Democrats Are Harvey Weinstein


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling
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All True... Great read... and thanks..

I'm thinkin karma has caught up with them and they're desperate, they're doomed in my opinion.

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Only on alternate Wednesday early mornings between 3:07 AM and 3:08 AM.

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.

Liberal men are known for emotional violet outbursts, little balls and very low testosterone levels, that's where the expression, "all talk, no action" came from. It's the reason liberal women are sooo frustrated and dare I say bitchy....

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This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.
I think you've missed the point.
Democrats as a whole are corrupt and when it comes to sex scandals, if you have a media providing cover for you the way Hollywood provided cover for Harvey Weinstein, less gets reported. Bill Clinton is a prime example of this. Nobody cared if he was a rapist or a sexual predator because the media constantly propped him up and made him out to be a hero. What Harvey Weinstein tells us about the liberal world | Thomas Frank

Every single Republican that doesn't play ball with the Democrats gets exposed by our corrupt media. This is why so many of them are siding with the Democrats against America behind the scenes.
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Mudwhistle, just as did the clowns etc in Shakespeare's plays, the comic relief here.

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.
I think you've missed the point.
Democrats as a whole are corrupt and when it comes to sex scandals, if you have a media providing cover for you the way Hollywood provided cover for Harvey Weinstein, less gets reported. Bill Clinton is a prime example of this. Nobody cared if he was a rapist or a sexual predator because the media constantly propped him up and made him out to be a hero. What Harvey Weinstein tells us about the liberal world | Thomas Frank

Every single Republican that doesn't play ball with the Democrats gets exposed by our corrupt media. This is why so many of them are siding with the Democrats against America behind the scenes.

Oh, right. it's the media again.... Like there's not Fox News out there reporting from the right wing side of things.

No, you're right, I don't get that point.

The problem here is that you have people who want to prevent gay people getting married because it supposedly says so in the Bible, and yet when adultery and the like get in the Bible too, they go and elect an adulterer as president. Contradiction city!

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.
I think you've missed the point.
Democrats as a whole are corrupt and when it comes to sex scandals, if you have a media providing cover for you the way Hollywood provided cover for Harvey Weinstein, less gets reported. Bill Clinton is a prime example of this. Nobody cared if he was a rapist or a sexual predator because the media constantly propped him up and made him out to be a hero. What Harvey Weinstein tells us about the liberal world | Thomas Frank

Every single Republican that doesn't play ball with the Democrats gets exposed by our corrupt media. This is why so many of them are siding with the Democrats against America behind the scenes.

Oh, right. it's the media again.... Like there's not Fox News out there reporting from the right wing side of things.

No, you're right, I don't get that point.

The problem here is that you have people who want to prevent gay people getting married because it supposedly says so in the Bible, and yet when adultery and the like get in the Bible too, they go and elect an adulterer as president. Contradiction city!
I remember Hillary being opposed to same-sex marriage at one time.
Now she's out of the closet and going full lesbo.
And because of that her husband is dropping trow every time a woman tickles his fancy.
So stop with the hypocrisy and spare me the moral relativism.

This is the Democratic Party. Filled with bullies, perverts, and sexual predators. Liars, deplorables, and everything Hillary called Trump supporters. They treat everyone around them like shit and give each other awards for being assholes. This is why Maxine Waters would get an award. That crazy woman who called for Trump's impeachment before he even took office. How strange. Someone who is considered one of the most corrupt members of congress calling for the impeachment of the president. Scandal-Plagued Maxine Waters Top Dem on Banking Committee - Judicial Watch


Notice how so many in Hollywood have come out and said they knew about Harvey Weinstein only after he was exposed as a serial rapist, a bully, and a despicable human-being. They all knew what he was, but he was the bully with the power in Hollywood, and all of these chickens wanted to be rich and famous. Harvey had the power to make them so, so they looked the other way and let it go on for decades.

Democrats have been a stain on American History. Apparently almost everything bad that ever happens is because of them. Imagine how much better life would be in this country if there wasn't any liberals making sure that perverts can assault ten year old girls in public restrooms, or making sure that millions of refugees become a plague invading Europe. I really think they should consider themselves lucky that we aren't as deplorable as they are, because if we were, they would be in serious peril. That's the way it is in China and other authoritarian governments. They just throw these miscreants into prison. Here, we have to put up with their BS 24/7.

Democrats can't solve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. They are in their element when they are taking advantage of a problem they themselves caused. They're trying to blast all over the news that Trump's first budget is higher than the Obama's last budget. I remember when Obama's first budget was $1.3 trillion. Nope. They said that first budget was Bush's budget. Now that Trump is president, this budget is all his, even though Congress controls the national purse strings.


The Democratic Party is the party of envy, hate, and division. They love supporting candidates that side with our enemies and disparage America while overseas. They support traitors and rabble-rousers. People vote for folks that most closely resemble themselves and Democrats vote for liars and traitors.


History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Blog: Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantling

Politicians are often motivated by sex. Sex is a power influence on our society. The film industry is another example, people can get immense power, and power attracts women.

To say it's the Democrats is ridiculous.

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Since 2010 you've had three Democrats and seven Republicans involved in sex scandals somehow and were federal politicians.

In the previous decade there were three Democrats and 12 Republicans.
I think you've missed the point.
Democrats as a whole are corrupt and when it comes to sex scandals, if you have a media providing cover for you the way Hollywood provided cover for Harvey Weinstein, less gets reported. Bill Clinton is a prime example of this. Nobody cared if he was a rapist or a sexual predator because the media constantly propped him up and made him out to be a hero. What Harvey Weinstein tells us about the liberal world | Thomas Frank

Every single Republican that doesn't play ball with the Democrats gets exposed by our corrupt media. This is why so many of them are siding with the Democrats against America behind the scenes.

Oh, right. it's the media again.... Like there's not Fox News out there reporting from the right wing side of things.

No, you're right, I don't get that point.

The problem here is that you have people who want to prevent gay people getting married because it supposedly says so in the Bible, and yet when adultery and the like get in the Bible too, they go and elect an adulterer as president. Contradiction city!
I remember Hillary being opposed to same-sex marriage at one time.
Now she's out of the closet and going full lesbo.
And because of that her husband is dropping trow every time a woman tickles his fancy.
So stop with the hypocrisy and spare me the moral relativism.

You're using Hillary as an example. Why?

She'd say a lot to get elected, I was almost going to say anything, but then I remember that Trump is the guy who'd literally say anything, Hillary wouldn't go that far, but she'd take on a lot of different positions.

As for how you think Hillary changing her mind on something makes ME hypocritical, I don't know.
Democrats are all that and more. Based on their treacherous, sadistic, clinically psychotic, mindless animal behavior just in the past couple of years, that party is pure human evil.....absolutely PURE!

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