Democrats Continue to Panic: COVID-19 Facts vs. the Democrats' Panic Party


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases. New cases are rising because many states have reopened and because we are doing a lot more testing than we were in March, April, and May. As of yesterday afternoon, we've had 8.56 million cases and 224,710 deaths, which equals a death rate of just 2.62%, down from last week's rate of 2.67%. This means that, on average, the survival rate is 97.38%.

Let's look at California's COVID-19 stats from the CA health department's website. CA has a larger population (39.5 million) than that of many nations, including Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Greece. Among other things, we see that for ages 0-49, the death rate is either lower than the flu's death rate or the same.

Statewide Death Rate: 1.95% /// Statewide Survival Rate: 98.05%
(17,311 deaths/892,810 cases)

Ages 0-17
10.6% of the state's cases (94,637)
0.00% of the state's deaths (0)
0.00% death rate

Ages 18-49
59.8% of the state's cases (533,900)
7.1% of the state's deaths (1,229)
0.23% death rate/99.77% survival rate
(A 0.23% death rate is 4.2 times lower than 1%, the same as the flu. The flu's death rate varies between 0.15% and 0.25%, depending on the flu season in question. Five of the last nine flu seasons had a death rate of between 0.21% and 0.25%.)

Ages 50-64
18.9% of the state's cases (168,741)
19.1% of the state's deaths (3,306)
1.97% death rate/98.03% survival rate

Ages 65-100
10.6% of the state's cases (94,638)
73.8% of the state's deaths (12,775)
13.5% death rate/86.5% survival rate

These statistics are further proof that a blanket, one-size-fits-all approach to COVID-19 is needless overkill. They are also proof that the Democrats' constant emphasis on the number of cases is misleading. For ages 0-49, COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the flu. For ages 50-64, the survival rate is over 98%, hardly Black Plague territory. And even the most at-risk age group, 65+, has a survival rate of over 86%. Clearly, the elderly (along the medically ill) are the ones who should be targeted for preventive measures, not the whole population.

If you want to check these stats, here's the website:
(In the Infections By Group section, select Age as the filter.)
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases.

I'm sure your magic underwear is keeping you safe, Mormon Mike.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we just had a major lockdown where I am at because someone tested positive.

But you guys keep on with the Magical Thinking on Covid.
Biden is making a LOT of promises to the American People.

The PROBLEM is, for better worse, the country has to continue to open up, as ALL of Biden's promises are contingent on revenue from the Private Sector. And a new lock-down will create an economic down-turn with Probable SEVERE economic consequences.

This is what TRUMP, showing the Heroic leadership needed to make a painful decision said, “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF."
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases.

I'm sure your magic underwear is keeping you safe, Mormon Mike.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we just had a major lockdown where I am at because someone tested positive.

But you guys keep on with the Magical Thinking on Covid.

Unless you are an 85 year old with some health conditions, I wouldn’t be overly concerned.
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases.

I'm sure your magic underwear is keeping you safe, Mormon Mike.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we just had a major lockdown where I am at because someone tested positive.

But you guys keep on with the Magical Thinking on Covid.

I guess you could not process the point that the facts show that for people aged 0-49 COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the common flu, and that even for people aged 50-64 the survival rate is over 98%.

Why did your location impose a "major lockdown" just because someone tested positive? Why? Why the panic over a virus that has an average survival rate of over 97%? Why the panic over a virus that has a death rate that is lower than or the same as that of the common flu for people aged 0-49? WHY?

The only two groups that face a substantial risk from COVID-19 are the elderly and people with serious underlying health conditions.
Unless you are an 85 year old with some health conditions, I wouldn’t be overly concerned.

Except that some young people have died.

I'm less worried about dying, and more worried about having some lasting aftereffect insurance will call a "pre-Existing Condition", after Serena Joy gets to the Supreme Court and makes it okay for big insurance to cheat us again.

I guess you could not process the point that the facts show that for people aged 0-49 COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the common flu, and that even for people aged 50-64 the survival rate is over 98%.

As stated, I'm just as concerned about having a lasting side effect of the disease than dying from it.

Why did your location impose a "major lockdown" just because someone tested positive? Why? Why the panic over a virus that has an average survival rate of over 97%? Why the panic over a virus that has a death rate that is lower than or the same as that of the common flu for people aged 0-49? WHY?

Because this disease kills 3% of the people who get it. We have had 8.5 million cases of TRUMP PLAGUE, and 230,00 deaths. Now, yeah, I guess I can say, "Meh, I have a 97% chance of surviving, that's pretty good". But not so good if you are one of the 3%. And again- Pre-existing condition. 8.5 Million people will now have a black mark on their medical records for big insurance to screw them.

The only two groups that face a substantial risk from COVID-19 are the elderly and people with serious underlying health conditions.

Hey, Mormon Mike, you go with that, "Granny was gonna die anyway" platform. that's going to really win over the senior vote.

Except that some young people have died.

I'm less worried about dying, and more worried about having some lasting aftereffect insurance will call a "pre-Existing Condition", after Serena Joy gets to the Supreme Court and makes it okay for big insurance to cheat us again.

Yeah, some have died from bicycle accidents too. believe the “pre-existing” scare tactic from the left to try to get us to Socialized medicine(single-payer). Just another useful idiot you are.
Democrats can barely hide their glee that China hit us with Covid and Americans died. Just so they have something they cam blame on president Trump this election. Dems are disgusting pigs.
Yes, the Chinese Communist government has run into an IRON MOUNTAIN in TRUMP and would love to have him defeated by their ENTRAPPED ALLY, Joe Biden.

Joe has already signaled to China he will be subservient to them with this pledge:

Because this disease kills 3% of the people who get it. We have had 8.5 million cases of TRUMP PLAGUE, and 230,00 deaths. Now, yeah, I guess I can say, "Meh, I have a 97% chance of surviving, that's pretty good". But not so good if you are one of the 3%. And again- Pre-existing condition. 8.5 Million people will now have a black mark on their medical records for big insurance to screw them.
Except this is not true is it? At least not according to the CDC or WHO. A case fatality rate (CFR) is much different than the actual infection fatality rate (IFR). I'm sure you know this because you are so smart. :rolleyes:
The best estimate for actual infection fatality rates:

0-19 Years99.997%
20-49 Years99.98%
50-69 Years99.5%
*80+ not included
Data Source: CDC

Since you are such a smart guy, I don't have to tell you this means only 3 out of 100,000 cases would be fatal in children (much less than the IFR for the seasonal flu), & only 2 out of 10,000 cases for those less than 50 yrs old, 5 out of 1000 up to 70. But you go ahead, wear your face diaper & cower for a virus barely worse than a bad flu. :slap:
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases.

I'm sure your magic underwear is keeping you safe, Mormon Mike.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we just had a major lockdown where I am at because someone tested positive.

But you guys keep on with the Magical Thinking on Covid.
PLANdemic alert .
Democrats are all about the "science"
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases. New cases are rising because many states have reopened and because we are doing a lot more testing than we were in March, April, and May. As of yesterday afternoon, we've had 8.56 million cases and 224,710 deaths, which equals a death rate of just 2.62%, down from last week's rate of 2.67%. This means that, on average, the survival rate is 97.38%.

Let's look at California's COVID-19 stats from the CA health department's website. CA has a larger population (39.5 million) than that of many nations, including Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Greece. Among other things, we see that for ages 0-49, the death rate is either lower than the flu's death rate or the same.

Statewide Death Rate: 1.95% /// Statewide Survival Rate: 98.05%
(17,311 deaths/892,810 cases)

Ages 0-17
10.6% of the state's cases (94,637)
0.00% of the state's deaths (0)
0.00% death rate

Ages 18-49
59.8% of the state's cases (533,900)
7.1% of the state's deaths (1,229)
0.23% death rate/99.77% survival rate
(A 0.23% death rate is 4.2 times lower than 1%, the same as the flu. The flu's death rate varies between 0.15% and 0.25%, depending on the flu season in question. Five of the last nine flu seasons had a death rate of between 0.21% and 0.25%.)

Ages 50-64
18.9% of the state's cases (168,741)
19.1% of the state's deaths (3,306)
1.97% death rate/98.03% survival rate

Ages 65-100
10.6% of the state's cases (94,638)
73.8% of the state's deaths (12,775)
13.5% death rate/86.5% survival rate

These statistics are further proof that a blanket, one-size-fits-all approach to COVID-19 is needless overkill. They are also proof that the Democrats' constant emphasis on the number of cases is misleading. For ages 0-49, COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the flu. For ages 50-64, the survival rate is over 98%, hardly Black Plague territory. And even the most at-risk age group, 65+, has a survival rate of over 86%. Clearly, the elderly (along the medically ill) are the ones who should be targeted for preventive measures, not the whole population.

If you want to check these stats, here's the website:
(In the Infections By Group section, select Age as the filter.)
Woodward caught Trump on tape panicking over COVID-19.
Yeah, some have died from bicycle accidents too. believe the “pre-existing” scare tactic from the left to try to get us to Socialized medicine(single-payer). Just another useful idiot you are.

Again, I've had to fight with an insurance company to get them to pay for treatment my doctors said I needed.... so no need for scare tactics with me, buddy.

Except this is not true is it? At least not according to the CDC or WHO. A case fatality rate (CFR) is much different than the actual infection fatality rate (IFR). I'm sure you know this because you are so smart. :rolleyes:
The best estimate for actual infection fatality rates:

Again, tell it to the 230,000 dead, I'm not interested in hearing this shit...

Trump fucked this up.
Democrats are still in full panic mode over COVID-19, for no valid reason. The COVID-19 death rate continues to drop, even though we are seeing a big jump in the number of new cases.

I'm sure your magic underwear is keeping you safe, Mormon Mike.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we just had a major lockdown where I am at because someone tested positive.

But you guys keep on with the Magical Thinking on Covid.

Fucking pansies in charge where you live.

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