Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

More fake and political Benghazi-type "investigations." What are the crimes you're alleging these people committed?
1) Taking bribes from foreign adversaries
2) A VP knowing about the bribes going on in his family, and enabling it if not outright profiting from it
3) Lying about a virus to keep people in fear and enable massive mail-in ballots for cheating to oust Trump from office

Let’s investigate.
Democrats have done a fabulous job of shooting themselves in the foot on various issues over the years, but it's becoming more clear that they're now up against something far larger and profound as people head to the polls.

While they're advocating for this and that, and defending this and that, their political opponents are telling themselves and each other that they're saving America from The Devil, stopping a cabal of globalists who stole a presidential election, ushering in the second coming of Jesus, and protecting innocent children from Satanists who want to rape them and drink their blood.

And the Democrats think that discussing something as mundane as issues is going to work? Really?

What, exactly, is the plan to deal with this?

I recently watched a Frontline special on Mike Flynn. FRONTLINE | Michael Flynn's Holy War | Season 2022 | Episode 13 | PBS

The degree of religious zealotry associated with the Crazy he is spewing scares me to death. I saw footage of people in the crowd at a speech he gave swaying, closing their eyes, holding their hands together as if to pray, like they were attending a church service.
There is no reasoning with these people just as there is no reasoning with the zealotry of Trump's cult. Like the Blues Brothers, they think they are on a mission from god.
You want to talk about issues? The top issues are the economy, the 40-year high inflation, the coming winter where people won’t be able to afford to heat their houses, the falling stock market where retirees see their life savings evaporating, and the high crime because the same lowlife criminal thugs are put back on the street. These are the issues, and it is why the Democrats are getting voted out in 18 days.
Don't you just love capitalism?
Yes its the democrat Fascist POTUS who called Trump VOTERS a threat to our democracy

You are, you militant fascist.
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I recently watched a Frontline special on Mike Flynn. FRONTLINE | Michael Flynn's Holy War | Season 2022 | Episode 13 | PBS

The degree of religious zealotry associated with the Crazy he is spewing scares me to death. I saw footage of people in the crowd at a speech he gave swaying, closing their eyes, holding their hands together as if to pray, like they were attending a church service.
There is no reasoning with these people just as there is no reasoning with the zealotry of Trump's cult. Like the Blues Brothers, they think they are on a mission from god.
3) Lying about a virus to keep people in fear and enable massive mail-in ballots for cheating to oust Trump from office
There is no evidence of anything more than normal, anecdotal voter fraud. Nothing close to the scale required to alter the result of the election.
Democrats are spending millions of dollars on abortion rights ads while the American people are more concerned with inflation and an increase in violent crime.
You want to talk about issues? The top issues are the economy, the 40-year high inflation, the coming winter where people won’t be able to afford to heat their houses, the falling stock market where retirees see their life savings evaporating, and the high crime because the same lowlife criminal thugs are put back on the street. These are the issues, and it is why the Democrats are getting voted out in 18 days.

Karen558, Inflation is a global problem, and you guys don't have any answers... most sane people realize this.

You guys will do well because of Gerrymandering, not because you've changed any minds. but you'll do exactly what you did in 2010 and 1994, think a victory in a midterm is an endorsement of your crazy ideas.
Democrats are spending millions of dollars on abortion rights ads while the American people are more concerned with inflation and an increase in violent crime.

You mean the crime that shot through the roof when Trump was in charge?

People should be concerned about abortion... I really don't want the government regulating my sex life.
And there ya go.

Once again, the "defense" of murderers, rapists and terrorists: "You MADE me do this".

Mac, you're a fucking idiot. What can I say.

No one "makes us" defend ourselves against Stalinism.

We do it voluntarily.
Nice job of trying to equate one sides worst examples as the opinion of half the nation.
Meanwhile... average Democrats say some of the worst things also... and they are not the lefts worst examples.

Um, these aren't edge figures. Some of them are in Congress. Lara Logan was mysteriously considered a solid journalist before she got Groped in Egypt and became a nut.

MSNBC has not one, but two shows dedicated to promote racial hatred and racial division.
"The Reidout" and "The Cross Connection"
Unimaginable trash and hatred is said on these shows nightly. NIGHTLY.
Funny how you didn't show any of that content.

Can you give any examples other than your hurt white privilege that what they say on that show is out of line? I mean, far be it from me to endorse what Vichy Mac says, but the examples he gives are pretty crazy.

Where-in-the-world did you get the idea that Mac thinks that criticizing is uncalled for? Maybe I missed something.

Every time he gets on here and whines that both parties are just as bad, and Trump got elected because Democrats don't pander to his white male privilege.
After the 15th time I called him on it, the pussy put me on ignore.
1) Taking bribes from foreign adversaries
2) A VP knowing about the bribes going on in his family, and enabling it if not outright profiting from it
3) Lying about a virus to keep people in fear and enable massive mail-in ballots for cheating to oust Trump from office

Let’s investigate.

Um, yeah, that never goes well for you guys.

Now, if by some God awful curse, we end up with a Republican House, they COULD do the smart thing, actually address issues like the debt and the economy and infrastructure and other things they are supposed to do.

But, no, let's go ahead an investigate Hunter's supposed laptop that was passed through a dozen hands.
No, but I am someone who would be effected by government attempts to regulate my bodily autonomy. Because it won't stop at abortion.
So you are also against the sex mutilation of children that is supported by most democrats?

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