Democrats are not very civil


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Democrats lost big in 2010 on the state level, so now they are resorting to theatrics, temper tantrums, shouting and throwing things to obstruct Republicans during a PA State House Rules Committee. If they have legitimate concerns about the rules reforms sponsored by Republican members, they should argue the issue on the floor, not stage a phony protest and media event. One of the libs even tried to invoke the "Tea Party", saying they would side with the Dems against the "monarchical" Republicans. This is ridiculous; the Tea Party does not support this type of unruly behavior from our elected Representatives! It's one thing for supporters to rally outside the House and exercise their freedom to assemble, but for the elected officials to try ands disrupt the orderly process of governing this way is an embarrassment.


Anything about Tea Partiers expecting civility..given their rants at town halls and packing heat during political events comes off as hypocritical. And silly.

Anything about Tea Partiers expecting civility..given their rants at town halls and packing heat during political events comes off as hypocritical. And silly.

Tissue? I don't recall this happening while congress was in secssion. How will they get any work done?
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bigreb, the last time the Congress was in secssion was never. Your guys did the yelling, now the Dems are doing the same. Both are wrong when they do it. As three of our TP here found out in July 2009. They were warned ahead of time that yelling and screaming and shouting were evidences of public disturbance and would be treated as such. They did, it was, and they paid $225 each to get out of the custody of the LEO.

Please get over yourself.

Anything about Tea Partiers expecting civility..given their rants at town halls and packing heat during political events comes off as hypocritical. And silly.

Tissue? I don't recall this happening while congress was in secssion. How will they get any work done?
i think you mean "in session"
and jokey knew that, but he has to be an asshole
To understand liberals, you must understand the nature of the left wing. They believe in powerful government to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when a left wing ideology blossoms into a far left ideology:

Communist Russia, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, and of course, the National SOCIALIST Party of Germany.

To their extreme, the left is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total equality in all walks of life, which is the goal of modern liberalism. Total equality can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.
Horsecrap, bucs90. You have tried this nonsense repeatedly on the board. One, Nazi Germany was not leftist; that has been demonstrated over and over here. Two, you can't account for socialist successes like Sweden, Denmark, and other nations.

You can't even define "left" or "right" or "socialist" or "whatever" in historical and political terminology. You want to redefine it, then you always go hissy when you get caught out.
bigreb, the last time the Congress was in secssion was never. Your guys did the yelling, now the Dems are doing the same. Both are wrong when they do it. As three of our TP here found out in July 2009. They were warned ahead of time that yelling and screaming and shouting were evidences of public disturbance and would be treated as such. They did, it was, and they paid $225 each to get out of the custody of the LEO.

Please get over yourself.

bigreb, the last time the Congress was in secssion was never.

Really and what made them yell? could it have been some of the tatic the democrats used? The state legislators couldn't even get started because the democratswhined and acted like abunch of brats.

Both are wrong when they do it. As three of our TP here found out in July 2009. They were warned ahead of time that yelling and screaming and shouting were evidences of public disturbance and would be treated as such. They did, it was, and they paid $225 each to get out of the custody of the LEO.

OH so now your story is they were fined? last time you told it they were told not to raise their voice, and now they were fined.
To understand liberals, you must understand the nature of the left wing. They believe in powerful government to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when a left wing ideology blossoms into a far left ideology:

Communist Russia, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, and of course, the National SOCIALIST Party of Germany.

To their extreme, the left is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total equality in all walks of life, which is the goal of modern liberalism. Total equality can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.

To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.
Horsecrap, bucs90. You have tried this nonsense repeatedly on the board. One, Nazi Germany was not leftist; that has been demonstrated over and over here. Two, you can't account for socialist successes like Sweden, Denmark, and other nations.

You can't even define "left" or "right" or "socialist" or "whatever" in historical and political terminology. You want to redefine it, then you always go hissy when you get caught out.

Hitler was fond of studying eugenics ideals of Karl Marx and G. Bernard Shaw, both lefties, although he hated them for being Jewish. Also, his movement was strongly structured in an early green movement, yes, even before seeing Al Gores movie. His Hitler Youth were preached the greatness of environmentalism, green cleanliness, "purity". This was to brainwash the kids into environmental purity, which would lead to purity of humanity ideals. He also wanted to ban citizen's from owning weapons, and have a complete takeover of healthcare, education, transportation. Sound familiar? If thats not enough, we'll, they literally called themselves "Socialists". Kinda hard to deny.

I know you guys don't like it, but it's the truth.

And those Euro examples are fine and all, but key difference: Their people didn't resist the movement, plain and simple. Left wing ideology is quite peaceful if everyone wants to go along. When they do not, the left gets very militant. History shows this over and over. If the folks of Denmark had rebelled centuries or decades ago against left wing ideals, violence from the gov't would've followed in order to take control.
To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.

Hitler believed in and experimented with the occult and satanism.

You lefties fail so badly. You can't even rip conservatism well.

Ok. I'll do it for you. Conservatism, in full far right bloom, would lead to the complete absense or powerless government, right?

What places on Earth is the government totally powerless, or just pure absent? Where the most powerful private citizens rule? Lets see....Mexico, Yemen, Afghanistan, parts of Compton and Detroit? If you libs had any skill in debate at all, you'd see that the far right of smaller government results in lawlessness and chaos.

Damn. Come on guy, at least put up a fight.
Horsecrap, bucs90. You have tried this nonsense repeatedly on the board. One, Nazi Germany was not leftist; that has been demonstrated over and over here. Two, you can't account for socialist successes like Sweden, Denmark, and other nations.

You can't even define "left" or "right" or "socialist" or "whatever" in historical and political terminology. You want to redefine it, then you always go hissy when you get caught out.

I see the words of a liberal.
To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling

I guess you missed the 60's and controlling?id I just dream the last two years? Talk about controling the democrats wrote the book on controlling the people.

Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of.

You have just discrbed the political elite. Democrat and republican
To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.
um, WTF????
you clearly have no idea what most conservatives believe it for you to make such a stupid claim as that
To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.
um, WTF????
you clearly have no idea what most conservatives believe it for you to make such a stupid claim as that


read the bullshit before and attach your WTF then get some creds.
To understand Conservatives, you must understand the nature of the Right wing. They believe in a Nexus of a powerful one party government coupled with corporations and religion to force the people into the mold of society they feel is best. Take some examples of when right wing ideology blossoms into a far right ideology:

The many monarchies in Europe, Fascist Italy, Saudi Arabia, and of course, the NAZI Party of Germany. Hitler being one of the most religious conservative corporatists of all.

To their extreme, the right is extremely militant, brutal, controlling. They must be, as that is the only way to bring about total power to elites they believe get their power from a supreme being, which is the goal of modern Conservatism. Total supremacy of those they deem superior can't be achieved without overwhelming force or threat of. It's why drill instructors yell so much.
um, WTF????
you clearly have no idea what most conservatives believe it for you to make such a stupid claim as that


read the bullshit before and attach your WTF then get some creds.
i did read it
and my WTF stands

what he posted is totally fucking bullshit and if you actually believe that, you have no fucking clue either
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um, WTF????
you clearly have no idea what most conservatives believe it for you to make such a stupid claim as that


read the bullshit before and attach your WTF then get some creds.
i did read it
and my WTF stands

what he posted is totally fucking bullshit and if you actually believe that, you have no fucking clue either

and divecon shutteth down.

read the ridiculous post of bucs90 and compare it to the post of sallow.

you would find it very funny if it was reversed and posted by mad scientist.

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