Democrats Don't Support Impeachment - Pelosi Backs Down - No Vote



There's nothing lawless about it.

You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.
No one could have seen it coming.

Russia collusion conspiracy 2.0: Ukraine edition. Because the original was not crazy enough!
/——/ How about DemocRATs running with “Trump Turkey Cease Fire Conspiracy” for impeachment?
You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.
Can you take Putin's Cock out of your mouth long enough to stop True Americans from Stopping you from trying to overthrow our Democracy?

Where is That Mueller Report? Where is Mueller Your Messiah? I thought it was Mueller Time? I thought Mueller was gonna save you?


I thought before that it was Avenatti was gonna save you.

And of course, who can forget #MeToo wing bat psycho bitch who was gonna save you from Kavanugh.

Go get bent, and ride Putin's Magic Missile.
^^^ lawless rigging Dem's reveal their plans.


There's nothing lawless about it.

You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:
Rig the Scotus? Merrick Garland come to mind?

Both were confirmed by the senate. Your side is proposing to RIG the SCOTUS by expanding the court not for any logical reason other than RIGGING it in favor of Democrats.

Let me put it to you this way. Would you be in favor of President Trump expanding the court next week and choosing 2-4 additional justices? Your answer is no, you are not in favor of this until there's a Dem president and Dem majority in the Senate. Hence you want to RIG the SCOTUS.
No different than rigging it by actively preventing a president from nominating a candidate but you know that in your hypocritical little minds.

Great, then Trump should go ahead and expand the SCOTUS now and pack the court with more conservatives justices? I mean if this is what Dem's are planning to do why shouldn't he?
^^^ lawless rigging Dem's reveal their plans.


There's nothing lawless about it.

You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:
Rig the Scotus? Merrick Garland come to mind?

Both were confirmed by the senate. Your side is proposing to RIG the SCOTUS by expanding the court not for any logical reason other than RIGGING it in favor of Democrats.

Let me put it to you this way. Would you be in favor of President Trump expanding the court next week and choosing 2-4 additional justices? Your answer is no, you are not in favor of this until there's a Dem president and Dem majority in the Senate. Hence you want to RIG the SCOTUS.
Forgot to add that I am not in favor of expanding the Court anyway. It is big enough.

Unlike you guys I don't support rigging the courts.

Neither am I, but Dem's continue to threaten to do this.
You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

^^^ see just what I was saying. Since Dem's are threatening to do this Trump should expand the court and pack it with more conservative justices.
You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

They might. But that's the Democrat motto: If you can't win, cheat.
/——-/ Actually their motto is: Why bother winning when we can cheat.
^^^ lawless rigging Dem's reveal their plans.


There's nothing lawless about it.

You refuse to accept the will of the people and scheme to RIG the SCOTUS there's a shocker. :icon_rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

A few months? Biden said a few seasons.

All right wing dictators or autocrats?
We are taught, historically, that it was the people of Germany that put Hitler and people of Russia that put the Soviets and Stalin in power.


If you know your history. If you really study it, it was the banking cabal, and the corporations of the west that made sure they had power. WWII was the direct result of Western imperial policies.

The same is true now. None of these men would have any power were it not for the western corporations, the technology they have been given, and the power they have been given by international finance.

The same thing is going on.

Ostensibly, all of them outwardly oppose globalism, and they all give lip service to nationalism. They have all been "democratically elected" by their respective nations, and are thus, representative of their respective peoples.

Yet, we know that within the next 15 to 50 months, a recession/depression that may make the last one look like a cake walk, necessitating. . . unparalleled global cooperation. . . . from a cadre of uber nationalists?!

So what will it be? War or betrayal of the global will? :71: Either way, the folks that have planned this whole thing will win. And the little folks? They lose with either option.

I just don't think anyone on the world stage, from left or right, realize just how badly they are being manipulated.
He is a overall danger to our republic. And you have missed the consistent examples he shows of why. You claim everything that has been tried has not worked. You are wrong. Trump has obstructed justice by using the courts to litigate anything or any legal process against him because he knows courts do not work fast.

Is it legal what Trump did? Then it's not obstruction.

Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. The dictator thinks he is above the law so he obstructs the law. And that is what Trump is doing.

He's not obstructing anything. Your puppet masters made it all up. So if you think he did, write to Piglosi and tell her you demand an impeachment vote immediately!

And when you refuse and have others refuse subpoenas from the congress that's called an impeachable offense.

Trump is not responsible for what others do. And no, refusing congressional subpoenas is not an impeachable offense, it's called executive privilege.
OJ has nothing to do with this. Why is it that you white boys always feel the need to bring up OJ? Do you not know how many murders whites have gotten away with even as they confessed to the killings?

No, how many? In fact, show me one case where a white guy confessed to a killing that he actually did, and got away with it.

Hillary and Biden didn't commit any crimes or violated criminal statutes. And no matter how many motherfucking years you repeat what you have chosen to be true, it didn't happen.

We don't know that yet about Biden. That's what Trump and his team are looking into it.

As for Hillary, she destroyed evidence on several occasions. First with two government cell phones using a hammer, and the next having her hard drive erased THAT SHE WAS KEEPING CLASSIFIED MATERIAL ON bleach bitted after it was subpoenaed by the US Congress. And.........classified information was transferred from her computer to Ummmma's laptop, the same laptop her husband used to send dirty picture of himself to strange women all around the globe.

But no.....Hillary didn't do anything wrong or illegal.

rolling eyes.gif
What did Don do Bo?....specifically what laws has he broken?....don't let yourself be fooled...think for yourself....

Partisanshitheads, on "both" of your sides all sound alike to me. You people know, that's why all you can do is screech nonsense and point at each other so you don't have to confront the ubiquitous corruption that american society runs upon. It's just those "other" guys isn't it. You all deserve each other.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War
Their agenda should not be to restore the national security status quo but to overhaul it.
Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s “Deep State” War

Their job is to rein in the people and preserve the status quo of power and money. Have you ever seen such vitriolic, seething hatred? There is a reason for it. They feel power slipping away starting with the inability of the media to take Trump out in 2016.
And they know, even better than you, what awaits them if they fumble any more power away. They know because of how they themselves abused their power.

What do ;

President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
President Vladimir Putin
President Jair Bolsonaro
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

ALL have in common? And do you really think that is such an astounding coincidence? Seriously? :abgg2q.jpg:

I can't believe I am the only one that has noticed this.

All under attack by ruling globalist elites? All supported by their people and opposed by the press?
Reverse psychology - Wikipedia
Danger to the Republic... our Union... its alliances... its services... its diplomacy... its military positioning... its trustworthiness... etc.

So in other words, all you have are generic answers, and nothing specific. Gee what a surprise!

That doesn't jive with the >50% support for Impeachment in a variety of polls... including Faux News, of all sources.

We don't run our government based on polls, and polls are wrong all the time. So tell Nancy to step on it. We don't have all day.

True.That would, indeed, be a dictatorship. Good thing that the Democrats will be presenting a case to the House prior to a vote.

Sure they will. Let's see the case immediately.

Yep. However, one must have the balls to testify under oath before one can be flogged for perjury. Cadet Bone Spurs doesn't qualify.

WTF do bone spurs have to do with it? Bill though he was slick. He thought he outsmarted everybody.

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.
Can you take Putin's Cock out of your mouth long enough to stop True Americans from Stopping you from trying to overthrow our Democracy?

Where is That Mueller Report? Where is Mueller Your Messiah? I thought it was Mueller Time? I thought Mueller was gonna save you?


I thought before that it was Avenatti was gonna save you.

And of course, who can forget #MeToo wing bat psycho bitch who was gonna save you from Kavanugh.

Go get bent, and ride Putin's Magic Missile.
You just can't stop fantasizing about men having gay sex, can ya, Stumpy?

Your hypocrisy is noted and laughed at. Where was this concern of yours when Republicans denied the will of the people their right to have their duly elected president carry out his Constitutional privilege of appointing s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court during his final year in office?

LMAO Joe Biden invented the idea of delaying SCOTUS nominations until after the upcoming elections then you people bitch when we follow your lead. RIGGING the SCOTUS is entirely another matter. Its not our fault you idiots ran Hillary and lost. So you suffer the consequences. If you are committed to RIG the SCOTUS then Trump should go ahead and nominate another 10 SCOTUS justices now and confirm 10 hard core conservatives to the court. After all you are okay with RIGGING the SCOTUS right? Or are only Dem's allowed to RIG it. :eusa_hand:
Imecile, you didn't follow Biden's lead. You didn't support holding off on confirmation hearing for s few months until after the election.... you supported cancelling the president's Constitutional obligation of appointing a replacement for nearly the entire last year of his term. That denied the will of the voters, who you only care about now, for their choice of president to appoint a replacement for up to four years of his term, not three. And for no rational reason.

So now that the right has stopped to that level to stack that court, the left can too.

Fine we cheated Dems out of a SCOTUS nomination, sucks to be you. lol
And Democrats will at some point get the opportunity to repay the favor by adding seats to that bench. That's my point.

^^^ see just what I was saying. Since Dem's are threatening to do this Trump should expand the court and pack it with more conservative justices.
He can't with a Democrat-led House.

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