Democrats Caught Attempting to Meddle In / Manipulate Outcome of Another Election


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the House Minority Whip, was caught on tape trying to get a progressive candidate to bow out of a Democratic primary in Colorado. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he explained, preferred another candidate.

"You keep saying I would like you to get out of the race, and of course that's correct," Hoyer
told Levi Tillemann, a former Obama Energy Department employee."

As we saw with Hillary and the DNC denying the more-popular Bernie Sanders the DNC nomination in 2016, Democrats don't care who the PEOPLE want to run for election. It's all about who the DEMOCRATS / DNC want that matters.

More Meddling: Steny Hoyer Caught Encouraging Democrat to Leave Primary Race
This has been going on since the days of Washington and Jefferson.

Damn, you are getting desperate.

Oh, look here is the GOP calling on someone to drop out of the race...

Illinois attorney general candidate Erika Harold says DuPage GOP official used N-word, asked if she was a 'lesbo'

There's a big difference between calling on someone to drop out of a race based on 'ill-advised', 'offensive' speech / behavior and calling on a proven criminal / felon under multiple FBI investigations to get out....

Just saying...

And none of that takes away from the fact that Democrats have been caught again attempting to manipulate candidates and decide who will get the nomination before the contest to see who wins the nomination even begins..... I guess they did not learn their lesson when they tried to do / did that sh!t by f*ing Bernie, who was going to beat Hillary, and giving Hillary the un-earned nomination.
"Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the House Minority Whip, was caught on tape trying to get a progressive candidate to bow out of a Democratic primary in Colorado. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he explained, preferred another candidate.

"You keep saying I would like you to get out of the race, and of course that's correct," Hoyer
told Levi Tillemann, a former Obama Energy Department employee."

As we saw with Hillary and the DNC denying the more-popular Bernie Sanders the DNC nomination in 2016, Democrats don't care who the PEOPLE want to run for election. It's all about who the DEMOCRATS / DNC want that matters.

More Meddling: Steny Hoyer Caught Encouraging Democrat to Leave Primary Race
Yep Easy, thats the way Both groups work as I understand it. In some areas you can by pass the "Committee by using the petition with a numbers of Party name and voting registration. The Progressives tend to want to control if and when and what position you want to run for under their control. The people don't count. But then, of course this is the old fashion way. I think one of the rules is that you have put up money of a unknown amount to have this privilege and this is paid to the party that you run under. Only the rich can run, and I have never heard of a poor guy like Dick the Roofer every ran for office.
The Dictatorship of the proletariat must broadcast the party line to the kulaks and left deviationists, it's their job
Yep Easy, thats the way Both groups work as I understand it.

Nah, man. Completely wrong.

You are right how, in the past, the GOP would pick one of the Washington Establishment schmucks - a lib-in-GOP-clothing, make him the candidate, then tell Conservatives to suck it up and vote for them OR allow a Democrat to win the seat. That worked for a long time...until Trump came along. In 2016 the majority Conservative based told Washington Establishment pricks to F.O., rejecting their pick and going with their own. The GOP leadership, used to folding when pressured, caved - Trump won the nomination.

To the DNC's credit, they don't let ANYONE prevent them from f*ing people over and doing exactly what they want...even if they have to re-write the rules, stack the deck, rig Primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud, commit election crimes, break campaign finance laws, and even use the corrupt Presidential Cabinet and agencies to break laws, and do whatever it took to protect a proven felon and national security-endangering traitor who worked with foreign spies and Russians remain in the race because no matter what SHE is their pick and it's 'her turn'.
And none of that takes away from the fact that Democrats have been caught again attempting to manipulate candidates and decide who will get the nomination before the contest to see who wins the nomination even begins.....

They got caught doing one of their primary functions, a function that every party does. Maybe next you will be able to catch the fire department putting out a fire.
"Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the House Minority Whip, was caught on tape trying to get a progressive candidate to bow out of a Democratic primary in Colorado. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he explained, preferred another candidate.

"You keep saying I would like you to get out of the race, and of course that's correct," Hoyer
told Levi Tillemann, a former Obama Energy Department employee."

As we saw with Hillary and the DNC denying the more-popular Bernie Sanders the DNC nomination in 2016, Democrats don't care who the PEOPLE want to run for election. It's all about who the DEMOCRATS / DNC want that matters.

More Meddling: Steny Hoyer Caught Encouraging Democrat to Leave Primary Race
That would be illegal if they offered him something of value to drop out of the race.

For example, when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony.
when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony
...and that is why Hillary is sitting in prison this very momen...t.... Oh wait never mind
when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony
...and that is why Hillary is sitting in prison this very momen...t.... Oh wait never mind
Some people are so fucking stupid that they think all felons are convicted and go to prison.

Notwithstanding the ridiculous story Clinton invented in her vodka soaked mind regarding her brave mission dodging sniper fire in Bosnia in order to bolster her non-existent foreign policy credentials, in 2008 Obama sharply criticized Clinton for her complete lack of any foreign experience whatsoever.

Obama obviously traded the very lucrative Secretary of State position in exchange for Clinton dropping out of the race.
when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony
...and that is why Hillary is sitting in prison this very momen...t.... Oh wait never mind
Some people are so fucking stupid that they think all felons are convicted and go to prison.

That is because it is reality. If you have not been convicted then you are not a felon. Pretty simple concept. Too bad you are too stupid to grasp it

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when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony
...and that is why Hillary is sitting in prison this very momen...t.... Oh wait never mind
Some people are so fucking stupid that they think all felons are convicted and go to prison.

That is because it is reality. If you have not been convicted then you are not a felon. Pretty simple concept. Too bad you are too stupid to grasp it

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noun fel·on \ ˈfe-lən \
1: one who has committed a felony

Definition of FELON

You're a dumbass.
This has been going on since the days of Washington and Jefferson.

Damn, you are getting desperate.

Oh, look here is the GOP calling on someone to drop out of the race...

Illinois attorney general candidate Erika Harold says DuPage GOP official used N-word, asked if she was a 'lesbo'
Yep.... It goes on all the time.... And that makes it right..... Unless you're a Republican.

Right or wrong is in the eye of the beholder. Since I am not beholden to either party like most on here I can look at both parties and say it is part of the reason for their existence

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when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in exchange for the Secretary of State nomination, that was a felony
...and that is why Hillary is sitting in prison this very momen...t.... Oh wait never mind
Some people are so fucking stupid that they think all felons are convicted and go to prison.

That is because it is reality. If you have not been convicted then you are not a felon. Pretty simple concept. Too bad you are too stupid to grasp it

Sent from my iPhone using
noun fel·on \ ˈfe-lən \
1: one who has committed a felony

And until one has been convicted of a felony they did not commit a felony.

That is the way our legal system works

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