Harder! HARDER!

Hehehe in your dreams. Those are on the agenda for the second term. That is why Sallow and TM and so many other liberals are so desperate to make Obama seem moderate at this point in time.


Oops, I forgot a reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban. Only this time permanent.

They arent painting Obama as a moderate. They are painting him as someone who inherited problems beyond fixing. We need to vote for the guy who can't fix problems because someone else is to blame.
If Democrats keep on their heels..yep..they are going to lose. What's needed is to engage..and not compromise. That should be done..from here on to election day.

Republicans have gotten everything they wanted since 2010. Boehner said 98% but it was more.

Time to fight back.

Correct, Bonehard got 98% but Obma got 100% of what he wanted when he put his name on the budget.

Democrats need to fix something like they claimed they would, end of story. The games you want between Rep VS Dem Swallow is pretty childish.

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